Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1123 Sending a Hat

"It's natural."

"In addition, we can't give you high treatment after being included. You need to pass our test before we can really accept you."

"I understand." Wu Yan felt more relieved when he heard Zhao Yang say that.

Xianting said that the forces that joined were treated equally.

What about pit father?

How can it be possible to treat everyone equally?

The first one to surrender is the same as the last one to surrender?

Where do you put the face of the first one who surrendered?

"How many people are there in your Wuliang Mountain?"

"We have a total of 300 million people in Wuliang Mountain."

"You can come to Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce headquarters at any time." Zhao Yang said softly.

"I'll go back and inform the ancestor." Wu Yan said and left in a hurry.

After leaving silently, Zhao Yang looked at Mingyue and said, "How many refugees have you accepted during this period?"

"The Pure Yang Sect has accepted a total of 400 million refugees during this period."

Zhao Yang immediately looked at Tang Yiren.

"The Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has accepted a total of 600 million refugees during this period."

"How about the casualties?"

"During this period, 360 people were injured or injured." Lin Caihan replied.

Just as Zhao Yang was about to say something, an intelligence officer rushed over, "President, we just got the information that a large number of star beasts are besieging the Hundred Flowers Holy Land."

"Hundred Flowers Holy Land?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"Where are Shaoyao and others in the Holy Land of Hundred Flowers?" Lin Caihan asked hurriedly.

Zhao Yang thought for a while and then looked at Lin Caihan, "I'll go to the Hundred Flowers Holy Land to have a look."

After arriving at the Hundred Flowers Holy Land, Zhao Yang found that there were as many as 500 million star beasts besieging the Hundred Flowers Holy Land, and more and more star beasts came to the Hundred Flowers Holy Land as time went by.

"The star beast wants to bury the Hundred Flowers Holy Land?" Zhao Yang murmured.

Realizing this, Zhao Yang tore apart the space and descended to the Hundred Flowers Holy Land.

Fairy Peony sensed Zhao Yang immediately.

"How did you come?"

"I'm here to find Shaoyao." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Is Shaoyao fighting ahead?"

Zhao Yang turned around and left.

After arriving at the front line, Zhao Yang saw the two daughters Shaoyao and Zhizi constantly rushing to kill among the star beasts.

After Zhao Yang greeted the two daughters, Shao Yao and Zhi Zi quickly settled their opponents and came to Zhao Yang's side.

"Husband." Shao Yao called out tenderly.

Zhao Yang and Shao Yao gave a big hug.

"Husband, I want it too." Zhizi said anxiously from the side.

Zhao Yang opened his arms and embraced Zhizi in his arms.

"Husband, have you reached the Emperor Realm?" Shao Yao asked in a low voice.

"Achieved." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Then husband, take the two of us away." Shao Yao's eyes lit up when she heard this.

Shao Yao knew very well that if someone like Zhao Yang stepped into the Emperor Realm, even the existence of the Great Emperor Realm would be able to contend or even defeat him.

"That's right, my husband, the Hundred Flowers Holy Land can't be defended at all." Zhi Zi said seriously.

"Where are Xuelian and Jasmine?" Zhao Yang asked.

"The two of them have become strangers to us during this time." Shao Yao said softly.


"We don't know either." Zhizi shook her head.

Zhao Yang thought for a while and his divine sense enveloped the entire Hundred Flowers Holy Land, and soon he found the figures of Snow Lotus and Jasmine.

What made him angry was that these two were serving a man who was full of hostility.

The man frivolously hugged Jasmine's waist, and his big hands kept moving around her body.

"I heard that you are the women of Human Race Zhao Yang?" the man asked with a smile.

"There is no physical relationship between us." Jasmine whispered.

"I could tell right away that you are a virgin, otherwise I wouldn't be interested in playing." The man said with a smile, "Zhao Yang probably never thought I would give him a hat, right?"

Having said that, his big hand was about to slip towards Jasmine's collar.

At the very moment, a flash of sword light cut off his palm with lightning speed.

Blood splashed all over Jasmine.

Jasmine let out a loud cry, and hurriedly backed away.

The man had a gloomy look on his face, "Who?"

"Me." Zhao Yang appeared in front of the man at the same time as he finished speaking, "Send me a hat? You are quite courageous."

"Zhao Yang?" Did the man recognize who it was in front of him at a glance?

When Xuelian saw Zhao Yang, her face showed uneasiness.

Apparently Xuelian didn't expect Zhao Yang to set foot in the Emperor Realm, let alone hurt this man.

"Do you have any last words to confess?" Zhao Yang looked at the man coldly and asked.

"I am the son of the cursed lineage."

"The emperor who cursed the lineage? Do you think this identity can scare me?"

"Zhao Yang, the strength of our curse lineage is beyond your imagination?" The man just said that Zhao Yang took a step forward, and the powerful momentum turned into a monstrous confinement force, making the man unable to move.

Zhao Yang shook his hand and slapped him.

"To be honest, I also want to see how strong your curse lineage is?" Having said that, Zhao Yang waved his hand and the battleship from the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm appeared above the Hundred Flowers Holy Land.

The coercion emanating from that battleship made the monks in the entire Hundred Flowers Holy Land tremble.

Even Fairy Peony, who had already reached the Emperor Realm, turned pale.

"Zhao Yang, what class of warship is this?"

"Peony, I really want to know who asked Jasmine and Snow Lotus to serve the emperor who cursed the line?" Zhao Yang's aura exploded like a stormy sea when he said these words.

Panic like the supreme power of heaven.

The monks present counted one by one, and even the star beasts that were besieging were scared to the ground at this time.

" are the first level of the Emperor Realm?" The disciple of the Cursed Lineage looked at Zhao Yang with a look of fear and said, "How can you be so powerful?"

Zhao Yang hung the man on the flagpole of the battleship with a wave of his hand, "Didn't you say that you cursed the lineage to be strong? Later, I will drive the battleship to the place you cursed. I want to see how strong you are? "

The audience was in an uproar.

No one thought that Zhao Yang would be so domineering?He wants to break into the cursed land.

"Before I come back, your Hundred Flowers Holy Land needs to give me an explanation, otherwise I don't mind bulldozing your Hundred Flowers Holy Land." Having said that, Zhao Yang waved his hand and detained Shao Yao and Zhi Zi on the battleship, "In addition, starting from today, Shao Yao And Gardenia has nothing to do with you."


The battleship tore through the space and headed towards the cursed land.

And the man who was hung on the flagpole didn't know what to say at this moment.

In any case, he never thought that Zhao Yang would dare to attack the cursed land.

Curse the restricted area!

This restricted area is known as the most mysterious restricted area. Even if the Five Elements restricted area and the three major restricted areas joined forces, they still failed in the end.

But today, a pitch-black battleship appeared in the cursed restricted area.

"Who dares to attack my cursed restricted area?" The moment the battleship appeared in the cursed restricted area, a loud roar resounded through the sky.

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