Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1002 Came to the Sky Palace

"The full version of Wuliang Jue?" Ruoxi looked at Zhao Yang in surprise and asked, "Where did you get it?"

"Of course I got it after defeating Wuyan."

"You defeated Wu Yan?" Ruoxi exclaimed, "How did you do it?"

"Wu Yan's strength is indeed very strong, but he is still inferior to me." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Can Wuliangju teach me?" Ruoxi asked Zhao Yang expectantly.

"Okay." Zhao Yang nodded.

Ruoxi was stunned.

She didn't expect Zhao Yang to agree so simply?

You must know that Wuliangjue is a cultivation technique of the emperor's realm.

"Your master has shielded the human race from the wind and rain these years, not to mention your master is still my teacher's wife." Zhao Yang said softly.

"My master asked you to go to the Sky Palace."

"What are you going to do in the Sky Palace?"

"I think one is to see you, and the other is to give you a time bug."

"Time bug?"

"Master asked five time worms from the supreme being of Wuliang Mountain."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Are you in a hurry?"

"Not urgent."

"If you're not in a hurry, wait until I settle down."


Then Zhao Yang and his party returned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

In Zhao Yang's room, Zhao Yang briefly told Lin Caihan what happened during this period.

"That means you got 39 time spars and 150 eight time bugs." Lin Caihan was stunned.


"How much power of time is contained in the time spar?"

"Three thousand years."

"In other words, one time spar is equivalent to three multi-time worms, which means that these 39 time spars are equivalent to more than 140 time worms."

"That's understandable."

"That means we have more than 300 time bugs in our hands."


"If I remember correctly, there are only eighty time worms in the seven restricted areas, but after sending out some time worms at this time, they should only have about fifty time worms in their hands."


"Do you know that we are six times larger than the seven restricted areas?"


"Why are you so calm?"

"Since I mastered Huangliang Yimeng, the time spar is actually not very important?"

"Actually, you can't say that." Lin Caihan thought for a while and said, "Huangliang Yimeng is amazing, but it is still not as good as the time spar. Huangliang Yimeng can only make us feel, to be precise, our brain is active , but our bodies don’t have much experience.” After a pause, Lin Caihan continued, “For example, you said that you have comprehended the Eight Desolation Seals for more than 100 years, but did you find that your cultivation has not increased at all.”

But if it is in the time domain, it is different.

That's the real speed of time.

Even if Zhao Yang doesn't cultivate very deliberately in the time domain, his cultivation base will rise and approach the peak of the holy realm.

This is the difference.

"What you said makes sense." Zhao Yang nodded, "With the time spar, we can do both."

"The younger generation in the restricted area are all cultivating, and I think they will raise their cultivation to the peak of the holy realm."

"To be exact, it's Emperor Zhun's first heaven." Zhao Yang handed Lin Caihan a brocade box at this point, "There are ten time crystals and fifty time worms in the brocade box."

Chunyangzong Zhao Yang is also prepared to give so many time spars and time bugs.

And the remaining time crystals and time bugs are enough for Zhao Yang himself.

"The pace of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce can be accelerated, but it must not be expanded too quickly, otherwise it will inevitably be guessed by the outside world." Zhao Yang said here that his mind moved. Thirty holy swords and three hundred quasi-sacred swords appeared beside him. .

"These thirty holy swords are all high-level holy swords, even the great holy land. These swords can be used as shields for a long time."

"With these thirty holy swords, it can indeed be used as a shield." Lin Caihan changed her voice when she said this, "Are we going to follow up to the first level of the quasi-emperor realm?"

"Follow up." Zhao Yang said softly, "It doesn't matter even if you break through to the quasi-emperor realm, we can use the emperor Biluo as a shield, in their opinion Biluo will definitely give us the time worm."


"As for these quasi-sacred battle swords, you can deal with them, right?" If Zhao Yang didn't know how happy he was when he saw these quasi-sacred battle swords before?But now he doesn't care at all.

You must know that there are thousands of masters in the Guangzhuan Holy Realm of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

"I'll go to the Pure Yang Sect, and then I'll go to the Sky Palace."

"Will the Sky Palace be against you?"

"No, besides, I also have the means of the emperor."

"Anyway, be careful."

After Zhao Yang arrived at Chunyangzong, he handed over the time spar, time worm, holy sword and quasi-sacred battle sword to Xu Huier.

After staying in Chunyangzong for a day, he returned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, and then took Ruoxi's luan to the Sky Palace.

"Why does your Luanjia have nine phoenixes?"

"The main vein of the phoenix follows the Sky Palace." Ruoxi said with a smile.

"No wonder." A look of relief appeared on Zhao Yang's face.

Who is Ruoxi?

Holy Maiden of the Sky Palace.

Is it possible that the Phoenix family is not flattering?

"What kind of person is your master?" Zhao Yang asked after a while.

"My master is very beautiful, even more beautiful than me, but her personality is very cold, no matter who she talks to, she is always cold." Ruoxi said carefully, "To be honest, I am often afraid."

"You are not the only saint in the Sky Palace, are you?"

"There are one hundred and eight saintesses in the Sky Palace."

"so much?"


"Are you the best?"

"Of course." Speaking of this, Ruoxi raised her chin proudly.

"Why do you say you are proud, you are not the emperor's son." Zhao Yang said angrily.

Ruoxi was immediately discouraged, "Where is it so easy for the emperor to set foot?"

"There are emperors in Hundred Flowers Holy Land, do you think your master is not in a hurry?"

"Master scolded me last time?" Ruoxi said pitifully, "Master said that if there is no more emperor in the Sky Palace, I am afraid there will be no place to stand in the future."

"Your master said it well."

"It's just that it's really difficult to rush up to the imperial realm."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang fell silent.

It is indeed difficult to rush up to the imperial realm.

Zhao Yang also had the chance to survive, otherwise she would not be able to reach the emperor.

Phoenix is ​​already good at speed, not to mention the fourth level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

Not long after, Phoenix pulled Luanjia down to a beautiful paradise.

There are many girls here.

These women's milk swallow ring fat, all kinds of flavors are available.

They looked at Zhao Yang curiously.

Because few men have come to the Sky Palace these years.

"Senior brother, how about my sister from the Sky Palace?" Ruoxi asked with a smile.

"A magnificent scene in the world." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Since it's a beautiful scene in the world, how about staying here?" Just as Zhao Yang finished speaking, a cold voice rang in his ears.

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