After Gu Tong opened his own small world, the barbarian beast at the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor ordered thousands of wild beasts present to go to Gu Tong's small world.

"Empty the resources of its small world."

Gutong Small World has 20 square kilometers, but its resources are almost all placed in one building.

So soon those wild beasts moved cleanly.

"Send all these resources to the treasury." The savage beast at the peak of the quasi-emperor said indifferently, "Anyone who dares to fill his own pocket will be killed without mercy."

These wild beasts knew that everyone was being monitored the whole time, so no one dared to enrich their own pockets.

After these savage beasts moved all the resources of Gutong Small World into the treasure house, the savage beast at the pinnacle of quasi-emperor said, "I will be stationed here, you all go out."

Everyone left without doubting him.

The savage beast at the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor quickly collected all the resources in the treasury into his own small world, and then he left this place in Naying stealth.

The beast that came to Zhao Yang's side packed the resources and handed them over to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang wasn't worried about the loyalty of this savage beast at all.

One of his soul imprints has been given to himself, and if it dares to be unfaithful in the slightest, Zhao Yang will perceive it.

"Let's go." Zhao Yang said lightly.

On the way, Zhao Yang met Tiandiyin who was coming back.

Tiandiyin looked a little embarrassed, "Have you met someone who cut you off?"

"One of the Bone Race's quasi-emperor peak, I am no match, so I withdrew it." Tiandiyin said a little embarrassed.

Tian Di Yin is the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun.

But its combat effectiveness is at the bottom of the quasi-emperor peak.

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

Tiandiyin returned to his own small world, Tanlang came back not long after.

His breath fluctuated a little, and his blood was still boiling.

"I met the quasi-emperor of the fierce beast clan, but I defeated him." Tanlang said with a smile, "Considering that the relationship should not be stalemate, I didn't kill him."

Tanlang has the strength to kill the opponent.

"Are there many resources?"

"Probably equivalent to a holy place in the third district." Greedy Wolf said with a smile.

"Then this trip was not in vain." Zhao Yang grinned.

"Junior Brother." At this time, Po Jun also arrived.

Looking at Po Jun's appearance, Zhao Yang knew that Po Jun had succeeded.

"Which family did you meet?"

"Are they fighting among themselves?" Po Jun said speechlessly, "One side wanted to divide the resources and run away, but the other side disagreed, and the two sides fought. When I arrived, both sides suffered heavy losses, so I cleaned them up. "

Hearing this, everyone's faces were full of astonishment.

Who would have thought that this would be the result?

"What shall we do next?" Po Jun asked.

"I guess the industry and resources of the beast clan have been robbed by the forbidden areas." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "I'll go to the Sky Palace first."

"You have a lot of hole cards in your body now, so I'm going to go out for a while." Po Jun said after a moment of pondering.

Po Jun's current cultivation base has also been raised to the peak of Emperor Zhun.

"I'm going out for a while, I want to see if any of my former friends are still alive?" Tanlang said at this time.

"The two senior brothers, please go ahead." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "You don't have to worry about my safety. If you want to find me in the future, you can either go to the Sky Palace or the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

"it is good."

After Po Jun and Tan Lang left, Zhao Yang came to the Sky Palace in a bronze chariot.

Zhao Yang noticed that many masters in the Sky Palace were coming in and out.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Yang stopped a woman and asked.

"The Brutal Beast Clan has a lot of industries in the first district. At this time, the forbidden areas and holy places are mobilizing to compete for the various resources of the Brutal Beast Clan." The woman replied.

"Is Ruoxi back?"


After Zhao Yang nodded, he went to Ruoxi's courtyard.

A day later, Ruoxi returned to her courtyard with a tired face. When she saw Zhao Yang, she said in surprise, "When did you come?"


"Why didn't you let me know?"

"I have nothing important to do?"

"Didn't you rob the wild beasts of their resources?"


"Does the beast clan have a lot of industries?"

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"I robbed a lot of resources this time, if you need them, I'll give them to you." Fairy Ruoxi said softly.

"You should keep it." Zhao Yang refused, "Where is Senior Biluo?"

"Master and the Eight Supremes are searching for the traces of the Supreme of the Soul Beast Clan." Ruoxi now replied, "Everyone is worried about this revenge."

"Does your Firmament Palace have a resident in the second district?"

"Yes, I have."

"I'm going to build a teleportation array when I go further, from the first area to the second area."

"Are you sure?" Ruoxi was shocked.

"The teleportation array I'm building now is not stable yet. When my cultivation level reaches the fourth level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, the emperor will not even think about blocking the teleportation array I built at that time." Zhao Yang said softly.

Ruoxi's pupils shrank, "Are you sure even the emperor can't block it?"

"Unless the emperor knows that there is a teleportation array here, and blocks it specifically for this area, a large-scale blockade will not be able to lock my teleportation array at all." Zhao Yang said confidently.

Zhao Yang learned the formation technique from the Blood Emperor.

The reason why the blood emperor was able to get rid of the big man's pursuit back then was largely because of the teleportation array it built.

"If this is the case, then it is necessary to build it." Ruoxi's eyes lit up, "Actually, I think if the two sects can be connected, in this way, when one sect encounters a crisis in the future, the other sect can be more Come quickly."

"Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has already started to build the intelligence system of the first district." Zhao Yang said softly, "For example, there are intelligence personnel from my Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce near the Sky Palace."

"Ah." Ruoxi was stunned.

"It's not that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce wants to do something to you. The main reason is that the Firmament Palace is the only power in the imperial realm of the human race. In the future, if the restricted area is blocked by the Supremes, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce will know about it as soon as possible." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Then, why don't my intelligence personnel from Sky Palace hang out around your Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong?" Fairy Ruoxi said with a smile.

"Do you think Senior Biluo didn't do it?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

"I'm still too naive." Ruoxi smiled wryly.

"You have to take care of some things in the Sky Palace. After all, the Sky Palace will be handed over to you in the future." Zhao Yang said softly.

Zhao Yang didn't stay long in the Sky Palace before heading to the Hundred Flowers Holy Land.

He met Fairy Shaoyao in the Holy Land of Hundred Flowers.

"The supremacy of the beast clan has not been captured yet, and now the major forces in the first district are panicking, you should leave the first district as soon as possible." Fairy Shaoyao said earnestly, holding Zhao Yang's hand.

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