Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1166 Meeting the Immortal Emperor

This is also no way.

Zhao Yang took out a formation plate and detained formations from the formation plate.

"You three, don't be idle." Zhao Yang looked at Sanqing and said, "You continue to rob resources."

Now the collapse of the puppet clan is doomed, Zhao Yang wants to take advantage of this last opportunity to plunder.

If you miss this village, there will be no such store.

Not long after Sanqing left respectfully, Zhao Yang felt a violent attack from outside, and then a group of hundreds of soldiers appeared at the crater.

"You said that what they persevered was because of this volcanic rock?"

"This volcanic rock is not very precious."

"I looked at the quasi-emperor level among the volcanic rocks, don't you think it's not precious?"

"Then shall we continue to dig here?"

"Let's dig."

Fortunately, these guys quickly retreated.

Half a month later, Shangqing, Taiqing, and Yuqing came here.

"The forces of the puppet clan here have all been disabled, and the emperors of all clans are chasing and killing them everywhere." Shang Qing replied.

"These guys won't leave this world until they dig three feet into the ground." Zhao Yang said with emotion.

Only half a month later, some forces began to divide the territory.

Naturally, they didn't allow everyone to kill while dividing the territory.

In the end, the star was divided up by one hundred and eight families, and the remaining monks were driven out by these one hundred and eight families.

"We will renovate this star for ten years. After ten years, we welcome you to come to trade, but no one will come in during this ten years." These [-] companies jointly issued a declaration.

When Zhao Yang heard the news, he immediately asked Tiandao of the small world, "What's the matter?"

"My strength has been raised to the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm."

"How did you improve so quickly?"

"Because the way of heaven in this small world is getting weaker and weaker."

"How long will it take you to ascend to the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm?"

"If I ascend to the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm, this planet of life will collapse."

Zhao Yang thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Forget it, today's small world has expanded to 4000 million square kilometers."

"I also don't think it's necessary to bury this star." Tiandao of the small world replied.

Zhao Yang looked at Zhou Qiaoyu at this time, "How many pieces did you pick up?"


"It seems that there is not much material in the beginning." Zhao Yang's eyes flickered.

"I feel so too."

"Keep waiting until there is nothing to say." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"As ordered."

Zhao Yang waited here for three months, but he didn't even see a hair.

"Perhaps it really is gone." Zhou Qiaoyu said softly.

Zhao Yang pondered for a while and summoned Taiqing, "Next, your task is to continue to wait here, so let's do it for three years. If there is no primordial material in three years, you can go to Yanhuangzong."

"As ordered."

After Taiqing hibernated, Zhao Yang Naying sneaked out of the volcano.

He found that the Tianpuppet Sect was occupied by the Kui Niu clan, and there were shadows of the Kui Niu clan everywhere here.

Just as Zhao Yang was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something, "Don't you know that the treasury of the Kui Niu clan is abundant?" Thinking like this, Zhao Yang sneaked into the Kui Niu clan quietly.

He avoided some guard posts and came to the treasury of the Kui Niu tribe.

There are hundreds of elite soldiers patrolling the gate of the treasury, and inside the treasury there is a statue of the fourth heaven of the imperial realm sitting in command.

Zhao Yang took out the array disk.

When the formation path in the formation turned into invisible fluctuations and spread in all directions, Zhao Yang shot towards the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm.


This punch severely injured the Emperor Realm Fourth Heavenly Layer.

"Who are you?" The master looked at Zhao Yang in surprise and asked.

"You don't have the right to know who I am?" After saying this, Zhao Yang began to loot the resources here.

After he looted all the resources in the treasury, he looked at the Kui Niu again, "Hand over the resources in your small world, and spare you."

"How do you guarantee it?" The Kui Niu's eyes flickered.

"You just need to know that I can kill you." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The Kui Niu pondered for a while, and took out the resources in the small world in a swarm.

Zhao Yang waved his hand and took its resources into his own small world.

"I don't want to kill the Kui Niu Clan, so don't make a fuss when I leave." After saying this, Zhao Yang put away the array, then turned and left.

The Kui Niu pondered for a while, but after all, he didn't yell, but went to meet the patriarch of the Kui Niu Clan immediately.

The patriarch of the Kui Niu clan was furious when he heard about this incident. He hurriedly led the clan's experts to track it down, but found nothing.


Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang left here, he was about to summon the Four Elephant Beast, but the sound of battleships rang in his ears.

"The battleship has been repaired."

"Finally repaired." Zhao Yang said with emotion.

As he spoke, Zhao Yang summoned the battleship.

"Back to King Hui." Zhao Yang said calmly after arriving at the central control room.

The battleship quickly broke through the air and galloped in the direction of Huetus.

After several hours passed like this, the battleship suddenly said, "There is a battle ahead."

"Who is fighting here?" Zhao Yang came to the bow of the ship and looked into the distance.

From a distance, Zhao Yang saw a warship chasing an exhausted army.

There were hundreds of these soldiers. At this time, they were bloody and panting, and they seemed to be dying.

When these soldiers saw a battleship appearing in front of them, their faces showed despair.

"We're fucked."

Zhao Yang stared at the group of figures with surprise on his face.

He didn't expect to be an acquaintance.

"Fire at that battleship in the distance." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The main gun of the battleship was activated immediately, and then, amidst the shocked expressions of the hundreds of soldiers, it pierced through the battleship that was chasing them.

These hundreds of emperors were all stunned.

They stared dumbfounded at the battleship that turned into flames, and for a moment didn't know what to say.

You must know that the battleship is extremely powerful, and the existence on the battleship is even more terrifying. Dozens of emperors were lost among them, and none of them could stop their pace.

But at this time, it was broken in front of this person.

"Wait, this one looks familiar?" At this time, the first god general looked at the figure at the bow and said in surprise.

"Lord of Heaven." The Patriarch of the Ancient Clan exclaimed.

"It's Zhao Yang." Gu Tong showed surprise on his face.

That's right.

These guys are the Immortal Court Army who fled from Immortal Territory.

In fact, the Immortal Emperor and the others have never been to Tianwaitian. They originally thought that Tianwaitian was a paradise, but when they arrived, they were stunned.

There is nothing here.

They wandered in the universe for three months, and finally saw a battleship, but it turned out that the battleship was an interstellar bandit.

They want to sell Xiandi and others like piglets.

Immortal Emperor and others were furious, and then fought against the robbers on the battleship. As a result, dozens of strong men fell, and the rest fled in embarrassment.

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