Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1165 Peak of Emperor Realm

"It seems that you still underestimate the primordial matter." Tiandao of the small world replied.

"How much primordial material is needed from the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm to the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm?" Zhao Yang asked after pondering.

"The gap between the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor's Realm and the Eighth Heaven of the Emperor's Realm is not two or three times, but five times." Tiandao of the small world said lightly, "Therefore, two crystals are needed from the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor's Realm to the Eighth Heaven of the Emperor's Realm. The gap between the sixth level of the realm and the seventh level of the emperor's realm is also five times, so the ratio is still one-fifth."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang showed surprise on his face.

There is no doubt that with these primordial substances, Yanhuangzong's high-level strength can be further improved.

The biggest problem for Yanhuangzong now is that they can't go very far in the emperor's realm.

In fact, the strength of Yanhuangzong is not bad among many sects, but Zhao Yang never thought of cultivating Yanhuangzong as an ordinary sect.

"How much?" Zhao Yang asked Sanqing.

"36 pieces." Shang Qing replied.

"I think this place may not exist anymore." Taiqing replied at this time, "We have searched back and forth several times."

Zhao Yang hurriedly asked Tiandao of the small world, "Is that all?"

"The primordial matter is constantly erupting, you just continue to wait here." Tiandao of the small world replied.

Zhao Yang waited here for half a month before he got three.

"What kind of eruption is this?" Zhao Yang said very speechlessly.

"Do you know how precious the three primordial substances are? Do you believe that one of them can make the outside world steal their heads?" Tiandao of the small world said lightly.

Zhao Yang thought about it for a while and it really made sense.

A piece of primordial matter can allow two to three emperors from the sixth level of the emperor's realm to step into the seventh level of the emperor's realm.

Can it be precious?

"But it's not a problem to spend time here?" Zhao Yang murmured.

After a while, Zhao Yang summoned Sanqing, "Your task is to plunder the resources of the puppet clan, and you must not expose this place."

"As ordered."

After Sanqing left, Zhao Yang summoned Zhou Qiaoyu from the small world, "Qiaoyu, your mission is to find this kind of spar here."

Zhou Qiaoyu nodded.

Zhao Yang took the primordial substance and began to refine it.




After Zhao Yang refined six pieces, he found that his potential had finally reached the peak of the Emperor Realm, and after reaching this realm, Zhao Yang found that his original source could not continue to grow.

"Peak of Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang said with emotion.

It's finally here.

And as the original source reached this point, Zhao Yang's combat power further soared, and he was confident that even the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm would not be his opponent at this time.

After reaching this point, Zhao Yang found that his understanding of Jiuyang Xuangong was different.

"It seems that my previous realm was not enough, and my understanding of exercises is still limited." After realizing this, Zhao Yang began to practice here silently.

After half a month, Shangqing and Taiqing came back.

But Yuqing did not come back.

"What happened?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"Yuqing was ambushed." Shangqing said in a deep voice, "I also got the news two days ago."

"You go back first." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

After Shangqing and Yuqing sent the looted resources to Zhao Yang's small world, they turned into two alchemy qi and returned to Zhao Yang's body.

A day later, Zhao Yang spewed out a burst of Dan Qi again.

Sanqing reappeared in front of Zhao Yang, the difference was that Sanqing was now stronger, several times more tyrannical than before.

"At this time, your combat power should be able to defeat the existence of the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm." Zhao Yang waved his hand and three thousand figures appeared around him.

These three thousand figures are exactly the three thousand incarnations of Zhao Yang.

These three thousand avatars are currently cultivated at the third level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and their combat power can be overwhelmed even at the fifth level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

"Each of you takes a thousand avatars to plunder resources." Zhao Yang said lightly, "I don't ask you how many puppet clans you can kill, what I care about is how many resources you can plunder."

"As ordered."

Sanqing's current strength is stronger than that of Zhao Yang before, and each of them has a thousand avatars under his command, which makes them plunder wildly.

By the time a large number of masters from the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm rushed in, the puppet clan could no longer stop effective resistance.

At this moment, Zhao Yang asked Sanqing to stop for the time being.

Because if it continues, it will be to make wedding dresses for those guys from Tianwaitian.

Without the intrusion of the Sanqing and the incarnation, the major forces of the puppet clan began to counterattack, and the masters of various clans suffered heavy casualties all of a sudden.

Three months later, the more than 500 masters of the Emperor Realm Fourth Heaven who came in all fell.

Of course, the puppet clan also suffered heavy casualties, and nearly a quarter of the sects were gone.

"Wait until the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm descends, is there still a way for us to survive?"

"Shall we surrender?"

"Do you think they will accept it if they surrender?"

"But continue to fight, we are not opponents."

"I can't fight, I can't surrender, so what should I do?"

Just when the puppet people were panicking, Zhao Yang practiced silently in the volcano.

"My cultivation has reached the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm." Tian Dao of the Small World told Zhao Yang that day.

Zhao Yang opened his eyes.

He got up and entered the small world. He found that the small world had expanded to 2000 million square kilometers, and more importantly, some resources of the imperial realm appeared in this small world one after another.

Tang Guifang forbids the demon clan to move around these resources, and once discovered, they will be severely investigated and dealt with.

So no one dared to touch it.

"This small world can accommodate tens of billions of monks now." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

He believes that this small world can become the pure land of the human race.

After leaving the small world, Zhao Yang looked at Zhou Qiaoyu, "Qiaoyu, how much have you picked up during this time?"

"During this period, there have been fewer and fewer eruptions. So far, I have picked up [-] of them."

"Continue to pick it up." Zhao Yang said softly, "Wait until there are no more."

Zhou Qiaoyu nodded.

But what Zhao Yang didn't expect was that only three months had passed before the fifth level of the Tianwai Tiandi Realm came in.

"Why so fast?" Zhao Yang asked suspiciously.

"Because the strength of Heavenly Dao in this small world is weakening, normally it shouldn't come in at this time." Tiandao of Small World replied at this time.

"With the entry of the Fifth Heavenly Layer of the Emperor Realm, I can no longer continue to pick up primordial matter here." Zhao Yang frowned.

Zhao Yang has obtained a lot of resources in this small world.

To be honest he didn't really care much.

What he really cares about is primordial matter.

"This volcano is not worth much in the first place, and I don't think those guys will stay here for a long time." Zhou Qiaoyu said softly, "Young master, why don't you build a cover formation here."

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