After a while, the third princess asked curiously, "You still have the emperor's seal in your hand?"

"It's not the emperor's seal." Zhao Yang shook his head.

Hearing this, the third princess became even more curious, "The three restricted areas are almost unstoppable."

"They informed you?"


"How long?"

"One month."

"One month?" The third princess looked at Zhao Yang solemnly and said, "What do we need to do?"

"First, all the soldiers outside the Heavenly Court will return; second, let that guy Long Xingyun prepare to cross the catastrophe."

"Let Long Xingyun overcome the calamity within a month?"

Zhao Yang handed the three princesses a time spar, "Let Long Xingyun practice in seclusion for the next time."


"As for you, you will have to practice in seclusion for the next time."

"What else do I practice in retreat?"

"Don't you want to set foot on the Fifth Heaven of Emperor Realm?"

"Fifth Heaven of Emperor Realm?" The eyes of the third princess lit up when she heard this, "Can I still step into this realm?"

"The Fifth Heaven of the Emperor Realm is just a starting point for you." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile, "By the way, I'm going to cross the tribulation in three days, and you have to protect the Dharma then."

"Obey." The third princess said hastily.

After Zhao Yang confessed again, he left.

Zhao Yang came to the treasury of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, where Zhao Yang met Tanlang.

When Tanlang saw Zhao Yang, he hurriedly stood up, "Little brother, why do you have time to come to my place?"

"How is the current state of senior brother?"

"You also know my aptitude, the first level is the limit." Greedy Wolf said with a smile.

"I will cross the tribulation in three days, and I need my brother to protect the law." Zhao Yang said softly.

"It is imperative." Tanlang said in a deep voice.

"Senior brother's cultivation is not enough at this time." Zhao Yang took out the picture of Emperor Qiankun and said, "Senior brother opens the time domain and raises the cultivation base to the Great Emperor Realm?"

Tanlang thought for a while and said, "I will be disrespectful in this way."

And when Tanlang sat cross-legged on it and practiced, Zhao Yang took out three thousand drops of Zhundi medicine and sprinkled it on it.

"Three thousand drops of Zhundi medicinal liquid?" Tanlang took a look and stopped paying attention.

Tanlang would think it was too much before, but since Lin Caihan earned 200 million, Tanlang doesn't care much.

The map of Qiankun Emperor is of a very high level.

Because Greedy Wolf sat on the Qiankun Emperor Map for three months, his cultivation base was promoted from the first level of the Emperor Realm to the second level of the Emperor Realm.

"Brother, you need to stabilize your own realm first, I'm going to look for Senior Brother Pojun with the map of Emperor Qiankun."

"it is good."

Zhao Yang came to the treasury of Chunyangzong.

Po Jun became the person in charge of the Chunyangzong treasury.

When Po Jun began to improve his cultivation, Zhao Yang was building a formation.

What Zhao Yang created at this time was the Zhundi peak formation, and after reaching this level, he relied on the power of heaven and earth.

As for the formation materials of the quasi-emperor peak?

Yes there is.

But if you want to gather enough materials for a quasi-emperor's peak formation, even the restricted area may not be able to do it, okay?

Therefore, the formations at the peak of Zhundi are generally simple formations.

After Po Jun's side stepped into the Second Heaven of Emperor Realm, Po Jun found that Zhao Yang had just made a formation map.

"How powerful is your array?"

"Should be fine."

"Let me try?" Po Jun said as he was about to make a move.

Zhao Yang quickly stopped him, "Don't make trouble, okay? It will take me three months to complete a map."

"Are you going to use the formation map when you cross the tribulation?"

"I'll see if I can take myself a step further?" Zhao Yang said softly.

After Zhao Yang's cultivation reached the peak of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, he found that his potential had not yet reached the Eighth Heaven of the Emperor Realm.

Therefore, Zhao Yang wanted to take advantage of the time of crossing the catastrophe to raise his potential to the eighth heaven of the imperial realm.

And after reaching the eighth heaven, there is only one step away from the peak.

"Di Jie, to be honest, we don't know much about it." Po Jun sighed softly and said, "After all, it was only the Emperor Jie who crossed the land back then."

Zhao Yangdu's land definitely won't be the emperor's robbery.

"Yeah, we can only talk about it at that time." Zhao Yang chatted with Po Jun for a while and left.

After returning to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Zhao Yang began to adjust his state.

After the three-day period, Zhao Yang went to the depths of the sky.

Lin Caihan chose the place to cross the catastrophe.

This place is very far away from the major forces, and it will take some time for the major forces to come.

After Zhao Yang arrived here, the three princesses Chanjuan and Tai Sui belonged to Tai Chang, and the four powerful men, Tan Lang and Po Jun, guarded Zhao Yang's surroundings respectively.

In addition, Jianchen from Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Xiaomi from Tang Yiren, Xiaoxia from Xu Huier from Chunyangzong, and Xiaojin from Yuan Jiner stood in the second protective circle.

These four now also have cultivations of the first level of the Emperor Realm.

Among these four are Lin Caihan, Xu Huier, Mingyue and other women.

They seem to be at the peak of quasi emperors, but in fact they are the most powerful.


They have the guardian seal set by Zhao Yang on their bodies.

The level of the guardian seal has been raised to the sixth heaven of the emperor realm.

In other words, even those from the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm couldn't hurt them.

Zhao Yang glanced at everyone and opened his hands, the energy in his body was unreservedly released.

The faces of the third princess and the others changed.

They also came from the realm of Emperor Zhun's peak, so they knew how terrifying Zhao Yang was at this time?

"How far has the potential of the Emperor of Heaven reached?" Taichang's eyes revealed a look of shock.

"I think it must be at least the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm?" Chanjuan said uncertainly.

Po Jun and Tan Lang looked at each other, and they both saw incredulity in each other's eyes.

They knew that Zhao Yang's potential was higher than theirs, but they didn't have a clear understanding of how much higher.

But now they know.

The rumbling sound resounded throughout the fairyland.

I don't know how many creatures looked in the direction of Zhao Yang Dujie.

"Back off." Chanjuan scolded Jieyun in a deep voice as she watched Jieyun frantically gathering.

Immediately, Chanjuan took the lead and retreated hundreds of kilometers outward.

Before they stood still, a thunderbolt came towards Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang's eyes fixed on that thunderbolt.

Where is Thunder?

It was clearly a thunderbolt transformed into rules.


Thunder fell on Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang stood firmly on the spot without any change on his face.

The first thunderbolt couldn't help him.

But then the second thunder came, this thunder was twice as strong as the first one.

"This increase is a bit dramatic." Zhao Yang's eyes flickered.

After Zhao Yang endured the second thunderstorm, the third thunderstorm came again.

Unexpectedly, the third thunderbolt was twice as strong as the second thunderbolt.

"Third Princess, how many thunderbolts did the sky and earth descend when you crossed the catastrophe?" Zhao Yang shouted at the Three Princesses.

"Four paths." The third princess replied, "As much as your potential is, how many thunderbolts will descend?" At this point, the third princess looked at Zhao Yang in doubt and said, "Don't you know?"

"I don't know." During Zhao Yang's speech, the fourth thunder came again.

Zhao Yang's Nine Yang Mysterious Kung Fu started to operate automatically.

Jiuyang Xuangong has the ability of automatic defense.

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