Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1232 Zhao Yang Awakens

But Mu Yi didn't get rid of Lin Caihan's momentum immediately.

Seeing Mu Yi struggling constantly, all the monks present were shocked.

You must know that Mu Yi has always pushed sideways along the way, even the strongest young generation can't get close to him.

But what's the situation now?

"The peak of the imperial realm."

"Lin Caihan definitely has the potential to be at the peak of the Emperor Realm."

"Do you think it's enough for Lin Caihan to only have the potential of the peak of the emperor's realm? The magical powers she uses now are definitely at the level of the peak of the emperor's realm."

"Who would have thought that besides Zhao Yang, Yan Huangzong's wife, Lin Caihan, also exists at this level."

"Yanhuangzong is destined to become an earth-shattering force in the future?"

"It's too early to say that now."


"Yanhuangzong exposed it too early. You said that Zhao Yang was exposed before, so it wouldn't make the Tiantian clan jealous, but now there is another Lin Caihan in the Yanhuangzong. Do you think the Tiantian clan can not ask?"

"If the Celestial Clan were to ask, do you think Qin Zu might not ask?"

"Will Qin Zu allow Yanhuangzong to continue to expand?"

"What do you mean?"

"There will be fights within each ethnic group, okay?"

"There are three planets in the Emperor Realm in Tianwaitian, but it doesn't mean that there are only three peaks in the Emperor Realm."

"Yanhuangzong is too showy this time."

At this time, there are quite a few strong people who come to observe, besides the younger generation, there are also many emperors and kings.

From their point of view, this is the collision of two peak young kings, but the protagonist of Yanhuangzong has changed from Zhao Yang to Lin Caihan.

The two sides are still confronting each other.

Mu Yi desperately wants to get rid of the imprisonment, and Lin Caihan keeps imprisoning Mu Yi.

The two of them were at each other's throats.

After about half a quarter of an hour passed, Mu Yi sighed lightly and said, "At first I wanted to hide some strength, but now it seems that it is unnecessary."

After the words fell, Mu Yi's aura suddenly rose sharply, and Lin Caihan suddenly felt that the other party seemed to be a wild horse that had run loose.

"You surprised me, but that's the end of it." Having said that, Mu Yi took a step towards Lin Caihan.

This step made Lin Caihan's heart sway, she felt as if something bad had happened.

And when Mu Yi took the second step towards her, the blood in Lin Caihan's body was about to freeze.

"Not good." After Lin Caihan realized this, a vortex appeared in his palm, and when this vortex was formed, a vortex also appeared around Mu Yi.

Mu Yi looked at Lin Caihan suspiciously.

"Supreme Qingming, I am the master of ups and downs." Lin Caihan's voice fell into the vortex, and a strong tearing force erupted instantly.

Mu Yi also felt this tearing feeling, and even the essence and blood in his body were about to move.

And as time goes by, this feeling of tearing continues to increase.

"I don't believe I can't help you." Mu Yi took the third step with difficulty.

The moment Muyi took the third step, Lin Caihan only felt a stick hit her head severely.

She was a little dizzy, and her body was shaking.

"Caihan." Mingyue exclaimed.

Lin Caihan made up her mind, she desperately turned her fate into the Supreme Qingmingjue.

She wanted to defeat Mu Yi in the shortest possible time, and she absolutely couldn't let Mu Yi take the fourth step.

Mu Yi struggled to lift his foot, but it was difficult to step on it.


The blood vessels in Mu Yi's body exploded, blood poured out desperately, it was as if it had been squeezed out, not to mention how miserable it looked.

"Master Muyi is going to lose?"

"Lin Caihan can't hold on for long."

"As long as Mu Yi steps forward, Lin Caihan will definitely lose."

At this moment, the supreme Qingming Jue has been operated to the extreme, but the dizziness from the brain is constantly intensifying, and gradually Lin Caihan's consciousness is almost blurred.

"Am I going to lose?" Lin Caihan murmured.

At this moment, Zhao Yang, who was sleeping, seemed to sense something.

He opened his eyes.

His eyes glowed with nine-color luster.

Mysterious and deep.

Many spaces were shattered in an instant, and Zhao Yang saw what happened outside.


Zhao Yang appeared next to Lin Caihan in an instant, his big hands were placed on Lin Caihan's waist, and the qi of alchemy flooded into her body like a tide.

The feeling of dizziness in Lin Caihan's mind disappeared instantly.

"Are you awake?" Lin Caihan asked in surprise.

But then Lin Caihan realized that she had forgotten something, because when she saw Zhao Yang, she didn't continue to push the Supreme Qingming Jue.

However, Mu Yi, who was not restricted by the Supreme Qing Ming Jue, stepped on that step, and an indescribably terrible crisis fell on Lin Caihan.

It seems weird, it seems unknown.

Lin Caihan's complexion suddenly turned gray, and her appearance aged more than ten years in an instant.

"Get lost." Zhao Yang shouted loudly.

His voice was like thunder from the sky, pouring into Mu Yi's sea of ​​consciousness in an instant.

He spat out blood with a wow, and his body was even more crumbling.

Zhao Yang was not in the mood to control things at this time, the power of pure yang poured into Lin Caihan's body in an instant, that strange energy was instantly eliminated, and Lin Caihan's appearance quickly recovered.

"It's dangerous." Lin Caihan said with lingering fear.

"You stand aside and leave the rest to me." Zhao Yang said softly.

"I could have defeated him, but I don't know why his strength soared later." Lin Caihan said with a frown.

"Do you feel something abnormal?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"Yes." Lin Caihan nodded, "He looks gentle and elegant, but in fact he is very proud. When he fought Qin Xuan before, he deliberately did not use hands to humiliate Qin Xuan. Therefore, I conclude that he is not Will have reservations in that situation."

Lin Caihan expressed her own analysis.

Lin Caihan's words also caused many monks to ponder.


How could it be possible for Mu Yi to fight until then and still hide his cultivation?

What good does this do for him?

"In fact, the reason is very simple." Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said lightly, "He is indeed not your opponent, and the reason why he broke out with stronger strength at that time is because he Received the gift of heaven."

"A gift from heaven?" Lin Caihan was startled.

"The Seal of God." Zhao Yang took out a token, on which the three big characters of the Seal of God were clearly written.

"The Seal of God?" Lin Caihan suddenly remembered, "I remember you said that the Seal of God has three functions. The first function is that after getting the Seal of God, you will get a heaven-defying good fortune; the second function is that the Seal of God can bless yourself Combat power, let yourself achieve an invincible posture in a certain field; third, the seal of God can protect yourself from being killed by the strong."

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