Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1206 It's Difficult To Be Kind

Zhao Yang brought Yuqing back to Yanhuangzong!

After arriving at Yanhuangzong, Lin Caihan and other senior officials of Yanhuangzong came to Zhao Yang in a hurry.

"Husband, are you alright?" Mingyue asked with some concern.

"It's just that the supernatant was blown up, it's no big deal." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

Lin Caihan was silent.

Does she know how proud Zhao Yang is?

Now that the Shangqing was blown up in full view, how could it be possible to say nothing happened?

Lin Caihan held Zhao Yang's hand, her eyes were full of pity.

"My state of mind is not so fragile." Zhao Yang said softly, "The two of them just crushed me in their realm, and I would kill them like dogs in the same realm."

Zhao Yang is not aimless.

Many monks think that Zhao Yang is the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm, but they don't know that he is only the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm.

In the following time, Zhao Yang did not continue to practice, but instructed the disciples of Yanhuangzong to practice.

After half a year, Taiqing repaired Qin Gong's formation, and then bid farewell to Qin Lu.

"I strengthened the formation to a certain extent, and Qin Gong's formation is now [-]% stronger than before." Taiqing said softly.

"Thank you." Qin Lu said gratefully.

[-]% enhancement is already very good.

Not long after Taiqing left, a powerful aura suddenly diffused from the depths of Qin Palace's forbidden area, but just as this aura was about to diffuse out of Qin Palace, it was blocked by the formation.

Qin Lu looked at the depths of the forbidden area and suddenly thought of something. She appeared in the depths of the forbidden area with a flicker. A stalwart middle-aged man with a breath like the sea was looking at Qin Lu with a smile.

"Qin Lu, I broke through." The middle-aged man looked at Qin Lu and said.

Qin Lu was about to say something, but when she thought of Shangqing's fall, Qin Lu burst into tears.

The middle-aged man suddenly became anxious, "Qin Lu, who bullied you?" In his heart, Qin Lu's character has always been very strong, why is she still crying because of grievance?

"Brother." Qin Lu couldn't stop crying as she said.

Qin Lie was very heartbroken.

"Say, who bullied you? Even if it's the Heavenly King, I have to tear it up today." Qin Lie said angrily.

It took quite a while for Qin Lu to calm down, and then told Qin Lie what happened these days in detail.

After hearing this, Qin Lie was furious, "The Yinghuo Clan is deceiving people too much." As he said that, Qin Lie tore apart the space and appeared above the Qin Palace, his divine sense powerfully engulfed in all directions.

Qin Lie was taken aback when Qin Lie's divine sense passed above Yanhuangzong.

"The king's formation? It seems that this is the Yanhuangzong." Qin Lie then passed by here, and his spiritual sense moved in a further direction.

But Qin Lie's spiritual prying was sensed by the Tang Yi people stationed in the formation.

She immediately told Zhao Yang about it.

Zhao Yang showed a look of surprise and uncertainty.

"It's only been half a year, the Yinghuo Clan can't bear it anymore?" Zhao Yang murmured.

Immediately, Zhao Yang soared into the sky and appeared above Yanhuangzong.

"What happened?" Lin Caihan who was alarmed came to Zhao Yang and asked.

"Perhaps there will be another battle." Zhao Yang said softly.

"The Yinghuo clan is endless." Lin Caihan was irritated.

"The current situation is still unclear." Zhao Yang suddenly sensed something here. He sensed a majestic figure walking towards the Yinghuo Clan from the direction of Qin Palace.

"That's the direction of Qin Palace." Lin Caihan also sensed it, "Could it be that Qin Lie broke through?"

Just when Zhao Yang was about to say something, a powerful aura suddenly appeared in the direction of Yanhuangzong's forbidden area.

This breath is vast and misty, like a god.

"The third princess has made a breakthrough." Zhao Yang showed surprise on his face.

The three princesses who had just completed the breakthrough appeared in front of Zhao Yang stepping on lotus steps, "Chanjuan has met the suzerain and the deputy suzerain."

"Congratulations." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Actually, I should have broken through a year ago, but in order to go further in the future, I kept polishing my foundation, which wasted some time." The third princess said a little embarrassedly.

"It's okay, now is the time for you to break through." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Go, follow me to the Yinghuo Clan."

"The Yinghuo clan has been assassinated again in these years?" The third princess's face was full of murderous intent when she said this.

"The Yinghuo clan has been assassinated once or twice in these years." Lin Caihan said angrily.

"Then what are you talking about? Go straight to the door." The third princess said murderously.

Before Zhao Yang, Lin Caihan, and the three princesses arrived at the Yinghuo Clan, they saw a domineering figure trembling with two figures above the Yinghuo Clan.

Qin Lie's attack was as domineering as his character.

Even in the face of Yingxun and Mingjun, he still didn't flinch in the slightest.


Even though it has been a long time since these two stepped into the eighth heaven.

"Zhao Yang." When Yingxun saw Zhao Yang, her heart sank.

If Zhao Yang gets involved again, things will be tricky.

In fact, Qin Lieyuan did not perform so well, mainly because Mingjun and Yingxun were not at their peak.

"Zhao Yang." When Ming Jun looked at Du Zhao Yang, there was a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

"Senior Qin Lie, I've left Yingxun to you, and I'll leave the Lord Ming to me." Zhao Yang said loudly.

"You...can you?" Qin Lie said with some uncertainty.

It wouldn't matter if all three of Zhao Yang's juniors were there before. The problem is that now that Shangqing has fallen, it is difficult for Zhao Yang and the two juniors to form the previous killing formation.

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Yang opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of Alchemy Qi, which turned into three figures.

Shangqing, Taiqing, Yuqing.

"Isn't this guy dead?" Mingjun pointed to Shangqing.

"Do you think they are really my juniors? They are just transformed by my alchemy." Zhao Yang sneered.

"Is it transformed by the qi of alchemy?" Mingjun was shocked.

An inconceivable look appeared in Qin Lie's eyes, and the aura of alchemy turned into three kings.

"Come on, I'll kill you today." Zhao Yang stared at Ming Jun and shouted.

Mingjun was a little flustered.

When he was about to escape, he was stopped by Sanqing.

"You have no chance to run away today." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

Mingjun and Yingxun looked at each other and said, "Find a chance to run."

"Run?" Yingxun's mentality collapsed.


Running is not a problem.

The question is, what will the Yinghuozu do if it escapes?

"You don't have a chance to run." The third princess exuded a chilling aura when she said this, and this aura was even stronger than Qin Lie's.

Qin Lie was stunned.

What's the situation?

Didn't Qin Lu say before that the third princess is the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm?

Why is it the eighth heaven now?

But Qin Lie immediately noticed that the aura of the third princess was unstable, and he suddenly realized that the third princess must have just broken through.

Mingjun and Yingxun's mentality collapsed a bit.

The three princesses also broke through?

How can we fight now?

After the two looked at each other, they both saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.


At this time, Yingxun couldn't care about the Yinghuo clan anymore.

Because as long as it is there, the Yinghuo Clan will not be exterminated, and if it falls, can the Yinghuo Clan still exist?

The problem is that it's not something they can leave if they want to.

Zhao Yang and Sanqing used the killing array to bite Mingjun firmly, and Qin Lie blocked Yingxun's side, and the three princesses were watching secretly. No matter how they looked at it, they were destined to be very difficult today.

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