Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1231 Lin Caihan makes a move


Seeing this scene, the disciples of Qin Gong felt uncomfortable.

But they can't say anything.

Mu Yi defeated Qin Xuan openly, and Mu Yi's strength was also recognized by them.

One word.


Two words.

Very strong!

As soon as Mu Yi moved his mind, he removed the body protection light, "Qin Xuan, compared to monks of the same level, you are already pretty good."

"Not bad?" Qin Xuan felt a little aggrieved, "Is it just not bad?"

If the older generation of strong people commented like this, Qin Xuan wouldn't be so uncomfortable?

The problem is that Mu Yi is also from the younger generation.

"Senior Qin Lie, it's time for me to go to Yanhuangzong."

"No more." Qin Lie said flatly.

Qin Lie also felt uncomfortable.


By humiliating Qin Xuan like this, are you slapping him in the face?

Seeing Mu Yi and his party marching in the direction of Yanhuangzong, Qin Lu said worriedly, "I don't know if Zhao Yang can stop it?"

"Zhao Yang doesn't seem to be in Yanhuangzong." Qin Xuan came to Qin Lu and said in a low voice.

"What?" Qin Lie's expression changed.

"I have been to Yanhuangzong three times, but I have never seen Zhao Yang." Qin Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Did Yanhuangzong tell you what Zhao Yang did?" Qin Lie asked solemnly.


Qin Lie groaned for a moment and tore apart the space with a wave of his hand. He brought Qin Lu and Qin Xuan to Yanhuangzong.

As soon as Qin Lie arrived at Yanhuangzong, he was discovered by patrolling soldiers.

"I have seen Sect Master Qin." The soldiers of the Yanhuang Sect hurriedly saluted Qin Lie.

"Where's your suzerain?" Qin Lie asked.

"The suzerain is not here."

"Not here?" Qin Lie's heart sank, "Take me to see your deputy suzerain."

Almost all the senior officials of the Yanhuang Sect in the meeting hall had arrived, and everyone obviously knew the news that Mu Yi was going to challenge today.

After Qin Lie arrived, everyone saluted Qin Lie one after another.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Qin Lie looked at Lin Caihan and asked, "Where's Zhao Yang?"

"still sleeping."

"Sleep?" Qin Lie felt confused.

What time is this, still sleeping?

"He's been asleep for almost a year."

"What?" Qin Lie's expression changed involuntarily.

If Lin Caihan's first sentence made Qin Lie feel that Zhao Yang was messing around, but Lin Caihan's second sentence made Qin Lie realize the seriousness of the matter.

"What happened?" Qin Lie said in a deep voice.

"He went to a place, came back and told me that his spirit was about to collapse, and he fell asleep after a quick confession." When Lin Caihan said this, there was a look of pity in her eyes.

Qin Lie's pupils shrank.

A genius like Zhao Yang, whose will is not to mention rock-solid, how could it reach the point of collapse?

"How long will he be asleep?"

"I don't know."

"Can I go and see him?"

Lin Caihan shook her head, "Before he fell asleep, he specifically confessed that no one should disturb him."

In fact, Lin Caihan was not at ease when he said that.

"What should Mu Yi come to challenge today?" Qin Lie also realized that he was a bit reckless, how could Lin Caihan let him approach casually?

"I fight."

"Do you know that Mu Yi's potential is at the peak of the Emperor Realm?" Qin Lie felt that Lin Caihan was messing around.

"My potential is also at the peak of the Emperor Realm." What Qin Lie, Qin Lu, and Qin Xuan didn't expect was that Lin Caihan said these words.

"Are you also at the peak of Emperor Realm?" Qin Lu seemed to be meeting Lin Caihan for the first time.


"Are you sure?" It took Qin Lie a while to digest the news.

"I don't know." Lin Caihan said softly, "But I will know soon." Speaking of this, Lin Caihan raised her eyes and looked into the distance.

At the same time, Muyi's voice sounded above Yanhuangzong.

"Splitting Sky Clan, Mu Yi, come to Yanhuangzong to challenge."

Lin Caihan stood up and said with a smile, "It's time for us to go out."

"We'll just observe it in the formation." Qin Lie said softly.

Qin Lie, Qin Lu, and Qin Xuan were not fit to appear outside the formation with great fanfare.

When Lin Caihan led the senior officials of the Yanhuang Sect to the gate of the mountain, Mu Yi looked at Lin Caihan in surprise and asked, "Where is the suzerain of the Yanhuang Sect?"

He had seen the portrait of Zhao Yang.

"The suzerain has something to go out."

"Going out?" The young patriarch of the Japanese clan snorted coldly, "The news that my son came to challenge Yanhuangzong was released half a month ago. What does Zhao Yang mean? Is it to avoid fighting or not to respect?" My son?"

"Are you the young patriarch of the Japanese tribe?" Lin Caihan looked at the young patriarch of the Japanese tribe.


"Then when did you become Muyi's dog?"

The young patriarch of the Japanese tribe was immediately irritated. He pointed at Lin Caihan and shouted angrily, "What did you say?"


A terrifying gaze fell on the young patriarch of the Japanese clan like a mountain, and he spurted a mouthful of blood on the spot with a wow.

"Dare to disrespect my deputy suzerain of Yanhuang Sect, who gave you the courage?" The third princess sternly reprimanded with a cold light in her eyes.

"Wo Nu is my follower, if you attack Wo Nu, don't you think I'm not in your eyes?" Mu Yi said with a sullen face.

In fact, Mu Yi also dislikes Wo Nu's behavior. The problem is that Wo Nu is a good guy, and he knows how to do things. Where can you find such an obedient dog?

"It's just a dog, why should Mr. Muyi care?" Lin Caihan said lightly at this time.

"I need to correct you, Wo Nu is my follower." Mu Yi said sternly.

Even though it thought so in its heart, it absolutely couldn't say it out loud.

"Mr. Muyi is here today to flirt or to challenge?" Lin Caihan said forcefully.

"Your suzerain is not here, how can you fight?" Mu Yi said angrily.

"I'll fight with you." Lin Caihan said lightly.

"You...?" Mu Yi looked Lin Caihan up and down, "I'm not interested in you."

"Really?" When Lin Caihan's words fell, she squeezed her hand seal, and at the next moment, hundreds of millions of golden lights bloomed from Lin Caihan's body. It is easy to crush the wood.

This force is more terrifying than the power of heaven and earth, this force is more terrifying than the power of heaven, this force is more domineering than the calamity of heaven.

Mu Yi felt that he was being suppressed in all directions.

This suppression imprisoned its body, its soul, and even its everything.

"How is it possible?" Mu Yi exclaimed.

How could Lin Caihan be so powerful?

Could it be that Lin Caihan is also at the peak of the Emperor Realm?


Only Lin Caihan is an existence of this level, can it be imprisoned.

"I have to say that you have brought me some surprises, but it's a dream that you want to imprison me just like that." After the words fell, Mu Yi's whole body burst into blue light.

The attributes of the blue light are very domineering and ferocious.

Each one is extremely powerful.

When thousands of blue rays of light bloomed at the same time, the void shook endlessly.

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