The Xu Clan patriarch showed a puzzled look on his face.

With a wave of Zhao Yang's hand, a water curtain appeared in the air, and a scene of Zhao Yang talking with the patriarch of the ancient clan appeared in the water curtain.

When the Patriarch of the Xu Clan heard that the Patriarch of the Gu Clan said that keeping the Xu Clan would always be a disaster, his eyes showed ferocious killing intent.

It didn't expect the patriarch of the ancient clan to be so ruthless.

"I want to launch another attack on the ancient clan before leaving the third district." After a while, the clan leader of the Xu clan said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, but after a day."


"The compensation from the ancient clan hasn't been paid to me yet?"

"That's fine, our Xu Clan will attack the Gu Clan in one day." Speaking of what the Xu Clan patriarch thought of here, "But then please ask the powerful emperor behind you to help deceive the sky."

"No problem." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "Our side will be deceived for a month."

"Thank you."

After the head of the Xu Clan left, Zhu Ya asked worriedly, "The Xu Clan will target the Gu Clan when the time comes, and the Gu Clan will question us, what should we do?"

"This is the Xu Clan's personal behavior, what does it have to do with us?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"But how can the emperor block the secrets of heaven?" Zhu Ya asked the second question.

"This is what the emperor of the immortal clan did."

Zhu Ya was stunned.

She never thought that her young master would be so shameless?

"But will the ancients believe it?"

"It doesn't matter whether the ancients believe it or not, the important thing is that we believe it." Zhao Yang stretched his waist while speaking, "We have not participated in this matter, let alone done it."

The next day, Gu Tong sent all the resources on the list.

"I hope we will be friends in the future." Gu Tong looked at Zhao Yang and said softly.

"We are already friends." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Have you heard of Emperor Ruins?"

"Emperor Ruins?"

"The Emperor's Market is known as the tomb of the emperor." Gu Tong said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's face became serious, "Have you found the Emperor's Market?"

"The Emperor's Ruins have been in the legend for these years, but they were found by the immortals a few years ago." Gu Tong looked at Zhao Yang with a solemn expression, "It is rumored that there is an emperor's seal in the Emperor's Ruins."

"Emperor seal?" Zhao Yang's pupils shrank when he heard this.

"Why did you tell me this news?" Zhao Yang asked in a deep voice after a while.

"After the detection of the immortal clan, it was found that only the emperor is eligible to go. I mean, you may be able to go with me at that time." Gu Tong said softly, "With your aptitude, the probability of getting the emperor's seal must be higher .”

"What do I need to pay?"

"If you get one emperor seal, then this emperor seal is naturally yours. And if you get two emperor seals, then you have to give one to our ancient clan."

"When the time comes, you and Xianbei will be the only ones going to explore?"

"And Lucy."

"The saint of the elves?"

"The saint of the elves has married Xianbei."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for Xianbei to control Lucy."

"After all, the two are husband and wife, and they can be regarded as a strong alliance."

"When are you going?"

"Xianbei and Lucy are starting to break through to the Fourth Heaven of the Quasi-Emperor Realm. I heard that it will take about a month. I will inform you when the time comes."

"it is good."

After Gu Tong left, Zhu Ya's eyes flickered and asked, "Is Gu Tong trustworthy?"

"Always give it a try." Zhao Yang said softly.

"What if the emperor of the ancient clan and the emperor of the immortal clan join hands to deal with you?" Zhu Ya said worriedly.

"No matter how weak the Heavenly Dao in my small world is, it can still compete against one or two. If these two really make a move regardless of their identities, then I will summon the old medicine of the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang said coldly. flashed.

After the third day, Gu Tong rushed into Zhao Yang's courtyard aggressively.

"Zhao Yang, what do you mean?" Gu Tong's lungs were about to explode.

Zhao Yang asked blankly, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Just an hour ago, the Xu Clan attacked six strongholds of my Gu Clan one after another. Don't tell me, you don't know about it?" Gu Tong roared angrily.

Gu Tong felt that Zhao Yang was too shameless.

"Gu Tong, first, our two companies have already cooperated, do you think I will still instigate the Xu clan to do such a thing? Second, you told me about Emperor Xu, even if I had such thoughts before, do you think Will I still let Xu Clan do it?" Zhao Yang said angrily, "Am I so short-sighted in your eyes?"

Gu Tong was stunned.

"The two families do have grievances, but what are these grievances? Do you think I'm holding on to it?" Zhao Yang continued, "Don't forget that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce needs your power to expand?"

"Then why can't the Supreme of my ancient clan deduce any news?"

"I can tell you responsibly that the emperor behind me didn't make a move."


"At the critical moment of cooperation between the two, do you think I will do such a thing?"

"Could it be...?" Speaking of which, Gu Tong thought of something.

Then there is only one explanation.

The Supreme of the Immortal Clan made a move.

"It's really despicable." Gu Tong trembled angrily.

"The cooperation between your ancient clan and the immortal clan is not equal, but your ancient clan wants to maintain independence, how can the immortal clan allow such a thing to happen?" Zhao Yang patted Gu Tong on the shoulder, "It's okay, sooner or later the immortal clan will have something to do." The day you fall."

"I'm looking forward to it." Gu Tong's eyes showed strong anticipation.

Zhao Yang said it was reasonable.

He didn't need to let the Xu clan do such a thing at this time?

Can't tell.

What it doesn't know is that Zhao Yang really did this.

After Gu Tong went back and told what had happened, the Gu Clan was almost blown away.

Except for a few elders who felt that Zhao Yang was trying to sow discord, most of the elders felt that the Immortal Clan was acting behind their backs in order to weaken the strength of the Gu Clan.

"Patriarch, we have to pay attention in the future." The elder said solemnly.

"When you make friends with the immortal clan in the future, remember that the secrets of the sect must not be revealed." After the patriarch of the ancient clan confessed, "and today's conversation must not be revealed by anyone."

Does the ancient clan need to rely on the immortal clan to enter the emperor's ruins?

In fact, the ancient clan was also deceived by the fairy clan.

When the fairy clan found the ancient clan before, they told them that the fairy clan had found the legendary emperor's ruins.

As long as the Ancient Clan and the Immortal Clan form an alliance, they can enter the Emperor Ruins.

After a field investigation, the Gu Clan thought that this might be the legendary Emperor's Market, so the Gu Clan chose to form an alliance with the Immortal Clan.

It's just that after they really formed an alliance, they found that the fairy clan regarded itself as the big brother everywhere, and gave orders to the ancient clan at every turn.

In fact, the senior members of the Gu Clan had already regretted it at this time, but in order to enter the quota in the Emperor Ruins, the Gu Clan could only hold their noses and admit it.

Let's talk about the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

After Tang Yiren discussed with Lin Caihan, Lin Caihan decided to send the masters of the chamber of commerce to the second district immediately.

"First set up a branch in the second district." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it, "The second district will be handed over to you."

Tang Yi was stunned.

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