Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1119 Curse 1 Pulse Appears

Zhao Yang took Lin Caihan to the combat area and living area, and then took Lin Caihan to the small world of the battleship.

"This small world is so big." Lin Caihan said after probing the distance with his divine sense.

"Are you saying that in this small world, do we accept the disciples of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Pure Yang Sect, or the refugees from the Human Race?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

Lin Caihan thought for a while and said, "The spiritual power and rules of this small world are more complete than ours. I mean let the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Chunyangzong, Tianting, and Taisui come to this world."

"As for the refugees you mentioned, just let them go to the small worlds of our emperors." Lin Caihan continued, "I'll forget it. It's no problem for each of our small worlds to accept [-] million monks."

"If the emperor accepts [-] million monks, how many monks can we accept?"

"Have you ever thought about allowing Emperor Zhun to accept refugees?"

"Emperor Zhun? Have you ever thought that there are good and bad emperors alike, and it is inevitable that they will cause many troubles when they receive refugees." Lin Caihan said solemnly, "Will you deal with the refugee issue or not?"

"But I don't think I can care so much if I can live." Zhao Yang pondered for a while before saying.

"You are wrong." Lin Caihan shook her head and said, "How many resources can we get after going to Tianwaitian? But those monks need a lot of resources."

Zhao Yang was stunned.

"The world rules of the powerful emperors are perfect, and they don't need to worry about resources for a while, but what about those quasi-emperors?" Lin Caihan stared at Zhao Yang and said, "Their small worlds are still growing, and the process of growth requires consumption. Not to mention energy, but also to support the tens of millions of monks in their small world?"

"And these resources ultimately need to be provided by Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong."

"How long can we support?"

Zhao Yang fell silent.

"In troubled times, we should have a compassionate heart, but we can't drag ourselves down." Lin Caihan said while stroking Zhao Yang's face, "We can't save everyone."

"You're right." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice after a while, "You first arrange [-] monks to investigate and investigate this world, and then distribute the territory reasonably."

"You have to build a space channel."

"no problem."

Next, Zhao Yang started to build a space passage.

At the same time, Lin Caihan recruited [-] monks to enter Zhao Yang's small world. After inspecting this world, these monks divided the living area and so on.

Then the families and subordinates of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong went to this small world one after another.

Less than [-] million monks entered it in a week.

The management of these monks was very chaotic, so Zhao Yang ordered ten thousand robots to enter it.

Under the guidance of those robots, the chaotic situation quickly stabilized.

"Can this battleship build robots?" Zhao Yang asked the spirit of the battleship.

"Yes, what level do you want?" the warship's Qi Ling replied.

"Are there any quasi-emperor level?" Zhao Yang asked tentatively.

"As long as you have materials here, I can build it for you."

"So it's okay to be in the Holy Realm?"

"Anyone in the quasi-emperor realm is fine."

"How's your speed?"

"There is one robot in the quasi-emperor realm every three days, one robot in the holy realm, three robots in the quasi-sacred realm, and ten robots in the golden fairyland."

"You go to my treasury to see what refining materials you need?" Zhao Yang opened the treasury of his own small world while talking.

After the warship's weapon spirit probed for a while, a large amount of refining materials fell into the battleship one after another.

"This battleship can hold so many refining materials?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"This battleship has a special forging room, and the forging room has reached [-] square meters." Qi Ling of the battleship replied, "The space outside this space has been compressed, but the actual space inside is very large."

"After the robot is built, it will be thrown into the world to help manage it." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.


After Zhao Yang stepped out of the battleship, he came to the restricted area.

The three masters of the Heavenly Court in the restricted area, and the three masters of the Tai Sui lineage have already set foot in the first layer of the Emperor Realm.

"Go back after you stabilize your realm here." Zhao Yang said softly.

"As ordered."

Zhao Yang immediately put away the map of Emperor Qiankun, and just as he was halfway there, a guard rushed over.

"President Zhao, President Lin asked you to go to the living room. She said that an important guest is looking for you."

Zhao Yang nodded.

After arriving at the living room, Zhao Yang discovered that the so-called guest was actually Gu Tong.

"Brother." Gu Tong greeted Zhao Yang enthusiastically after seeing Zhao Yang.

"Who are you calling big brother?" Zhao Yang said angrily.

"Brother, the curse has been shot."

"Cursed one vein?" Zhao Yang was taken aback.

"The lineage of the curse announced to the major restricted areas that as long as you follow, you can get shelter." Gu Tong said in a deep voice, "Now the lineage of fierce beasts and the lineage of the underworld have surrendered."

"What about your ancient clan?"

"The patriarch of our ancient clan is thinking about it."

"What if the patriarch of your ancient clan also follows?"

"If the ancient clan follows, I will quit the ancient clan." Gu Tong said solemnly, "I don't want to follow the curse?"

"How much do you know about the line of curse?"

"To be honest, I know very little about the cursed lineage. I only know that the cursed lineage is more mysterious than the five-element forbidden zone. I heard from the patriarch of the immortal clan that there are very tyrannical existences in the cursed lineage."

"How strong?"

"It must surpass the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm."

Zhao Yang fell silent.

"Brother, if the ancients follow the curse lineage, I will follow you."

"If you follow me, you will never go back again." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Gu Tong's face suddenly collapsed.

What does Zhao Yang mean by this?How could he not know?

You can follow, but you have to announce, announce to the restricted area, announce to the fairyland, Gu Tong will follow Zhao Yang from now on.

After a while, Gu Tong gritted his teeth and said, "No problem, I will announce it to the whole fairyland."

"However, I still hope that you will follow to the line of the curse."


"I can't understand the line of curse."

"I'll push my elder brother when he becomes stronger in the future, but I'd better be patient now." Gu Tong hurriedly persuaded.

After Gu Tong left, Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Do you want to curse?"

"I'm not in the mood to talk to him now." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "I don't want to waste resources on the curse line, and besides, no one knows the depth of the curse line."

After a pause, Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something, "How is the Sky Palace?"

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