Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1215 Had to Compromise

Hearing this, Zhao Yang fell into deep thought.

"Don't act rashly." Lin Caihan said via voice transmission at this time, "The ancestor of the Skyhawk Clan will die sooner or later. Since that old guy begged for mercy, it's better to go along with the flow and give him face."

"Are you okay?" Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and asked.

"I've almost adjusted my breath now." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice, "There is no need to waste that hole card because of this matter." The hole card Lin Caihan said refers to the talisman given by Xuan that can severely damage the peak of the emperor's realm.

"I don't need to kill Tianying, but what about his attack on my wife just now?" Zhao Yang stared at the old guy and asked.

"I see that you are a formation master, so how about asking Tianying to compensate some high-level formation materials?" The old guy said after thinking about it.

Zhao Yang took out a list with hundreds of materials on it.

"Based on the background of your Skyhawk clan, it's not too much for me to ask for ten materials?" Zhao Yang stared at the patriarch of the Skyhawk clan and asked.

The patriarch of the Skyhawk clan glanced at it, and his face darkened immediately.


These materials are all king-level or imperial-level materials, you can't tell me too much?

"Tianying, ten materials, not too much." The old guy said lightly.

The patriarch of the Skyhawk clan was silent for a while, then seized ten kinds of materials from the small world and threw them to Zhao Yang.

"Give you."

After Zhao Yang checked, he withdrew from the killing formation.

The patriarch of the Skyhawk tribe cast a cold glance at Zhao Yang and returned to his throne.

"Sovereign, are you alright?" The third princess said to Zhao Yang via voice transmission.

"It's okay." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "You remember to keep an eye on the ancestor of the Skyhawk clan, I don't think this guy will give up easily."

"Its strength is stronger than mine in the eighth heaven." The third princess sighed softly, "Before I thought of the heroes of the world too simply."

"Anyone who can step into this realm will not be a simple person." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "In the future, you still need to be modest and cautious."

"I see."

"However, you don't need to underestimate yourself. When your cultivation reaches a higher level, Caihan will teach you the Supreme Qingming, and then your combat effectiveness will be improved again."

Zhao Yang never thought of hiding anything from the third princess?

Hearing that, the third princess's face showed a look of surprise, "I will definitely not let the suzerain down."

At this time, Tang Yiren and Ruoxi came to Zhao Yang's side.

"Husband, do you want to heal your wound?" Tang Yiren asked with concern.

"No need." Zhao Yang shook his head, "I didn't consume much."

The Nine Suns Mysterious Kung Fu allows Zhao Yang to maintain a strong combat power, which is also the dominance of the Nine Yangs Mysterious Kung Fu.

"Husband, you should put on a show." Ruoxi said in a low voice, "Just now you made a thunderous move, if it didn't consume much, what would you make others think?"

"Alright." Zhao Yang said and sat down cross-legged.

"Thank you." Lin Caihan said and sat down cross-legged.

While the two of them were healing, the young generation who was present looked at Zhao Yang with serious eyes.

Who would have thought that this guy would be so powerful?

Even the patriarch of the Heavenly Eagle Clan, who was tyrannical in the eighth heaven, was defeated by Zhao Yang.

This guy can be described as terrifying.

"I don't know if this person can compete with the evildoer from the planet Emperor Realm?"

"I think maybe."

"If this guy can't compete against the evildoers of the Emperor Realm Planet, I don't think anyone can compete?"

"In fact, whether a person can go far depends on his good fortune? And we will see it later."

"Yes, flounder is related to the monk's good fortune."

"I am looking forward."

As time went by, more and more masters came here. About half an hour later, the younger generation who came to Daoquan reached an astonishing number of more than 400.


At this moment, Daoquan suddenly shook violently, and one after another koi jumped out of the water, and then fell heavily into Daoquan again.


"Flounder finally showed up."

"It's time for us to show off."

The younger generation showed excitement on their faces.

Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan also opened their eyes at this time, and they came to the river hand in hand.

They occupy a large area, and no one who doesn't have eyes comes over.

"Husband, you are an alchemist, what kind of bait do you think you should use?" Lin Caihan asked with a smile.

"How about the fishing rod?"

"Just now I let the avatar be built." Lin Caihan said with a wave of his hand, and several fishing rods appeared in front of them.

These rods are unremarkable, no big deal.

Zhao Yang thought for a while and configured the bait according to the attributes of the koi. After sharing the bait, everyone started fishing.

1 minutes passed.

2 minutes passed.

3 minutes passed.

Gradually, those guys fishing on the shore became a little anxious, because until now there was no sign of biting the hook.

Suddenly, from the corner of their eyes, they caught a glimpse of a koi engraved with gossip patterns on its body. That koi was struggling vigorously in mid-air. It wanted to get rid of the shackles of the hook, but it was a pity that it was still caught by Zhao Yang. into the hands.

"It's a pity." Zhao Yang looked at the flounder in his hand and shook his head.

This flounder has a silver head, and silver flounder is the lowest grade.

What Zhao Yang didn't know was that the eyes of many monks were already full of envy, okay?

"This guy seems dissatisfied."

"The silver flounder represents a strong man in the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm, okay?"

"Is it necessary to have the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm to be eligible to take it, or to have the potential of the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm?"

"You are wrong, as long as you are an emperor, then you are eligible to take it."

"You think of the flounder too simply, you must know that it was conceived by Daoquan."

"Wouldn't it be nice if I could have a silver flounder?"

"What do you think?"

While everyone was discussing, Zhao Yang caught another silver flounder.

"Why is it still silver?" Zhao Yang frowned.

"Husband, I didn't bite the hook here." Lin Caihan said while biting her bright red lips.

"Yes, husband, I feel like all the fish have gone to your side." Tang Yiren said aggrievedly.

"Husband, don't we use the same bait?" Ruoxi blinked and asked.

Zhao Yang was taken aback.


Since the bait is the same, why does the fish bite his hook specifically?

"Could it be that this has something to do with good fortune?" Zhao Yang murmured.

"I also think that I heard before that whoever is more prosperous will catch more flounder." Just as Lin Caihan said this, Zhao Yang raised his wrist, and another silver flounder appeared in midair .


"Is this guy going against the sky?"

"Three flounder means three strong men from the sixth heaven."

At this time, the emperor's disciples were not so moved, but those disciples of the king and below all looked at Zhao Yang with green eyes.

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