Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1112 Heavenly Court Strength

In the past two years, when Zhao Yang was fighting in the five-element forbidden zone and the elemental forbidden zone, he was also observing the strength of the two forbidden zones.

Zhao Yang found that normally the line of defense would collapse in about eight years, but since the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the major restricted areas rushed to help, the time for the three major restricted areas to collapse has greatly increased.

However, after the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong also withdraw, the three restricted areas will not be able to persist for more than ten years.

ten years.

Zhao Yang needs to raise his cultivation to the peak of quasi-emperor realm within ten years.

In this way, when the star beast invades in the future, Zhao Yang can set foot on the emperor's realm at any time.

After arriving at the emperor's realm, Zhao Yang was confident that he would have the ability to protect himself to a certain extent. Furthermore, Zhao Yang also thought that when he went to the pagoda deep in the underworld, he might have a chance to get that battleship.

A warship of the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm.

With that battleship, Zhao Yang can at least defend Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong.

"By the way, in the next ten years, the person in charge of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce will be promoted to the peak of Emperor Zhun." Zhao Yang continued.

"Okay." Lin Caihan nodded.

This was originally within Lin Caihan's plan.

"By the way, do you want to increase the Emperor Realm of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce?"

"Don't increase the emperor's realm easily." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Next, there must be at least [-] high-level quasi-emperors in the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

"There is not much problem with thirty statues." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.


Thinking of this number, Zhao Yang still sighed.


There are more than [-] quasi-emperor peaks in the Five Elements Forbidden Zone and the Elemental Forbidden Zone.

In other words, the strength of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce will not be comparable to the Five Elements Forbidden Zone.

As for the strong in the imperial realm, let alone.

Fortunately, Zhao Yang still has a hole card in his hand, otherwise Zhao Yang would have no way to deal with the star beast.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

Zhao Yang has been retreating to improve his cultivation.

Zhao Yang's quasi-emperor peak is definitely different from other people's quasi-emperor peaks.

It will take longer for him to reach this level, because he has accumulated too much.

Zhao Yang used the time spar and spent hundreds of years of time power, but even so, he still didn't set foot.

But Zhao Yang didn't show any signs of annoyance.

Because of this, Zhao Yang will be even stronger when he steps into the emperor's realm in the future.

Four years have passed.

Five years have passed.

Six years have passed.

It took Zhao Yang another hundreds of years before his cultivation finally reached the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun.

After reaching this realm, Zhao Yang did not continue to practice, but went out to preach to the soldiers of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong.

At this time, Zhao Yang had a deeper understanding of Dao.

"My husband's strength is even more terrifying." Xu Hui'er said softly.

When Zhao Yang was preaching in Chunyangzong, Xu Huier and other leaders of Chunyangzong also came.

"Yeah, I can't even think of resisting in front of her." Yuan Jin'er nodded emphatically.

"Husband should have just broken through not long ago, otherwise his aura should be restrained, and it is impossible to bloom such strong fluctuations." Blue crucian carp said from the side.

"I heard that it took your husband six hundred years to reach the peak of Zhundi." Leng Qingqiu said in a deep voice.

"Six hundred years?" Yuan Jin'er exclaimed, "This...husband's peak is too domineering, isn't it?"

"The peak of the quasi-emperor means the accumulation of the entire quasi-emperor realm. How can our husband's accumulation compare with us?" Fairy Mingyue said with a smile at this time.

Fairy Mingyue and the others reached the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun a few years ago.

They have been consolidating their cultivation over the years.

In fact, if they want to break through, they can break through at any time.

But they didn't.

They were waiting, waiting for Zhao Yang's first breakthrough.

After breaking through the pinnacle of Zhundi, Zhao Yang, in addition to preaching in the altar, trained the disciples of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong. Of course, Zhao Yang also spent more time realizing the realm of Zhundi's pinnacle.

The strength of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong is growing steadily.

Two years later, Ruoshui suddenly found Zhao Yang on this day.

"The line of defense is going to be unstoppable, and we're about to withdraw." Ruoshui said suddenly.

"When will you withdraw?" Zhao Yang said after pondering for a while.

"One month." Ruoshui said softly, "We are already preparing for the relocation."

"One month?" Zhao Yang's eyes flickered.


"Are you going beyond the sky?"

"I don't want to leave, but the ancestor asked me to go to Tianwai." Ruoshui said with a wry smile, "there are only one-third of the monks left in the Five Elements forbidden area."

"You have paid so much for Xianyu." Zhao Yang said with emotion, "Let's go, go to Tianwaitian."

"I still have to inform other forces. See you in the fate." Ruoshui turned and left after speaking.

After Ruoshui left, Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang solemnly and said, "What should we do?"

"All irrelevant personnel of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce have returned to the headquarters, and the major branches just need to maintain normal operations." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"I'll give orders later." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

"I will cross the tribulation in three days."

"Crossing Tribulation? Are you ready?"

"Ready." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "Also, you tell Yiren and the others that you are also preparing to cross the catastrophe."

"it is good."

"I'm going to the Tianting training ground."

Tianting training ground.

When Zhao Yang arrived here, he found that Chanjuan was giving a lecture.

The cultivation base of the soldiers of the Heavenly Court has also increased a lot at this time, because the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce provided them with a lot of star beads.

"Emperor of Heaven." Chanjuan stopped when she saw Zhao Yang, and shouted respectfully.

"Third Princess, follow me." Zhao Yang said softly.

Arriving at the room prepared by the third princess for Zhao Yang, Zhao Yang asked, "Has your cultivation reached the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm?"

"Two years ago, I set foot in the Fourth Heaven of Emperor Realm."

"What is the current strength of Heavenly Court?"

"There are thirty statues at the peak of Emperor Zhun, one hundred statues at the eighth heaven, three hundred statues at the seventh heaven, nine hundred statues at the sixth heaven, and three at the fifth heaven. There are 2 statues, [-] statues of the fourth heavenly emperor, [-] statues of the third heavenly emperor, [-] statues of the second heavenly emperor, and [-] statues of the first heavenly emperor. .”

The third princess of the Great Sacred Realm didn't say anything, because it wasn't necessary.

"The Heavenly Court is at least three times stronger than it was back then." The third princess said seriously.

"How many gods are qualified to set foot in the emperor's realm in heaven?"

"Only Long Xingyun."

"Has Long Xingyun reached the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun?"


"You give me three lists, and I will raise them to the imperial realm."

"What?" The third princess was shocked.

"It must be someone who is absolutely loyal." Zhao Yang looked at the three princesses solemnly and said, "Aptitude is not important, what is important is loyalty."

"I will carefully consider it." The third princess said seriously.

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