Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1003 Emperor Biluo

When this voice sounded, the space in front of Zhao Yang split open, and a beautiful young girl walked out of it.

Her age looks two or three years older than Ruoxi.

That's right.

Up to two or three years old.

But there is a kind of precipitation on her body.

"Zhao Yang has met Master Mistress." Zhao Yang respectfully saluted the woman in front of him.

Zhao Yang knew that this woman was Emperor Biluo.

That is, Chun Yangzi's fiancee.

Bi Luo looked Zhao Yang up and down and said, "Who told you to call me Master?"

"In the heart of our guardian lineage, the senior is the teacher's wife." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Everyone says that you are an invincible existence among the emperor's sons. I want to see if you are worthy of this title?"

"In front of the teacher's wife, don't the disciples fight with each other?" Zhao Yang said modestly.


Bi Luo suddenly slapped Zhao Yang down.

This palm seemed ordinary, but it blocked Zhao Yang's surroundings.

He was unavoidable.

He had no choice but to resist.

The power of pure yang exploded in an instant, Zhao Yang swung his fist and blasted out.

Zhang Feng was only slightly shaken, but he still came to suppress Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang understands that he can no longer hide his secrets.

The power of pure yang, the mighty righteousness, and the power of immortality, the three forces are fused into one.

At the same time, Zhao Yang's dormant power was also mobilized, and he hit the pinnacle blow.

With a bang, Bi Luo's punch was shattered.

A look of shock appeared in Bi Luo's eyes, "The potential of the great emperor."

"Master, what is the potential of the great emperor?" Ruoxi asked curiously.

"The strong ones in the emperor's realm are actually strong and weak. Most of the emperor's realm will reach their limit after reaching this realm, but with the potential of the great emperor's realm, they will be stronger than those guys when they step into the emperor's realm. What's more important is that they You can continue to practice." Bi Luo said seriously.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang realized that Biluo probably didn't understand the division of emperor realm.

Of course Zhao Yang wouldn't just talk about this kind of topic with Bi Luo.

"Is the emperor very strong?"

"If the emperor is not strong, why dare to push the restricted area?"

"So that means the Lord of the Immortal Court was the Great Emperor?"

"Except for this one, Chunyangzi is also." When mentioning Chunyangzi, Bi Luo's face showed a trace of loneliness.

Zhao Yang didn't know how to persuade him.

"Originally, I planned to betroth Ruoxi to you, but now it seems that Ruoxi is not worthy of this girl." After a while, Bi Luo put away her sadness and said leisurely.

"Master, how can you say that about me?" Ruoxi said angrily.

"Do you know why I wasn't with your uncle back then?"


"He cultivates the power of pure yang, and I practice the power of pure yin." Biluo looked at Ruoxi and said, "Because your uncle is more amazing than me, his cultivation progressed faster, but in the later stage we found that we couldn't get close each other."


"Actually, as long as your uncle stops, we can really be together after my practice progresses." Bi Luo sighed softly, "It's a pity that the situation of the human race was so bad at that time, your uncle didn't have any There is no way to stop the pace of practice, and even to improve myself at all costs, but in the later stage, I am no longer able to catch up."

"So you missed it?"


"Why didn't you participate in that battle back then?"

"Your uncle said at the time that the battle was hopeless. If I participated, it would only increase the casualties. Instead, it would be better to stay and protect the human race."

"Since there is no hope, why does the master make a move?"

"Your uncle said you have to fight for it."

Zhao Yang felt very uncomfortable hearing this.

"The gap between you and Zhao Yang is too great, and Zhao Yang can't wait for you." Bi Luo then changed the subject, "After all, the emperors in the forbidden area are all improving rapidly."

Ruoxi is a little distressed now.

She has feelings for Zhao Yang.

But at this time, Biluo told Ruoxi that she and Zhao Yang had no chance.

"Master, you said that if I take the risk of crossing the tribulation, will I set foot in the emperor's realm?"

"I'm going to give you the origin of the Primordial Grass."

"Hongmeng Grass? Has Hongmeng Grass stepped into the Emperor's Realm?" Ruoxi asked in surprise.


Over the years, Biluo has been using the emperor seal to help Hongmengcao condense the emperor's pattern. A few days ago, Hongmengcao finally stepped into the emperor's realm.

"Would I be able to set foot on the Emperor Realm with the origin of the Primordial Grass?"


"If I set foot in the Emperor Realm, wouldn't I be no different from Zhao Yang?"

"He is the Great Emperor."

"Will I be able to work harder?"

"I guess you won't be able to do it in your life."

"Master, don't hit me." Ruoxi said with a sad face.

"I'm just telling you a fact."

Ruoxi is not well.

"I asked you to come this time, one is to see you, and the other is to give you the time worm." Bi Luo said and handed Zhao Yang a brocade box, "There are two time worms in the brocade box."

Zhao Yang was moved.

Originally, he thought that Bi Luo would only give himself a time bug.

Unexpectedly, Bi Luo actually gave him two time bugs.

This kindness is too great.

"Master, I actually have a time bug." Zhao Yang thought about it and refused.

There are only five time bugs here in the Sky Palace, how could Zhao Yang have the nerve to ask for two?

"You have?" Biluo looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

Zhao Yang's heart moved, a brocade box appeared in his hand, and there were five time worms in the brocade box.

Bi Luo was stunned.

Ruoxi was stunned.

What do they really want to say?

Where did Zhao Yang get the time bug?

"Before, I was deceived by a warlord from the Xianting Treasury to go to the restricted time zone. My ancestors came to save me against the river of time. That's when I got some time bugs." Zhao Yang said softly.

In fact, Zhao Yang didn't get many time bugs that time.

But he couldn't say that this time he was ganging up with the blood emperor, could he?

"Your ancestor?"

"My ancestors were very early emperors."

There was a light in Bi Luo's eyes and said, "I didn't expect you to have such a background. Since you don't need it, then I will put it away."

"It's the first time I came to the Sky Palace, and I didn't bring any gifts. If my wife doesn't dislike it, these five time bugs will be my gifts." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said with a smile.

"Where can I receive your gift?" Bi Luo refused.

"This is the disciple's wish." Zhao Yang said softly.

Bi Luo took it after thinking about it, "Forget it, I'll accept it." Sky Palace really needs a time bug.

With these five time bugs, Sky Palace will be able to train more masters.

"Your wife is practicing Sky Art, right?" Bi Luo asked abruptly.

"How do you know?" Zhao Yang couldn't help but glance at Ruoxi when he said this.

Ruoxi cried out immediately, "Haven't I told Master about this?"

"You will understand when you reach the emperor's realm." Biluo said lightly, "I have a chance to let your wife come to the Sky Palace. I have some experience here, which may be very helpful to her."

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