Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1122 The Choice of Infinite Mountain

"Patriarch, there are some things I can't tell you, but it is definitely a wise choice to seek refuge in Yanhuang headquarters." Gu Tong said in a deep voice.

"Are you sure that behind Zhao Yang there is the existence of the Fourth Heaven of the Emperor Realm?" The patriarch of the ancient clan looked at the ancient passage.

"I..." Gu Tong didn't dare to answer.

"We have to find a way out for the clan." The patriarch of the ancient clan said leisurely, "Compared to the mystery of the cursed lineage, I think Xianting is a good choice."

"The Immortal Emperor issued two edicts one after another just to buy people's hearts." The second elder frowned.

"So what? There are many people who can see through the fairy court to buy people's hearts, but aren't there many forces who have joined the fairy court?" The patriarch of the ancient clan looked at the second elder and said.

"Should we communicate with the immortal clan?" The Great Elder asked tentatively at this time.

"The immortal clan can't take care of themselves now, what should we do with them?" The patriarch of the ancient clan said lightly, "That's the decision. After three hours, our whole clan will go to the fairy court."

"I won't go." What the patriarch of the Gu clan didn't expect was that Gu Tong refused.

"Aren't you going?" The Patriarch of the Gu Clan looked at the ancient passage unkindly.

"I'm going to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce." Gu Tong said in a deep voice.

"No." The Patriarch of the Gu Clan refused decisively.

"Patriarch, you can't put all your eggs in one basket."

"As the young suzerain of the ancient clan, you are also a powerful man in the imperial realm. The whole clan of our ancient clan took refuge in Xianting, but you turned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce. What do you make the emperor think?" the patriarch of the ancient clan said coldly. Said, "The Immortal Emperor will feel that we are in two boats, and you think that Zhao Yang will trust you."

"I believe Zhao Yang won't do this." After a while, Gu Tong still said.

"You have no choice in this matter." The Patriarch of the Gu Clan said domineeringly.

"Sorry, patriarch, I can't listen to you about this."

"If you leave, I will expel you from the ancient family tree." The patriarch of the ancient family looked at Gu Tong coldly, "And are you sure you want to abandon your parents and wife?"

"I want to take them away." Gu Tong said hastily.

"Do they dare to leave without my order?" the Patriarch of the Gu Clan said indifferently.

"" Gu Tong's face was full of anger.

"In the future, the ancient clan will be yours, but now you have to listen to me." The patriarch of the ancient clan said loudly.

The Immortal Emperor has been waiting.

During this period of time, there are many forces that have come to seek refuge.

But none of these forces is heavy.

Suddenly Huang Qingchan reported to the Immortal Emperor that the patriarch of the Gu clan led the whole clan to seek refuge.

Immortal Emperor stood up abruptly after hearing the news, "Okay, okay, okay."

The fact that the ancient clan took refuge in the Immortal Court was hyped by the Immortal Court, and it didn't take long for the Titans to announce that they also joined the Immortal Court.

Now many restricted areas can't sit still.

Infinite Mountain!

There are star beasts around Wuliang Mountain, but fortunately they are still within the control range.

"Old Ancestor, what should we do with our Wuliang Mountain lineage?" Wu Yan looked at the aged Wuliang and asked.

"You go to heaven."

"Heavenly Court?"

"The Heavenly Court is more reliable than the Immortal Court." Wuliang said lightly, "Ask if the Heavenly Court accepts it?"

Wu Yan pondered for a while, then tore apart the space and left Wuliang Mountain.

Wu Yan arrived at the headquarters of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and found that the place was surrounded by millions of star beasts, but the soldiers of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce obviously did not pay attention to these hundreds of star beasts.

"Everyone, I am Wu Yan from Wuliang Mountain." When Wu Yan appeared above the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, he was locked on by several powerful auras.

Wu Yan quickly revealed his identity.

"Come down." Lin Caihan said lightly.

Wu Yan just landed.

And when he glanced at the audience, he was stunned.

What did he see?

He saw nineteen emperors.

Lin Caihan, Tang Yiren, Jianchen, Xiaomi, Xiaoluo from Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Mingyue, Xu Huier, Yuan Jiner, Blue Carp, Leng Qingqiu from Chunyangzong, Three Princesses from Heaven, Long Tianxing, Xu Donglai, Lin Hanmei, Gao Bowen , Taichang, Taixun, Taikang, and Taian of the Taisui lineage.

Nineteen emperors?

Are you sure you're not kidding?


This does not include Zhao Yang.

If calculated in this way, there are twenty emperors in the lineage of Tianting.

"What's the matter with you?" Lin Caihan looked speechless.

"Wuliang Mountain wants to join the Heavenly Court." Wu Yan said straight to the point.

Lin Caihan had a look of embarrassment on his face.

In fact, Heavenly Court does not want to accept the so-called forbidden zone.

Because it is not necessary.

It is true that Wuyan and Wuliang Mountain's supreme beings are all emperors.

But Heavenly Court wants this level of existence at any time.

"I need to discuss this matter with Zhao Yang." Lin Caihan said after a while.

"Okay, it should." Wu Yan also saw Lin Caihan's thoughts.

There are already so many emperors in the lineage of Tianting, but there is no need to recruit other emperors.

As soon as Lin Caihan arrived at the forbidden area, she saw Zhao Yang and Zhu Ya coming out of it.

"How?" Looking at the smile on Zhao Yang's face, Lin Caihan asked softly.

"Now my three thousand incarnations have all reached the first level of Zhundi." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said, "As my cultivation level improves, the strength of the incarnation will also increase."

A look of surprise appeared on Lin Caihan's face.

The quasi-emperor realm is a threshold.

No one has been able to break through these years.

And now Zhao Yang finally broke through.

"How was the time?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

"The number of star beasts besieging the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has reached a million, and I will be training soldiers." Lin Caihan changed her voice when she said this, "Wuyan from Wuliang Mountain is here."

"What is he doing?"

"I want to join our Heavenly Court."

"Trust me?"


Zhao Yang pondered for a while and said, "Wuliang Mountain has not targeted our human race in these years. Since Wuliang Mountain wants to join us, let the Wuliang Mountain family come."

"It's better for you to say it."


Accompanied by Lin Caihan, Zhao Yang came to the main hall.

At this time, Wu Yan was very impatient and uneasy, because just now he learned that the third princess, Chanjuan, was already an existence of the fourth heaven of the emperor realm.

Emperor Realm Four Heavens.

This means that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has already had a way out.

"Zhao Yang." When Wu Yan saw Zhao Yang, he rushed up to meet him.

"Why are you free to come to Heaven?"

"On behalf of the Wuliang Mountain lineage, I have taken refuge in you."

"You must have seen it too, we really don't want to take it in." Zhao Yang hesitated for a moment before saying.

A speechless heart sank.

Did Zhao Yang refuse?

"However, your lineage of Wuliang Mountain has never targeted the human race in these years, and our relationship is quite harmonious. Heavenly Court has decided to accept your lineage of Wuliang Mountain." Zhao Yang said with a smile immediately after changing his voice.

Wu Yan's heart couldn't help slowing down by half a beat, "You scared me to death."

"But I have to say something first." Zhao Yang said softly, "After you come to the Heavenly Court from Wuliang Mountain, you need to abide by the various rules of the Heavenly Court. Of course, these rules are also required by everyone."

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