"Lead the way." Zhao Yang said lightly, "If there are really a lot of resources there, I will give you a lot of resources. Among other things, it is no problem for you to set foot in the Holy Land."

The savage beast thanked Zhao Yang excitedly.

After leaving the beast jungle, Zhao Yang summoned the bronze chariot that Ah Man gave him.

And the one pulling this bronze chariot is a savage beast at the peak of quasi-emperor.

"Tell it the location." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The savage beast said something about the bronze chariot and moved forward, and it didn't take long to arrive at the location the savage beast said.

There are [-] savage beasts stationed here, and the person in charge of this place is a quasi-emperor seventh-layer existence.

But how can these savage beasts be the opponents of Tanlang?

After the greedy wolf killed several quasi-emperors here, the remaining wild beasts scattered away.

"We can't let them run away." Zhao Yang summoned the quasi-emperor of the small world as he spoke.

Hu Duan and hundreds of quasi-emperors surrounded these guys.

"Search the soul, see if they know the resources of other strongholds?" Zhao Yang ordered to Hu Duan.

And when Hu Duan and others were interrogating, Zhao Yang came to the treasure house led by the wild beast.

To Zhao Yang's surprise, there are a lot of resources here, and all kinds of resources are divided into different categories. After Zhao Yang made a rough estimate, he found that the resources here are comparable to the resources of the Tyrannical Sword Sect.

"If these resources are combined with fine wine, there will be no problem for Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong to persist for a hundred years." Zhao Yang murmured.

Then Zhao Yang summoned ten thousand robots.

These robots are all from the Golden Wonderland, built by the previous battleship of the Great Saint Realm.

These robots moved the resources here one by one to the treasury in Zhao Yang's small world.

If you count the resources obtained from Tongyou before, Zhao Yang has secured the resources for the next 200 years when he came out this time.

Half an hour later, Zhao Yang walked out of the treasury. At this time, Hu Yan came to Zhao Yang, "My lord, according to our investigation, we found three strongholds and four barbarian properties."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Brother, I will give you a thousand saints here, and you go to a stronghold."

"No problem." Tanlang nodded.

After Greedy Wolf left with a thousand saints, Zhao Yang called out the Heaven and Earth Seal, "You take a thousand saints to the second stronghold."

After Tian Di Yin left, Zhao Yang summoned Po Jun, "Brother, please run for a while."

"Junior Brother, it's polite for you to say such a thing." Po Jun said with a smile.

Po Jun also left with a thousand saints.

Zhao Yang thought for a while and realized that there were no high-ranking subordinates of Emperor Zhun around him.

Hu Duan and the others haven't grown up yet, so even if they go there, it's probably not enough.

"Let's go to the first industry of satisfaction." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice after getting on the bronze chariot.

Hu Yan and the savage beast also came to the bronze chariot one after another.

Zhao Yang handed the beast a Qiankun bag, "The Qiankun bag contains the resources I prepared for you, and these resources will allow you to reach the Holy Realm."

With a sweep of the wild beast's divine sense, he found that there were three thousand drops of holy liquid in the Qiankun bag besides some top-quality elixir.

"Thank you." The beast thanked Zhao Yang.

"You deserve it." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

The Brutal Beast's first estate was a manor.

Various goods are piled up in this manor.

This manor is a transit point for wild beasts to purchase.

Of course, the resources here cannot be compared with the resources in the previous treasury, but they can also be compared with the resources in the holy land in the third district.

"Emperor, I'm going to play here." The beast said after saluting Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang nodded.

After the savage beast got off the bronze chariot, Zhao Yang rushed to the second property of Satisfaction without stopping.

As a result, after arriving at the second industry, it was found that this place had been looted.

"We are one step late." Zhao Yang's heart sank.

Then he ordered the bronze chariot to rush to the third industry.

Sure enough, the third property was also looted.

"Go to the fourth industry." Zhao Yang said unhappily.


Is this cut off?

As a result, as soon as they arrived at the fourth industry, they heard the sound of violent fighting in the distance.

Zhao Yang hurriedly made the bronze chariot hide his body.

"Gu Tong?" Zhao Yang saw at a glance that it was Gu Tong who commanded the looting.

Zhao Yang thought for a while and patted the beast pulling the bronze chariot, "Cover your aura and help the beast clan kill the monks of the ancient clan."

The beast nodded.

"Don't kill that guy Gu Tong, but remember to blackmail him." Zhao Yang continued to confess.

The savage beast rushed over and shouted loudly, "You ancients are so courageous, how dare you snatch the property of our savage beast clan?"

The situation of the savage beasts stationed here has become precarious.

But when this savage beast at the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor rushed over, the situation suddenly reversed.

Gu Tong was a little confused.


This time he brought an elder from the eighth heaven of the quasi-emperor realm, and how could that elder be the opponent of the savage beast at the peak of the quasi-emperor?

"Help that savage beast secretly." Zhao Yang sent a voice transmission to the Heavenly Dao of the small world.

Tian Dao of the small world moved his hands and feet, and the elder of the quasi-emperor realm eighth level staggered, and then he was shocked to find that the energy in his body was imprisoned.

With a bang, he was shattered by the beast.

After it fell, the savage beast rushed towards the remaining two quasi-emperors.

After Gu Tong saw this scene, Sa Yazi ran away. As a result, the savage beasts here seemed to go crazy, and they continued to attack it with death.

No matter how powerful Gu Tong's combat power was, he was held back by the wild beasts here.

The savage beast at the peak of Zhundi came to Gu Tong after killing the other two Zhundi.

"What do you think I should do with you?" The beast looked at the ancient passage coldly.

"If you kill me, you are making an enemy of my ancient clan." Gu Tong forced himself to calm down.

"Don't you know that our savage beast clan is already hostile to your ancient clan?" At this point, the savage beast slapped him.

A line of clear bloodstains appeared on Gu Tong's face.

He looked at the beast fiercely and said, "You...?"

"Give me the resources in your small world, and I can let you survive."

"Impossible." Gu Tong flatly refused.

There are many precious resources in his small world, how could he give them to the wild beast?

"Then you go to die." The beast opened its mouth and bit off one of his arms, put it in its mouth and started to eat it.

And when the beast bit off Gu Tong's second arm, Gu Tong finally compromised.

"Wait a minute, I'll give it, I'll give it to you." Gu Tong confessed.

It's okay not to admit cowardice.

If you don't recognize the savage beast, you will swallow it.

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