Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1115 Heading to the Pagoda

"The power of Heavenly Tribulation has not changed, but Xu Huier and the others are too strong." The third princess shook her head and said, "First, most of the quasi-emperor peaks who have crossed the catastrophe do not have emperor-level skills; Not much."

Zhao Yang was startled.

"The Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce now has Lin Caihan, Tang Yiren, Jianchen, Xiaomi, and Xiaoluodijing. Of course, if Lin Caihan's Celestial Silkworm is included, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has six emperor-level powerhouses; the Chunyangzong now has Mingyue, Xu Huier, Yuan Jin'er, Leng Qingqiu, and Blue Crucian Crucian are five emperor-level powerhouses." The three princesses suddenly discovered that the power under Zhao Yang's command had reached such a level unconsciously.

The three princesses didn't include Zhao Yang, Zhu Ya and Zhao Yang's war pet, the Four Elephants.

If all of them are counted, Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce currently has as many as thirteen Emperor Realm powerhouses.

"I don't know what level your conventional strength has reached?" the third princess asked at this time.

"I have to ask Caihan about this." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan.

"There are forty statues at the peak of Emperor Zhun, 230 statues at the eighth heaven of Emperor Zhun, 610 statues at the seventh heaven of Emperor Zhun, [-] statues at the sixth heaven of Emperor Zhun, and [-] statues at the fifth heaven of Emperor Zhun." There are [-] statues in the fourth heaven, [-] statues in the fourth heaven, [-] statues in the third heaven, and [-] statues in the second heaven. There are [-] statues, and there are [-] statues in the first heaven of Zhundi."

The third princess was shocked when she heard this.

"In this way, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has surpassed the Heavenly Court in conventional strength." The third princess has never underestimated the fighting power of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

The third princess has also been to the Five Elements Forbidden Zone and the Elemental Forbidden Zone, so she knows that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce's fighting power is even higher than the soldiers of the Heavenly Court.

"Where's Chunyangzong?" The third princess looked at Mingyue.

After seeing Zhao Yang nodded slightly, Mingyue said, "There are 24 statues at the peak of Zhundi, 51 statues at the eighth heaven of Zhundi, 120 statues at the seventh heaven of Zhundi, and 310 statues at the sixth heaven of Zhundi." There are 740 statues, 1 statues in the fifth heaven of Emperor Zhun, [-] statues in the fourth heaven of Emperor Zhun, [-] statues in the third heaven of Emperor Zhun, and [-] statues in the second heaven of Emperor Zhun. There are [-] statues, and there are [-] statues in the first heaven of Emperor Zhun."

"The strength of our Heavenly Court is probably comparable to that of the Chunyang Sect." The third princess said after thinking about it.

Mingyue's face was a little sad.

In addition to learning from the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Mingyue has also made a series of improvements over the years.

As a result, the gap between the two sides is still growing.

Everyone also knew that this was not Mingyue's problem, but that Lin Caihan was too good at doing business, and no one was her opponent in terms of business.

The result of Lin Caihan earning a lot of money is that the strength of the chamber of commerce is soaring crazily.

This is the advantage of the chamber of commerce, which the sect cannot compare with.

Of course, the sect is more cohesive than the chamber of commerce, which is something that the chamber of commerce cannot compare with.

"Taichang, how many people in the Taisui lineage can reach the emperor's realm?" Zhao Yang looked at Taichang and said.

Hearing this, Taichang was stunned for a while, then said with a wry smile, "Not a single one."

"In this way, if you draw up three loyal peak quasi-emperors, I will help them ascend to the emperor's realm." Zhao Yang said softly.

Zhao Yang would not have done such a thing before.

Neither the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce nor the Chunyang Sect had any masters of the Emperor Realm, but in the end they gave the Tai Sui lineage three masters of the Emperor Realm?

Is it possible that Tai Sui is not inflated?

And after seeing the strength of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong too often today, does he dare to have other thoughts?

Too often surprised.

He didn't expect Zhao Yang to have such ability.

"Let's settle this first. In addition, the Taisui lineage and the Tianting lineage, remember to put away some resources of the sect. Once the star beasts can't stop them, go to the headquarters of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce through the teleportation array." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"Obey." The third princess bowed.

"Of order." Tai Chang said with a bow.

Then Zhao Yang and his party returned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, and Zhao Yang ordered the two major forces to fully shrink.

"The sixth district, fifth district, fourth district, and third district can all be discarded when necessary." Zhao Yang glanced at the audience and said, "You must follow this plan."

The leaders of Chunyangzong and Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce were all shocked when they heard this.

"President, we have invested a huge amount of manpower and material resources in those four districts." Jian Chen said with some reluctance.

"Yes, suzerain, do you give up if you say you want to give up?" Blue crucian carp said, his eyes turned red.

"So you have to take advantage of this time to integrate resources." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "You have to know that as long as people are still there, those who were abandoned before will come back in the future. And if people are gone, then what? It's all gone."

After everyone left, Lin Caihan said softly, "Now everyone is panicking, and the chamber of commerce's business is actually better."

"I won't do it." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "We may have to leave Immortal Realm."

"Leaving the fairyland?" Lin Caihan exclaimed.

"Yes, leave Immortal Realm." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "The reason why I cultivate so many emperors at this time is also because I can take all the monks with me when I really decide to leave."

"There are 320 million monks registered in the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, but the number of family members and affiliated personnel of these monks has reached 200 million." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

"From now on, these family members and affiliated personnel will start to transfer to your small world." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "Of course some monks with weak cultivation bases will also start to transfer."

"It's a huge project."

"Don't we have [-] robots? Let those robots do the statistics, and you can assign some monks specially, and you must transfer them within a month." Zhao Yang gave Lin Caihan the picture of Emperor Qiankun, "This is Emperor Qiankun You take the picture. After the masters of the Zhundi peak from the lineage of Tianting and Taisui are delivered, you will supervise and help improve."

"Where are you going?"

"I'll go to the pagoda to see if I have a chance to get that battleship from the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm?"

"Is it dangerous?"

"How dare I go if I'm not sure?" Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

This is comforting for Zhao Yang, but in fact he is not very sure.

But Zhao Yang felt that it was still necessary to get that battleship.

When he crushed the talisman given by the pagoda's Qi Ling, Zhao Yang found himself on the fourth floor of the pagoda.

"Are you here?" Qi Ling's voice sounded from the fourth floor of the pagoda.

"I'm here." Zhao Yang responded.

"First of all, congratulations on stepping into the Emperor Realm, but what I want to say is that the fourth level is very sad."

"Always make a breakthrough." Zhao Yang said after pondering for a while.

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