As Zhao Yang's voice fell, Zhao Yang found himself in a void space.

In this space, there is no up, down, left, right, nor east, west, north, south.

It's like the beginning of the universe.

"Is this a test?" Zhao Yang murmured.

Zhao Yang first observed this space, but found that there was nothing in this space.

There are no rules.

Not even energy.

"What's the test of this level?" Zhao Yang thought for a long time but couldn't come up with a reason.

After hesitating again and again, Zhao Yang raised his foot and walked in one direction.

But he hadn't taken two steps yet. For some reason, Zhao Yang vaguely felt that this direction might be wrong.

Thinking like this, he walked in another direction.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

After Zhao Yang walked here for a month, he became a little anxious.


According to his speculation, the star beasts have already broken through the defense lines of the three restricted areas and invaded the fairyland on a large scale.

Can the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce stop it?

Can the Pure Yang Sect stop it?

Anxiously, Zhao Yang couldn't help speeding up his pace.

He used his limit speed.

After continuously ascending for a day, Zhao Yang stopped.


Zhao Yang's cultivation at this time is already at the emperor level, and he is confident that even the existence of the great emperor level is no match for him.

But now he has been flying for a whole day, how could he not fly out?

There is no reason.

"Is the space here folded, or does this place have no end at all?" Zhao Yang stopped to study and determined that the space here is not folded.

Since there is no folding, it means that there is no end to this place.

If there is no end, how can I get to the end?

What kind of test is this?

After realizing this, Zhao Yang felt a little restless.


Very upset.

Zhao Yang stopped.

He was thinking about how to get out.

And when he was about to stop for a day, Zhao Yang felt uneasy.

what's the situation?

Why is my heart disturbed?

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang raised his foot and walked forward, but when he walked up, the peace of mind was gone.

"Could it be that I can't stop, otherwise I may encounter accidents?" Zhao Yang secretly thought.

Since this is a test, there must be a solution.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

Zhao Yang has been here for half a year.

In the past six months, Zhao Yang has thought a lot, but he still can't think of a solution.

What does pagoda mean?

Do you want to trap yourself here?

"I give up the challenge, okay?" Zhao Yang shouted upwards.

Unfortunately, no one responded.

In desperation, Zhao Yang had no choice but to continue walking forward.

Gotta find something to do, right?

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

In the past ten years, Zhao Yang's state was a little abnormal.

There is no end here.

Zhao Yang felt that he might be trapped here forever.

Anxiety was about to ignite him.

He didn't know what happened to Lin Caihan, let alone Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce?

Ten years.

The star beast probably broke through the fairyland long ago, right?

"What kind of ghost test is this?" Zhao Yang roared angrily.

No one responded.

Zhao Yang could only move on.

Twelve years have passed.

Twelve years have passed.

Twelve years have passed.

At the end, Zhao Yang didn't have much energy left on his body, he walked forward weakly like a walking corpse.

I don't know how long it has passed before a bright light suddenly appeared in front of me.

When Zhao Yang saw the bright light, he subconsciously covered it with his hands.

Immediately, Zhao Yang's eyes lit up, and he rushed towards the bright light.

After rushing closer, I realized that the bright spot was the exit.

When Zhao Yang rushed out of the exit, he found himself back on the fourth floor of the pagoda.

"This... this...." Zhao Yang was a little confused.

"Congratulations, you have successfully passed the test of the fourth level." At this time, the voice of the pagoda rang in his ears.

Hearing this voice, Zhao Yang felt as if he had passed away.

"I want to know what is the fourth test?" Zhao Yang asked with a wry smile.

"First, if you go in the wrong direction, you will never get out in this life; second, if you stop for more than a day, then you will stay there forever; third, you need to persist in it for 100 years. years, and your spirit must not break."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang couldn't help remembering that he gave himself a warning when he first chose a direction.

Zhao Yang felt that it might be the great fortune brought by the seal of God.

And when Zhao Yang stopped for nearly a day, he felt palpitations in his heart.

Sealed by God!

Zhao Yang thought it was not worth taking such a big risk to cross the ninth thunder tribulation before, but now he thinks it's not worth it, okay?

"This is your reward." The voice said that Zhao Yang found himself in the starry sky, and in front of him was a huge battleship with a height of thousands of meters.

"Is this the battleship of the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm?" Zhao Yang asked with burning eyes.

"I've seen the master." At this moment, an enchanting illusory girl appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

"Are you a tool spirit?"

"Yes Master."

"Tell me about this battleship." Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something when he said this, "Wait, how long has it been?"

"With the flick of a finger, it's only been a moment since you entered the formation." The pagoda's tool spirit replied.

"So what I just experienced was illusory?" Zhao Yang said in astonishment.

But that feeling is really real.

"To be exact, it's not an illusion. You have indeed been in the formation for a hundred years." Qi Ling said lightly, "In fact, this is good for you. First, your will has been further honed, and your rock power The heart has advanced, and now it has reached the second stage."

"The heart of the rock doesn't seem to have any benefits other than being able to see through falsehood?"

"The heart of the rock can evolve into the heart of the great way, and if you can have the heart of the great way, when you go to heaven in the future, you..." At this point, Qi Ling suddenly stopped talking.


"Second, you have been in the formation for a hundred years, haven't you noticed that your strength has increased a little?" Qi Ling changed the subject at this time.

Zhao Yang suddenly realized that the other party didn't want to mention God's affairs to him.

So he didn't ask.

Since it's only been a while, there's no need to rush back.

"Master, this battleship is divided into a combat zone and a living zone. Let me take you to the combat zone first." Qi Ling of the battleship said while leading Zhao Yang to the combat zone.

The space of the combat zone is about several hundred square meters, and the layout can be described as dreamy.

"Master, this battleship has a main gun."

"Among them, the main cannon can fire one shell that severely damages the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm, three shells that severely damage the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm, and nine consecutive shells that severely damage the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm."

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