Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1058 Heading to Emperor Ruins

"Leave the second district to me?" Tang Yiren smiled wryly, "Master, haven't I finished the third district yet?"

"The headquarters will be moved to the third district." Lin Caihan said softly.

"Relocation of headquarters?"

"It's time for the headquarters to enter the upper three districts."

"It's just that we don't have so many masters?"

"In fact, the current masters are enough. As long as the restricted area does not target us, it is only a matter of time before our Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce can gain a firm foothold." Lin Caihan said with a smile, "As time goes by, our masters will become more and more powerful. many."

After the plan was made, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce began to operate.

Move the headquarters!

When Fairy Mingyue of Chunyangzong learned of Lin Caihan's plan, she fell into deep thought.

"Sovereign, I think we should follow up." Xu Huier said softly.

This matter involved a lot, and Fairy Mingyue recalled the heads of the major sects.

"Yes, suzerain, I also think we should follow up." Blue Carp agreed, "The third district is the upper three districts. Whether it is the quality of monks or resources, it is not comparable to the middle three districts."

"I don't think we should rush forward." Leng Qingqiu held the opposite opinion, "We don't need to be on par with the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce. At this time, we haven't even established a firm foothold in the third district, so we rashly moved our headquarters to the third district. Migration, I don't think it's appropriate to consider."

"Only by going to the upper three districts can the sect develop faster." Xu Huier looked at Leng Qingqiu and said.

"Yes, at this time we should be consistent with the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, so that the resistance of both parties will be correspondingly smaller." Blue Crucian said softly.

"We have to base ourselves on the current situation before considering other things." Leng Qingqiu shook his head.

"Sovereign, what do you mean?" Xu Huier looked at Fairy Mingyue.

"The Pure Yang Sect will not consider relocating the headquarters in a short period of time." Fairy Mingyue said after thinking about it.

"Why?" Xu Huier asked in confusion.

"First, the nature of the Pure Yang Sect and the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is different. The Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce can be understood as doing business. The major forces are relatively less afraid of it, but the Pure Yang Sect is going to the upper three districts in a big way. What do you let the major forces think? What about it?" Fairy Mingyue said lightly, "Secondly, the headquarters of the two major forces have moved to the third district, if, I said, if the forbidden area in the third district targets us, wouldn't we be taken over?"

Fairy Mingyue's words stunned the senior executives present.

No one had considered this before.

"It is true that the quality of monks and resources in the upper three districts cannot be compared with the middle three districts." Fairy Mingyue looked around the audience and said, "But sometimes we need to make sacrifices, since the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has taken that step , our Chunyang Sect can no longer follow along."

"Choose?" Xu Huier murmured.

After that, Xu Huier became emotional.

She found that the height of Fairy Mingyue was far beyond what she could compare.

She was still thinking about the interests of the Pure Yang Sect, but Fairy Mingyue was thinking about the overall interests.

She faintly understood why Zhao Yang chose Fairy Mingyue to be the deputy suzerain of Chunyangzong?

One month later, an elder from the ancient clan quietly came to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce on this day.

After seeing Zhao Yang, he said softly, "Emperor, are you ready?"

"You can leave at any time." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Zhao Yang was ready half a month ago.

"Emperor Lao, go to my small world so that you won't be exposed."

"it is good."

After Zhao Yang entered the small world of the elder, the elder hurried to the ancient clan.

After arriving at the Gu clan, he went straight to Gu Tong's room.

After Zhao Yang came out of the small world of the elder, Gu Tong waved his hand.

After the elder left, Gu Tong said, "I have to trouble you to go to my small world."

"no problem."

Then Gu Tong went to the fairy clan accompanied by the patriarch.

Through the small world of Gutong, Zhao Yang got to know the fairy clan.

Not to mention anything else, the spiritual power of the fairy clan is several times stronger than that of the Sky Palace.

Is it conceivable that monks who have been here for a long time may not be strong?

"Our side is also ready." The patriarch of the fairy clan exchanged pleasantries with the patriarch of the ancient clan for a while, and then went straight to the topic.

"Then let's go, to be honest, I'm eager to know what's in the Emperor's Ruins?" The Patriarch of the Gu Clan said with a smile.

"Me too."

A group of people took a bronze chariot of Zhundi peak to the land of Emperor Ruins.

As a result, Zhao Yang discovered that the land of Emperor Ruins was very far away.

The bronze chariot walked for several hours but did not arrive.

You must know that the bronze chariot is the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor.

It's been a few hours, how far can you imagine?

After another two hours, the bronze chariot stopped, and Zhao Yang was stunned looking at the grotesque boundary membrane in front of him.

"Have we reached the boundary membrane of Immortal Realm?" Gu Tong asked in amazement.

"Yes, as long as you pass through this layer of boundary membrane, you can reach Tianwaitian." The patriarch of the fairy clan said softly.

"Tianwaitian?" Gu Tong's eyes lit up.

Apparently Gu Tong knew about the sky beyond the sky.

"Yes, but you are destined to be unable to go to Tianwaitian." The patriarch of the fairy clan said with a smile.

Gu Tong has reached the fourth level of the quasi-emperor realm, even if his background can be improved in the future, is it possible that he can still be promoted to the fourth level of the emperor's realm?

The patriarch of the fairy clan made Gu Tong feel a little uncomfortable.


How do you know I have no chance?

"Where's the Emperor Ruins?" The Patriarch of the Gu Clan changed the subject.

"There will be a breath every 49 days in the Emperor Ruins." The patriarch of the fairy clan pointed to the front and said, "calculating the time, it should appear in half an hour." He paused and said, "Remember, When the Emperor Ruins appears later, you must rush through the gate as soon as possible."

The patriarch of the fairy clan stopped after explaining again.

Time passed by second by second.

When it was half an hour, an ancient portal appeared in front of everyone, and there was a golden plaque on the portal.

Emperor Market!

The word Emperor Ruins shines so brightly that people cannot look directly at them.

"Go in quickly." The patriarch of the fairy clan said quickly.

Xianbei, Lucy, and Gu Tong rushed towards the gate immediately.

Lucy was the first to rush to the door, but she was blocked when she got there.

Immediately, Xianbei and Gutong were also blocked.

The faces of the three showed a look of bewilderment.

what's the situation?


The next moment, the gate suddenly expanded by more than a thousand times. The three of them were like ants in front of the gate. At the same time, a majestic palace appeared in front of everyone.

"It's broken." The patriarch of the fairy clan's face darkened.

The patriarch of the ancient clan didn't look good either.

Why did the ancient clan want to form an alliance with the immortal clan? It was not because they wanted to obtain the emperor's seal in the emperor's ruins, but now the emperor's ruins have appeared in a tens of thousands of times.

How could the major restricted areas have not been discovered?

"What's going on in the southeast corner?"

"It seems that a palace has appeared."

"There is a name on the hall, my god, Emperor Xu."

"The place where the emperor fell."

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