Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1335 Prefectural Legion

"Today, Xuanhuang and the reserves are all on board, but not even one percent of our soldiers dispatched as a whole have arrived, you know?" Zhao Yang looked at the young man and said, "Besides, no matter whether it is a forbidden weapon or a warship, Or array scrolls, etc., you are useless."

After a pause, Zhao Yang continued, "Didn't you notice that the appearance of star beasts is also regular? There is one from the ninth level of the Emperor Realm, three from the eighth level of the Emperor's Realm, and nine from the seventh level. They abide by this law, so what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that Yanhuangzong will not have strong people, or that Yanhuangzong will not have resources."

At this time, many emperors looked at Zhao Yang.

"Let's put it this way, even if Yanhuangzong consumes energy for thousands of years." Zhao Yang's voice resounded in the audience, "Besides, Xuandu can descend, so why can't I descend in the future?"

Zhao Yang's words greatly encouraged these guys.

"Also, do you doubt the strength of Yanhuangzong?" Zhao Yang waved his hand at this point, "The No. 30 army of the prefecture-level army is dispatched."

Following Zhao Yang's words, a group of well-trained soldiers appeared in front of everyone.

This army is the elite army of Yanhuangzong.

Of course, there is still some distance from the Heavenly Legion.

"I give you three hours to clear all the star beasts around Yanhuangzong." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Obey." Legion Commander Zhang Bohan said solemnly.

Immediately, he raised his battle sword, pointed at the densely packed star beasts, and said, "Kill."


One hundred thousand forbidden objects exploded along a parabola among the star beasts, and those star beasts were directly blown into a daze.

Then came the second wave, and then the third wave.

After three waves, the formation of the star beasts was completely disrupted, and then Zhang Bohan led the army into the battle group.

Like wolves and tigers, they killed countless star beasts in an instant.

The star beast was as weak as an ant in front of them.

"Is this the strength of the prefecture-level legion?"

"The weakest of the prefecture-level legions seems to be the quasi-emperor."


"Couldn't the weakest of the legendary Heavenly Legion be the Emperor?"

"Three million emperors? Are you kidding me?"

From this, it can be seen that Yanhuangzong's secrecy measures are much better, because even many monks of Yanhuangzong don't know the configuration of the sky-level legion and the ground-level legion?

"The weakest of the prefecture-level legions is the second level of quasi-emperor realm." Lin Caihan said softly standing beside Zhao Yang, "and if the prefecture-level legions are given more time, then the weakest will reach the fourth level of quasi-emperor realm."

"Where's the Heavenly Legion?"

"The weakest is the second heaven of the Emperor Realm."

Zhao Yang couldn't help feeling emotional.

The development of Yanhuangzong in these years has been too rapid.

"The reason why Yanhuangzong has such achievements is mainly because the three major formations have been operating 24 hours a day, and we don't lack resources." Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Our investment is increasing every year."

Yan Huangzong has too many resources.

However, the top officials of Yanhuangzong didn't care.

Now it seems that the effect is also obvious.

At this time, there were more than tens of millions of star beasts hovering around Yanhuangzong, but this million-level prefecture-level army slaughtered these tens of millions of monks within an hour.

All of a sudden, whether it was the spies hiding in the dark, the strong men who were secretly watching the Yanhuangzong, or the human monks in the affiliated cities, they were all frightened.

Even many monks of Yanhuangzong were stunned.

Did they know how powerful Yanhuangzong was?

"When did the Yanhuangzong cultivate such a powerful army?"

"The weakest existence is the second level of quasi-emperor realm."

"How much resources will be consumed to train such a soldier."

Qin family.

The senior officials of the Qin clan are also paying attention to this scene.

"This army of Yanhuangzong is too strong."

"Our Praetorians don't seem to be able to compare."

"There are some gaps in both equipment and combat effectiveness."

"Only the top few guards may be able to wrestle with it."

"Yanhuangzong hides too deeply."

"The Yanhuangzong has a great god like Zhao Yang. I don't think it is an exaggeration to have such a powerful army."

During the high-level discussion of the Qin clan, Qin Ri was silent for a while before he said, "Father, our Qin clan is now burdened by so many people, and now it is almost unbearable."

"What do you want to say?" Qin Zu glanced at Qin Ri.

"Yanhuangzong is also the top force of the human race. I think it may be possible for Yanhuangzong to share one or two."

"No, Yanhuangzong has paid so much for the human race."

"But the result of us continuing to bear the burden is the collapse of the entire system, and more people will die by then." Qin Ri said seriously.

"Yeah, father, I think what my elder brother said is quite right. In addition, the Yanhuang Sect has already taken in one billion human races, and there are more than two billion human races in the affiliated cities it built." Qin He said softly, "Why don't I tell you? , if Yan Huangzong disagrees, then we have to bear it even if we die."

Qin Zu fell silent.

Qin Lie thought for a while and said, "Old Ancestor, I think what the two Ancestors said is quite right, why don't I say it."

"Qin Lie, your cultivation level is not enough, I will send you off." An old brother of Qin Zu said.

Qin Zu was startled.

"Brother, you can't be stubborn anymore, the Qin clan really can't take it anymore." The old brother said.

The rest of the old brothers are also persuading.

Qin Zu pondered for a moment, looked at Qin Lie and said, "Don't go, let Qin Lu go."


"Do you think you are good at talking?" Qin Zu snorted coldly.

Qin Lie had a look of embarrassment.

Soon Qin Lu came to Yanhuangzong accompanied by that strong man.

"Qin Lu." Lin Caihan greeted warmly.

After exchanging pleasantries with Lin Caihan for a while, Qin Lu carefully raised the current dilemma that the Qin family is facing.

Lin Caihan immediately understood Qin Lu's intentions.

"In this way, Yanhuangzong will receive 100 billion first, what do you think?"

"100 billion?" Qin Lu was shocked.

She didn't expect Yanhuangzong to be so powerful that they were willing to accept 100 billion monks.

"Yes, 100 billion." Lin Caihan nodded and said, "However, you don't have to worry about how the Yan Huangzong arranges the 100 billion."

"May I ask how you will arrange it?" Qin Lu asked after hesitating for a while.

"First, Yanhuangzong will test them, and those who pass the test of character will be sent to Yanhuangzong's ancestral court as soon as possible. Some of them will be included in the reserve of Yanhuangzong, and some will be responsible for logistics and so on."

"Who's character is not good enough?" Qin Lu continued to ask.

"We will arrange them to fight according to the situation." Lin Caihan said indifferently, "Those who have made meritorious deeds and whose character is slightly unqualified will still be assigned to Yanhuangzong. Otherwise, continue to fight."

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