The motherland is like a child now, standing in place at a loss.

On the one hand, he is curious about the secrets about himself, on the other hand, he is afraid of bringing back too many bad memories.

So, he flinched, and immediately planned to leave here.

But as soon as his feet flew off the ground, he was forcibly held by Lu Wu next to him. The motherland couldn't help shouting at him: "Let me go, I want to go back!"

"Go back? Where are you going?" The gray-white demon asked in a deep voice, "Do you want to go back to the cradle of dreams prepared by Water Company for you?"

"Then hid in Madeleine's arms, sucked sweet milk, and spent this life in a daze?"

"Don't be kidding, you are from the motherland, you are a god!"

After the words, the motherlander was a little embarrassed. No one should know about his relationship with Madeleine.

But what Lu Wu said is indeed very reasonable. Could it be that he is a dignified native of the motherland, a figure of god level, and should be subject to Walter Company for a lifetime?

Seeing that he was a little moved, the devil continued to strike while the iron was hot: "Do you want to know, who are your parents?"

Test-tube baby is the use of artificial technology to fertilize egg cells and man's essence outside the body, and carry out early embryonic development, and then transplant it into the baby born in the mother's body.

Therefore, people in the motherland actually have parents. After all, with the current technology, life cannot be created out of thin air.

So when he heard Lu Wu's question, the motherlander hesitated. He kept hinting in his heart that God didn't need parents at all, but Lu Wu took him to a house with a very honest body.

"My parents live here?" He asked nervously.

If people who are familiar with him know that the people of the motherland still have such a cautious time, they will probably be laughed out of their teeth.

"Of course not." Lu Wu shook his head pretending to be mysterious, and then led him into the house.

The house is very ordinary, ordinary furniture, ordinary decoration, but it is covered with a thick layer of dust, obviously no one has been here for a long time.

The motherlander, who was still confused just now, immediately changed his face when he saw this scene, and said angrily, "You're kidding me!"

"Be safe and don't be impatient." Lu Wu put his hand on the wall lamp on the wall next to him, then turned it gently, and continued: "Haven't you watched the movie?"

"Generally, in such a seemingly ordinary room, there must be a switch hidden in the secret room."

The man from the motherland snorted and did not answer. He really rarely watched movies, and if he wanted to watch, he only watched the movies he starred in.

As the demon turned the wall lamp over, there was a sudden roar on the floor of the room.

The floor was covered with dust, step by step, slowly moved to the two sides, finally revealing a section of downward stairs.

At this moment, a male voice came from the ground.

"Who is it! Speak quickly, or you will shoot!"

Lu Wu rubbed his smooth chin and nodded slightly: "Well, there are usually guards in a secret room like this, which is reasonable."

Immediately afterwards, he patted the shoulders of the motherland: "I leave it to you, kill them!"

The motherland impatiently shook off the devil's cold claws: "You don't need to command me!"

That's what he said, but he still walked down the stairs, his eyes glowing red.

After a few screams, he got rid of the guards and asked in a bad tone, "What should I do next?"

Lu Wu, who was still fiddling with an antique vase on the ground, couldn't help showing a sinister smile, and shouted to the bottom of the stairs: "Can you speak in a gentler tone, I'm helping you."

"Don't talk nonsense, come down the stairs!"

Hearing the increasingly impatient tone of the people from the motherland, Lu Wu shrugged helplessly, put down the vase and walked into the ground in a few steps.

After going down the stairs, there is a long dark corridor in front of you, with only a few chandeliers above your head for lighting.

The people of the motherland stood under the faint light, and under their feet were shattered corpses and large bloodstains.

"You are also a public figure after all, can you do things more cleanly." Lu Wu walked to him and said disgustedly.

The people of the motherland actually like to see this kind of bloody scene, so they ignore the mocking of the devil.

Lu Wu didn't speak any more, and led him to the depths of the corridor.

At the end of the corridor, a heavy alloy door blocked their way, and a fingerprint recognition machine was installed on the wall next to the door.

Seeing this, the eyes of the people from the motherland immediately turned red.

"Don't worry." Lu Wu stopped him from firing the laser, and then took out a broken finger that was still dripping blood.

Obviously it was obtained from the dead man just now, but I just don't know when.

"Don't always think about destroying, we have the key, why not use the key?"

Saying that, the gray-skinned devil pressed his finger into the hole of the fingerprint machine.

With a sound of "beep", the alloy door was opened, and another long corridor appeared in front of Lu Wu and the people of the motherland.

Just separated by a door, the two corridors show completely different styles.

One side was dark, shabby, and stained, while the other was brightly lit and exceptionally clean.

The walls on both sides are white and flawless, the floor under your feet is shiny, and even the air is very fresh.

This is actually one of the most important laboratories under Water Company, mainly responsible for the research and development and application of Compound No. [-].

The man of the motherland was born here and spent the first three years of his life in a sterile room somewhere.

After he could control his superpower a little bit, he was sent to live in a small town on the ground.

Although the memory of before the age of three has almost been forgotten, the familiar feeling cannot be erased by the years.

For a moment, the people of the motherland seemed a little hesitant, reluctant to step into the clean and bright corridor for a long time, and finally were forcibly dragged in by the devil.

The laboratory at night was not empty of people. On the contrary, many scientific researchers were staying up late to do research and development. In addition, there were surveillance cameras everywhere, so the two were quickly discovered.

Soon, a scientific researcher in a white coat came to the two of them with two big and three rough armed guards.

"People from the motherland, Sacco, this is not a place for you to come, please leave as soon as possible."

"Otherwise we can only report to our superiors and apply for coercive means."

As members of Water Company, the three of them certainly knew the two famous members of the seven-member group in front of them.

As for the terrifying strength of the two, they also have a very clear understanding, but even if they are trembling with fear, they have to bite the bullet and continue.

As a result, neither Lu Wu nor the people of the motherland had any intention of responding.

The motherland stood in front of a sterile room, looked in through the thick special glass, and said to the demon beside him:

"You know, I lived in this room for three years."

"Three years!!"

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