Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1214 Defeating Skyhawk

The younger generation by the Daoquan River was also frightened.

Only then did they know that Zhao Yang's fighting power had reached the level of a king?

"Why is this guy's cultivation so much higher than ours?"

"That's right, everyone's cultivation is generally at the fifth level of the Emperor Realm, how did this guy rush to the sixth level?"

"Isn't this guy rushing to break through in order to obtain king-level combat power regardless of his own background?"

"The current general trend is the fifth heaven. As long as it exceeds this level, it is either the protagonist of this era, or the opponent has blindly improved."

While the younger generation was discussing, the patriarch of the Skyhawk Clan looked at the iron chains on his body, with a gloomy look on his face.

"The king of formations? Is this your trump card?"

And when its voice fell, the iron chain shattered, and at the same time, the aura on it erupted like a volcano.

Seeing that the aura was about to drown Zhao Yang, Zhao Yang instantly turned into a round of scorching sun.

It's just that the brilliance of the sun can't break through this terrifying breath.

"There's a big difference between you and me, no matter how much you struggle, it won't help." The patriarch of the Skyhawk clan suddenly felt three powerful auras rushing towards him in no particular order.




Three consecutive blows removed more than two-thirds of the breath from his body.

"Have you been slapped in the face for talking big?" Zhao Yang said here that a formation rune appeared under his feet, and the aura on his body rose instantly under the blessing of the killing formation.


Zhao Yang swung the Nine Suns Divine Fist and blasted towards the Sky Eagle Clan.

This blow almost shattered all the breath in his body.

The patriarch of the Skyhawk clan looked at the three figures forming a killing formation while retreating, and he found that the three figures looked exactly like Zhao Yang.

"Who are these three?" the Skyhawk Clan patriarch asked.

"You don't need to know." Speaking of which, Sanqing cooperated with Zhao Yang to launch a crazy attack on the patriarch of the Tianying clan.

one strike!

Two hits!

Three hits!

Zhao Yang and Sanqing launched repeated attacks on the patriarch of the Tianying clan, but soon Zhao Yang found that he couldn't do anything to him.

"Haha, I want to see how long you can hold on?" the patriarch of the Skyhawk clan said with a smile.

In fact, in the final analysis, Zhao Yang's attack strength was not enough, and even four consecutive hits could not break through the defense of the Skyhawk clan chief.

Since then it has no effect.

Active offense always consumes more land than passive defense.

Of course, this was just the thought of the patriarch of the Skyhawk Clan. In fact, Zhao Yang didn't consume much at all.

"Since the four kings can't hurt you, what about the seven kings?" Zhao Yang took back the other three Sanqing of Yanhuangzong.


At this time, three more kings appeared around.

When these three appeared, the patriarch of the Skyhawk clan couldn't help but change his face.

Zhao Yang can't hurt it now, but it doesn't mean it can ignore it.

Now that Zhao Yang has summoned three more Sanqing, it must pay full attention.


Zhao Yang changed a new killing formation again.

"The Big Dipper Killing Formation."

Zhao Yang launched the most violent attack on the patriarch of the Tianying clan with himself as the core.

Killing intent is like a tide, punching intent is like a sea.

That piece of heaven and earth was almost blown up, and the patriarch of the Skyhawk clan was injured in an instant.

One of its ribs was broken and blood was dripping.

"Stop." The rogue-eyed emperor scolded.

It can naturally see that the patriarch of the Skyhawk clan is at a disadvantage.

"If you dare to move indiscriminately, I will kill you." The third princess said fiercely with her phoenix eyes.

The eyes of the rogue-eyed emperor flickered for a moment, but in the end he didn't say anything.

It's not that it's afraid of the three princesses, the problem is that there's Qin Lie next to it?

The patriarch of the Skyhawk clan found himself very passive.

It wanted to escape that area, but found itself imprisoned.

Besides, the Six Venerables and Three Qings are not afraid of death at all, okay?

Gradually, there were more and more scars on its body, and the injuries became more and more serious.

It knows it can't go on.

So it breaks out desperately.

It chose a Sanqing who was seriously injured to shoot, and let the rest of Sanqing attack frantically. It used its peak combat power to injure Sanqing with one punch, and sent that Sanqing back to the west with two punches.

But the Sanqing still stopped it.

Zhao Yang and the other five Sanqing changed the killing formation again. It is true that this time the killing formation was not as terrifying as before, but it is not much of a problem to stop the seriously injured Heavenly Court patriarch.

"I don't believe that we can't break through." The head of the Skyhawk Clan continued to break through.

And after beheading another Sanqing, his injuries became more serious.


It's hard.

When it killed another Sanqing, the injury at this time had reached a very serious level.

He stopped, panting heavily.

Feeling the little energy left in his body, his eyes were so gloomy that they were about to drip water.

"We have to find a way to break through." Thinking like this, the patriarch of the Skyhawk clan suddenly realized that he had fallen into a misunderstanding.

The core of these Sanqing is Zhao Yang, as long as he is killed.

Thinking of this, he rushed towards Zhao Yang recklessly, but Zhao Yang, as the core of this killing formation, didn't say that he could be killed if he was killed?

The array is changing.

Zhao Yang's position is constantly changing.

The patriarch of the Skyhawk clan decisively changed his target after seeing that Zhao Yang could not be killed.

And after it killed a Sanqing, it didn't have much energy in its body.

"Old bastard, is this all you have to do?"

"Today I will definitely kill you." The patriarch of the Tianying clan was once again stimulated by Zhao Yang's words.

It draws upon the energy of its own little world.

It absorbs desperately for a forcible boost.

As a result, many creatures in the small world turned into blood rain, and then turned into energy and poured into its internal organs.

But this is still limited.

The patriarch of the Skyhawk clan can be called the top in the eighth heaven, but the energy and monks of its small world cannot reach this level, and how much can you improve in a hurry?

Zhao Yang naturally wouldn't let the patriarch of the Skyhawk clan absorb them unscrupulously.

So he and the other two Sanqing formed a killing array and went to kill it again.

The patriarch of the Tianying clan completely lost his combat effectiveness after beheading a Sanqing with difficulty and severely wounding a Sanqing.

It lay in the void like a puddle of mud. It looked at Zhao Yang who was approaching with dark eyes and said, "Boy, I didn't expect you to be so stunning."

It admits that it has been wrong.

"Stop." Just when Zhao Yang wanted to kill the patriarch of the Skyhawk Clan, an old man said.

Zhao Yang couldn't help looking at the old man.

"Your Excellency want to stop me?"

"You have already defeated Skyhawk, but there is no need to kill it." The old man said lightly.

"What if I insist on killing?" Zhao Yang confronted him.

"If you insist on killing, the old man can't say that you have to intervene." The old man said with a smile on his face.

Just when Zhao Yang was about to say something, Jin Wuchang's sound transmission sounded in his ears, "Zhao Yang, this old guy is known as the No. Do not conflict with it."

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