Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1081 Qin Cang's Betrayal

After chatting with Bi Luo for a while, Chanjuan left the Sky Palace with the soldiers from the Heavenly Court.

After arriving at the military training ground in Tianting, Lin Caihan walked out from Chanjuan's small world.

"Third Princess, what level of kung fu do you practice?" Lin Caihan asked softly.

"Three Heavens of the Emperor Realm." Chanjuan replied, "Ma'am, do you want to learn?"

"I have a more powerful exercise here, I wonder if you would like to practice it?" Lin Caihan asked after thinking about it.

"Stronger skills?" Chanjuan's eyes lit up.

Chanjuan already felt the limitation of the practice she practiced.

But she suffers from not having higher-level exercises.

"I just don't know what level it is?"

"The Seventh Heaven of the Emperor Realm." Lin Caihan replied.

This time Chanjuan couldn't calm down anymore.

Emperor Realm Seventh Heaven?

A skill of this level is extremely precious even in Tianwaitian, right?

"I have two versions, one for the Fifth Heaven of the Emperor's Realm, and one for the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor's Realm, which one do you want?" Lin Caihan asked softly.

Chanjuan fell into deep thought.

She wanted the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor Realm, but she was worried that Lin Caihan would say that she was greedy.

When she was struggling, Lin Caihan said, "I will give you both versions. As for which one to practice, you can decide for yourself." All of her understanding was passed on to Chanjuan.

After browsing, Chanjuan looked at Lin Caihan with full of emotion.

Lin Caihan's gift can be described as a great fortune.

Just when Chanjuan was about to say something thankful, an old man hurried over, "Princess, we found Qin Cang."

"Have you found Senior Brother Qin?" Chanjuan was surprised.

But when Chanjuan saw the old man's face, the smile on her face restrained.

"What happened?"

"We told Qin Cang about the new Emperor of Heaven, but Qin Cang didn't agree with it, and even stated that he has nothing to do with the Heavenly Court." The old man said with some heartache.

The old man is the old man of heaven.

He hoped that Qin Cang could submit to the Heavenly Court, but Qin Cang wanted to set up another family.

"Is it because Qin Cang is unwilling to return, or is Qin Cang's entire lineage unwilling?"

"That lineage has been with Qin Cang for so long, and I'm afraid there are not many who still have their hands facing the heavens." The old man said with a wry smile.

"Where is Qin Cang?"

"In Yandang Mountain."

"Take me there." Chanjuan remembered Lin Caihan when she said this, "Madam, I'll come back as soon as I go."

After speaking, Chanjuan and the old man tore apart the space and left here.

Lin Caihan thought for a while and returned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce through the teleportation array.

Lin Caihan told Zhao Yang about Qin Cang.

"I didn't expect Qin Cang to betray Heaven." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said to Tiandao of the small world, "Take me to Yandang Mountain immediately."

Yandang Mountain!

The two figures stared at each other.

A figure is as rich as jade, like a gentleman; a figure is as heroic as a country and a city.

"Junior Sister, we haven't seen each other for [-] years, are we going to be on edge when we meet?" the young man said with a smile on his hands behind his back.

"Qin Cang, I just want to ask you, will you go back to the Heavenly Court?" Chanjuan asked with a chilling gleam in her eyes.

"I can go back, but I must be the Lord of Heaven." The young man said lightly.

"The new emperor is appointed by my father, how dare you disobey my father's order?" Chanjuan said, staring at the young man.

"Why should a yellow-haired boy be the emperor of the court?" The young man had a sneer on his face.

"Then why do you?" Chanjuan said coldly.

"Why do you say?" The young man slowly stretched out his hands when he said this, and at the same time released a majestic breath.

As time went by, this breath became more and more terrifying.

Ten thousand miles.

One hundred thousand miles.

million miles.

When the breath of the young man was released, all the creatures in a million miles around trembled.

They looked in the direction of Yandang Mountain in horror, as if there was a master who could rule their lives there.

"This breath?"

"This breath is definitely not what the emperor should have."

"Three Heavens of the Emperor Realm."

"There is such a terrifying existence in the first district?"

After being alarmed, the supreme beings in the various restricted areas cast their gazes in the direction of Yandang Mountain.

Their faces turned green when they saw that it was the human race that released the breath.

"Just now the third princess of the Immortal Court became the Great Emperor. This news has already made us feel bad."

"Yeah, who would have thought that the human race would pop up a third heaven of the emperor's realm."

"Now, how can we target the human race in the restricted area?"

"It's still targeting a wool? It would be good if the human race didn't target us."

"This one seems to know the third princess of the Heavenly Court? Could it be that this is the general of the Heavenly Court?"

"The two sides are at war, most likely because of grievances."

Chanjuan's face became serious.

Her cultivation is close to the third heaven of the emperor realm, but when she breaks through, even she doesn't know.

But Qin Cang has already reached this point.

"Junior Sister, let's go back." Qin Cang waved his hand and said, "For the sake of our fellow disciples, I won't move in that training ground."

Chanjuan felt very unwilling.

"Third Princess, let's go back." The old man persuaded.

Chanjuan thought for a while and left with the old man.

After returning to the training ground, Chanjuan saw Zhao Yang.

"I have seen the Emperor of Heaven." Chanjuan felt aggrieved when she said this.

"I already know what happened in Yandang Mountain." Zhao Yang said softly, "It's not a big deal."

"Qin Cang has a lot of resources in the treasury," Chanjuan said bitterly.

"Without those resources, wouldn't we not develop?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "If Qin Cang wants it, give it to him."

"I'm sorry." Chanjuan thought it was her fault.

"With your potential, you will surpass Qin Cang sooner or later." Zhao Yang comforted, "We don't need to fight for the short-term, we are looking at the future, aren't we?"

"I see." Chanjuan said seriously after a while.

After Zhao Yang returned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, his face became gloomy.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Caihan asked puzzled.

"You don't think I really don't care about Qin Cang's betrayal, do you?"

"But just now you were comforting the third princess."

"Do you also believe the words of comfort?"

"Qin Cang's betrayal has become a fact. In fact, you should be glad that Qin Cang didn't touch the training ground." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

"Do I still have to thank Qin Cang?"

"Actually, I'm quite curious what Qin Cang is doing in Yandang Mountain?" Lin Caihan said softly, "It stands to reason that at his age, he has reached the third heaven of the Emperor Realm, so he has every chance to unify the entire human race, but he chose to nest in Yandang Mountain."

This is not normal!

Zhao Yang was stunned.

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