Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1205 Killing the Supernatant


"Yanhuangzong has three princesses, Chanjuan, and Qin Palace has Qin Lie." Yingxun looked at Mingjun and said, "We have to guard against the two masters of the seventh heaven."

"If that's the case, we'll kill Qin Lie first." Ming Jun thought for a while and said, "Even if we're not in peak form, we shouldn't have much problem killing Qin Lie within a few moves."

"Alright." Ying Xun nodded after deliberating for a while.

The reason why it didn't happen before was mainly because the patriarch of the Yinghuo clan was hit hard.

Immediately, the two sneaked up to the top of the Qin Palace with Naying, and the moment they were about to sneak into the Qin Palace, the second elder of the Zhendao Pavilion who was sitting at the center of the formation suddenly woke up.

The formation sounded an early warning, and at the same time, two rays of talisman light forced Yingxun and Mingjun out.

Qin Gong's masters hurried out of the retreat. When they saw Yingxun, how could they not understand that the Yinghuo clan had attacked Qin Gong?

"Who is that?"

"The fluctuations on it are not inferior to Yingxun at all. This person is probably also a strong man in the eighth heaven."

"The two emperors came at the same time, what do they want to do?"

At this time, Qin Xuan came to the side of Qin Lu and other high-level officials, "Deputy suzerain, next to Yingxun is Emperor Ming's disciple Ming Jun."

"Qin Xuan, you should immediately inform Yan Huangzong through the teleportation formation." Qin Lu said in a deep voice.

With Qin Gong's strength, no matter what, he couldn't handle this kind of situation?

"Obey." Qin Xuan bowed and left.

And after Qin Xuan left, Yingxun's face was somber that it was about to drip water, "Zhao Yang actually helped Qin Gong build a king-level mountain protection array?"

"Could the king-level mountain guard array still stop us?" Mingjun said with serious eyes, "We can break through together."

Yingxun thought about it and it was the same thing.

The king-level mountain protection formation is always an obstacle.


Yingxun and Mingjun joined forces to attack the mountain guard formation.

The runes of the mountain protection formation all lit up, and each time they attacked, the runes dimmed a lot. It looked like they couldn't hold on to many hits at all.

Seeing that the mountain protection array was about to fall apart, four figures appeared beside Mingjun and Yingxun.

"Your boy finally showed up." Ming Jun gave Zhao Yang a sad look and said.

"Do you think you are capable of killing me now?" Zhao Yang asked with a slight smile.

"If you hadn't relied on the power of the magic weapon that day, do you think you might have killed me?" Ming Jun sneered.

"You couldn't kill me back then, let alone today." Zhao Yang said proudly.

"Zhao Yang, do you think you have the ability to compete against the two strong men of the eighth heaven at the same time?" Ying Xun said slowly at this time.

"There are other kings on Hui Wangxing." Zhao Yanggang was interrupted by Ying Xun when he said this, "Do you think those kings will show up?"

Zhao Yang's expression changed involuntarily.

"Although it was said that they didn't cooperate at first, didn't you also cooperate with them later?" Yingxun's face showed a mocking color, "At this time, they want us to lose both, so they will never show up .”

"Aren't you going to show up?" Zhao Yang looked into the distance with cold eyes.

"Zhao Yang, you can't save Qin Palace, Qin Palace will be destroyed today." Ying Xun laughed loudly, "The reason why Qin Palace was destroyed is because of you."

"Then let's fight." Zhao Yang glanced at Sanqing at this point.

The four formed a square killing formation and imprisoned Yingxun and Mingjun in place.

But the senior officials of the Qin Palace could see that Zhao Yang's defeat was only a matter of time.

The two powerhouses of the eighth heaven formed horns with each other, constantly attacking Zhao Yang and Sanqing.

one move!

Two strokes!

Three strokes!

"Where is the Palace Master?"

"Why doesn't the palace lord show up at this time?"

"When will it be Yan Huangzong's turn to fight for us?" Some senior officials of Qin Palace shouted aggrievedly.

Faced with these high-level questions, Qin Lu sighed softly and said, "The Palace Master has been in seclusion many years ago, which is why the Yanhuang Sect represents the human race."

Hearing this, the disciples of Qin Gong suddenly realized.

It turns out that Yanhuangzong sacrificed his reputation in order to preserve the Qin Palace.

"We misunderstood Yan Huangzong."

"It turns out that Yanhuangzong paid so much for us."

"Before I said that Yanhuangzong is not like this, you still don't believe it?"

At this time, a disciple of Zhen Dao Pavilion suddenly asked, "Deputy Suzerain, who established the mountain protection formation of our Qin Palace?"

"Sect Master Zhao." Qin Lu replied, "Sect Master Zhao spent a year helping our Qin Palace to build it."

There was a look of astonishment on everyone's face.

You must know how precious Zhao Yang's time is for a genius like Zhao Yang?

But he spent a year helping Qin Gong build a king-level mountain guard formation for Qin Gong.

Suddenly Shangqing had an arm torn apart by Mingjun.

Shangqing backed away while suffering the pain, but was hit in the heart by Yingxun who wanted to kill Shangqing despite being injured.


Shangqing spat out a mouthful of blood with a wow, and his aura dropped rapidly.


"This master is going to have an accident."

"How to do?"

Seeing that Shangqing was about to be killed, Zhao Yang immediately made a decision in his mind, "Don't worry about it, just attack with all your strength."

After Yuqing and Taiqing understood Zhao Yang's thoughts, Yuqing stopped Mingjun who wanted to help with all his strength, while Zhao Yang and Taiqing frantically attacked Yingxun.

One punch!

Two punches!

After two punches, Yingxun spat out a mouthful of blood, but Shangqing was also killed by Yingxun.

Looking at the fallen Shangqing, Qin Gong felt uncomfortable.

A king.

It just fell away!

"Haha, Zhao Yang, how can you fight us after the Yanhuang Sect has lost a king?" Ying Xun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

In order to kill Shangqing, he was hit hard again.

But so what?

Zhao Yang's eyes glowed coldly.

"Mingjun, let's go." Ying Xun shouted towards Mingjun.

Now Zhao Yang, Yuqing, and Taiqing still have strong fighting power. If they continue to fight, it is impossible for them to fall, but don't forget that there are still a few kings who are secretly watching?

What if those kings join forces to attack?

Zhao Yang didn't stop them, and let the two leave.

"Sorry." Qin Lu came to Zhao Yang and said bitterly.

At this time, even though Qin Lu had thousands of words to say, she didn't know what to say?

"No problem." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Zhao Yang, Qin Gong owes you too much." Qin Xuan said with red eyes.

Qin Xuan was very angry, why he was angry that he was unable to help?

"These two should not make any moves in a short time, but just in case." Zhao Yang looked at Taiqing and said, "Taiqing, you are here to help Qin Gong restore the formation."

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