Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1120 The Arrival of the Star Beast

"The Sky Palace is shrinking like us, and a large number of disciples have returned to the headquarters of the Sky Palace."

"What is the plan of the Sky Palace?"

"If the Sky Palace cannot be defended, it will come to the headquarters of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce to advance and retreat with us."

"Do they need our help?"

"Yesterday, I took some time to go there. The Sky Palace is in good order and doesn't need our help." Lin Caihan said softly.

"Where is Xianting?"

"Xianting is building a large number of defense lines with Tiandaozong as the core."

"Is Xianting trying to fight against the star beast?"

"I do not know either."

"It is absolutely impossible for Huang Wuji to confront the star beast head-on."

"Do you want to send intelligence personnel there?"

Now a large number of intelligence personnel from the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce have returned, and the news is not as well-informed as before.

"No need." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "We just need to do our own thing."

How about Xianting, Zhao Yang didn't want to care about it, and he didn't bother to care about it.

As long as it doesn't involve your own interests.

Immortal Court!

After inspecting the defense line, Huang Qingming returned to the headquarters of Xianting, which is also the headquarters of Tiandaozong.

"Father, now we have constructed four lines of defense." Huang Qingming said softly.

"The star beasts won't come here in a short time, and even if they do come, they will come here sporadically." Huang Wuji looked at Huang Qingming and said, "So we have to take advantage of this rare opportunity to continue building our defenses."

"Father, there is something I don't understand." Huang Wuji asked after a moment of silence.

"You said."

"I noticed that both the restricted area, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the major holy places are ready to run away. Why do we have to defend here in Xianting?" Huang Wuji expressed his doubts.

"Because this is an opportunity to strengthen our fairy court." Huang Wuji said with a smile.

"Father, please show me." Huang Qingming asked after thinking about it.

"First, how many forces have the ability to leave the Immortal Realm? Except for the four forbidden areas such as the Five Elements restricted area, the Titans are not eligible for restricted areas. After the star beasts invade on a large scale, where can these guys hide? At that time, they will have to come here." Huang Wuji smiled slightly, "As long as they come to our fairy court, they will be under our control at that time."

"But after the arrival of multiple forces, can we control it well?"

"Under the combination of grace and power, they have to compromise." Huang Wuji said confidently, "Second, what I mainly want to include are the resistance forces of the five-element forbidden zone, the elemental forbidden zone, and the ancient mine forbidden zone. You said they saw our fairy The court has constructed such a line of defense, will they come?"

Huang Qingming's eyes suddenly lit up.

"As long as the masters of the three major restricted areas come, I will be sure to hold these guys firmly in the hands of their fairy court." Huang Wuji paused at this point, "Furthermore, so many monks come, you say they How many resources do you have in your hands? And these resources will eventually fall into our hands.”

Huang Qingming was stunned.

He didn't expect his father to be so far-sighted.

"The fairyland is too big, and it is absolutely impossible for the star beasts to attack us on a large scale. Taking a step back, even if they invade on a large scale, can't we run away after we can't defeat it?" Huang Qingming said with a smile, "I have already attacked We have passed through a passage leading to the outer sky, and if we cannot resist, we can retreat at any time."

"Father, Gao Ming." Huang Qingming extended his thumb towards Huang Wuji.

When the one-month period came, the monks in the entire fairyland were full of panic, but they waited for the star beast to come, and waited for the star beast to come.

"What happened?"

"Could it be that the three major restricted areas have not been withdrawn?"

"Waiting is too painful."

Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce Headquarters!

At this time, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has completed the overall relocation.

Of the 320 million monks registered by the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, 320 million went to the small world of the battleship, and the family members of those monks and the 200 million monks attached to them also went to the small world of the battleship.

Of the 540 million monks registered by the Pure Yang Sect, 540 million went to the small world of the battleship, and the family members of those monks and the 600 million monks attached to them also all went to the small world of the battleship.

Of the 68 monks in Heaven, 38 monks also entered the small world of battleships.

Of the 58 monks of the Tai Sui lineage, 28 monks also entered the small world of battleships.

At this time, only 500 million elites from Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, 500 million elites from Chunyang Sect, 30 elites from Tianting, and 30 elites from Taisui lineage remained in the headquarters of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

During this period of time, these elites have been building a line of defense around the headquarters of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

At this time they also built four lines of defense.

"Husband, why hasn't the star beast come yet?" Mingyue asked softly.

"I'll go to the restricted area of ​​the element to take a look." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

After saying this, Zhao Yang tore apart the space and left here.

Elemental restricted area!

It would have taken half a day for Zhao Yang to reach the restricted area of ​​the element before, but now Zhao Yang has reached the restricted area of ​​the element in an instant.

Zhao Yang noticed that the restricted area of ​​the elements had become empty, but there were still 200 million soldiers on the front line.

These soldiers are still fighting bloody battles.

"Zhao Yang." At this moment, a middle-aged man came over when he saw Zhao Yang.

"Why are you still resisting?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"All the restricted areas of the elements were withdrawn three days ago, and the rest are unwilling to leave." The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yang knew this middle-aged man.

This middle-aged person is the existence of the second layer of the emperor's realm in the forbidden zone of elements.

"How long are you going to resist?"

"Because there is no follow-up supplement, we will withdraw after another month." The middle-aged man replied.

The element forbidden area still broke its promise.

Because Zhao Yang noticed that only one-tenth of the combat power left in the restricted area of ​​the elements was left.

But it's already very valuable.

Because most of those who remain will perish.

"I've already stepped into the Emperor Realm, so I can't help you anymore." Zhao Yang sighed softly.

"You have helped us a lot." The middle-aged man said politely.

"Are the other three restricted areas also in your situation?"


After Zhao Yang asked some more questions, he returned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

"The star beast will not appear until one month later, so everyone will take advantage of the last month and continue to build defense lines." After Zhao Yang told everyone the news, he decided to retreat.

"Retreat?" Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang in surprise and said, "At this time, why are you still closed?"

"I want to make my three thousand incarnations go one step further." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "If I can condense an incarnation of quasi-emperor level, then I can go to the battlefield at that time."

The monks in the imperial realm cannot go to the battlefield, otherwise the star beasts over there will also appear at this level.

Comparing the consumption with the powerhouses of the Emperor Realm on the side of the Star Beast?

Who can afford it?

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

At the headquarters of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Zhao Yang began to retreat and comprehend the three thousand incarnations.

One month later, Zhao Yang is still in seclusion.

"The period of January has come." Xu Huier murmured looking at the sky.

"The star beast is coming." Lin Caihan said leisurely.

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