Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1080 Defeating Huang Qingchan

"Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce should not get involved with Heavenly Court at the moment." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.

Not long after, Lin Caihan and Ruoxi met Chanjuan in the office.

"Chanjuan, I have seen the two ladies." Chanjuan got up and saluted Lin Caihan and the two.

"Third Princess, you don't have to be so polite." Lin Caihan said softly.

"Rules cannot be broken." Chanjuan shook her head.

"Third Princess, I am looking for you this time to ask for your help." Lin Caihan said as he took out Zhao Yang's token.

Chanjuan's expression suddenly became serious, "Madam please show me."

"The three princesses of the Immortal Court rely on being the emperor to force the Sky Palace to submit to the Heavenly Dao Sect. I hope you will lead some soldiers from the Heavenly Court to the Sky Palace to intimidate them." Lin Caihan said succinctly.

"I'll deploy troops right now." Chanjuan said immediately.

Following Chanjuan's order, ten Zhundi Peak, thirty Zhundi Eighth Heaven, one hundred Zhundi Seventh Heaven, three hundred Zhundi Sixth Heaven, and one thousand Zhundi Fifth Heavenly Heavenly Soldiers quickly assembled In the square.

After listening to Chanjuan's narration, Lin Caihan said in astonishment, "Have you transferred all the elite from the Heavenly Court?"

"One-third." Chanjuan said softly.

"One third?" Lin Caihan looked at Chanjuan in surprise.

"His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven bestowed some holy source liquid, and now our strength has improved a lot, and the soldiers in the clan have broken the confinement one after another." Chanjuan said with a smile, "With time, our strength can continue to improve."

Ruoxi was shocked and speechless when she saw this scene.

Because Sky Palace doesn't even have such a lineup, okay?

"I'm going to your small world, I'm not fit to show up now." Lin Caihan continued.

"Then what is our name?"

"I can't understand what Tiandaozong is doing."

"I understand." Chanjuan nodded.

"That... the third princess, Huang Qingchan gave me half an hour to think about it in the Sky Palace." Fairy Ruoxi said at this time.

"It's really arrogant." Chanjuan snorted coldly, "Who gave her the courage to deal with the holy land of the human race like this?" At this point, Chanjuan waved her hand and a huge space channel appeared in the void.

"Everyone go to the Sky Palace through this passage." Chanjuan looked at Lin Caihan and said, "Madam, please go to my small world."

Lin Caihan nodded.

Sky Palace!

When a quarter of an hour passed, the senior officials of Tiandaozong discovered that Biluo was still researching with the senior officials.

"Third Princess, what if Biluo refuses?" Hu Yun asked softly at this time.

"Then hit her until she surrenders." Huang Qingchan said flatly.

Just as Huang Qingchan's words fell, a huge space crack appeared above the Sky Palace.

At the same time, a cold voice pierced the sky, "Can you try moving the Sky Palace?"

Huang Qingchan's face suddenly darkened, "Who?"

"Me." Following the voice, Chanjuan, who was wearing a white jade battle armor, came out from the big crack in the void.

The aura on her body was crushing towards Huang Qingchan and the others like a vast sea.

"Great Emperor." Huang Qingchan couldn't help narrowing her eyes and said, "I didn't expect that there are women who have reached such a level?"

"There are so many things that you can't think of?" Chanjuan said proudly, "Your aura fluctuates, and it looks like you were promoted by swallowing the emperor's seal. Is a great emperor like you worthy of being called a great emperor?"

Chanjuan is very domineering and arrogant.

From the beginning, Huang Qingchan's flaws were revealed.

And this is not stingy to humiliate Huang Qingchan.

"Looking for death." Huang Qingchan was furious.

"I'll tell you, even if you become the great emperor, you are nothing in front of me?" Chanjuan said as she swung her fists and blasted towards Huang Qingchan.


The endless imperial aura turned into a fist seal.

The fist seal suppressed all directions, causing the void to collapse.

Huang Qingchan didn't retreat, she chose to fight head-on.

"My father created a boxing technique called Immortal Fist." Huang Qingchan said that the vast energy in his body surged out crazily, and the energy turned into an earth-shattering fist.

The fist was filled with an aura that made the heavens tremble.

Huang Qingming cheered excitedly when he saw this scene.

Immortal Fist!

This is my father's boxing technique.

The boxing that defeated the world's invincible hand back then.

Today it finally happened again.

It's just that the next scene made his worldview collapse.

Chanjuan's punch defeated Huang Qingchan's punch, and Huang Qingchan retreated dozens of steps in the void.

There was a look of disbelief on her face, "Impossible, impossible, impossible, how could I not be as good as you?"

"I've said it long ago, you are nothing in front of me?" Chanjuan said as she stepped forward, and the auras with a radius of one hundred thousand miles were pulled by her, and those auras turned into a cage, engulfing the emperor. Qing Chan was imprisoned in mid-air.

Huang Qingchan's face was so gloomy that she was about to drop water.

Chanjuan imprisoned her in full view.

How dare she?

how can she

Huang Qingchan frantically attacked the cage in which she was imprisoned.

One punch.

Two punches.

Three punches.

Huang Qingchan swung five punches in succession to break the cage that imprisoned her, and at this time Huang Qingchan was out of breath.

"Do you still want to fight?" Chanjuan said lightly.

Huang Qingming looked at Chanjuan in the distance and said, "I will remember today's humiliation."

Chanjuan shrugged her shoulders indifferently and said, "You are welcome to challenge at any time. Also, remember, don't move the Sky Palace, otherwise there will be no need for Tiandaozong to exist." Speaking of this, one figure after another walked away from the big crack in the void come out.

In a short period of time, more than 1000 quasi-emperors appeared.

The aura of these quasi-emperors was very powerful, which made the monks present look shocked.

"I don't care if you want to build the Immortal Court, but the human race will not allow you to do anything wrong." Chanjuan said in a word, "If I hear that you have done something against the human race in the future, you will not be able to bear the consequences."

All the senior officials of Tiandaozong were frightened.

So many quasi-emperors?

It's almost scary.

"Go away." Then Chanjuan waved her hand.

"Your Excellency, please leave your name." Huang Qingming said in a deep voice.

"The third princess of the Heavenly Court, Chanjuan." Chanjuan said flatly.

"Three Princesses of the Heavenly Court, Chanjuan?" Huang Qingming said with a twinkle in his eyes, "I remember this name."

"What? Want to find a place in the future?" Chanjuan looked at Huang Qingming playfully and said.

"My imperial sister is not your opponent, but in the future when I set foot in the imperial realm, I will help my imperial sister find a place." Huang Qingming said sternly.

"Hehe." Chanjuan was too lazy to say anything.

Chanjuan's potential is at the fourth level of the Emperor Realm.

Would she care about Huang Qingming's threats?

After Huang Qingming left with the senior officials of Tiandaozong, Biluo came out with the senior officials of Sky Palace to express his gratitude.

"Sect Master Biluo is being polite." Chanjuan said modestly.

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