People in the motherland can be [-]% sure that Lu Wu is pretending to sleep.

Even a person who fell into a coma should wake up after being tortured like this. Not only did he not open his eyes, but he even snored.

What a shame!

This proves that Lu Wu didn't take himself, the leader of the group of seven, seriously at all!

Thinking of this, the furious motherlander's expression became more ferocious, shaking the devil in his hand like a rag bag, and roaring loudly:

"Sacco, you bloody bitch!"

"I order you, open your eyes and look at me!!!"

Seeing that the people of the motherland are going crazy, Lu Wu shows no sign of waking up.

What was even more exaggerated was that a trace of crystal clear saliva flowed down the corner of his mouth to the hands of the motherlander.


The motherlander, who had never hated a person so much, roared and threw Lu Wu out with hatred.

The demon's body was like a fired cannonball, slid in an arc in the air, and then hit the wall heavily.

There was a loud bang on the concrete wall, and a hole was directly smashed out, splashing large swaths of white dust in an instant.

A few seconds later, the flying dust dissipated, but Lu Wu was still in a deep sleep. Even because the floor was too hard, he even changed to a more comfortable position, uttering bursts of raving.

Seeing this situation, the people of the motherland completely lost their minds, two crimson rays burst out of the eye sockets, and scorching air waves churned in the air.

Seeing that the laser was about to hit the sleeping Lu Wu, the starlight outside the door suddenly pushed away the crowd and rushed into the room.

With both hands shining with all their might, they stood between the two of them and tried their best to block the attacks of the natives of the motherland.

As a result, her appearance made the people of the motherland feel even more humiliated. While increasing the energy output, she roared angrily:

"Even you— dare to challenge me!"

Xingguang, who was struggling to resist, couldn't even speak at this time, and could only grit his teeth and bear all this silently.

Gradually, the brilliant light around her became less and less, her white and tender palms began to turn red, her forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and her head became heavy due to too much mental energy consumption.

The man from the motherland did not show the slightest discomfort. He put his hands on his hips, with a cruel smile on his face, and approached the starlight step by step.

At this moment, the dozen or so people outside the room closed their eyes one after another, unable to bear to see the next scene.

In the face of the mad motherlanders, a group of ordinary people are really helpless.

But just when everyone thought that Xingguang would definitely die today, Lu Wu, who had been sleeping soundly, finally opened his eyes and muttered: "Women are really troublesome."

Then he appeared in front of the people of the motherland in a flash.

A ray capable of melting iron and breaking gold sprayed on Lu Wu's chest, but he didn't respond. Instead, he raised his arm and slapped the motherlander hard on the face.

"Is this how your mother taught you to get along with girls?"

This slap directly slapped the people of the motherland, not only closed Cyclops, but also looked at Lu Wu in front of him stupidly.

After a long while, I inexplicably choked out a sentence: "I...I don't have a mother."

As soon as these words came out, the group of spectators outside the door immediately covered their mouths, for fear that they would laugh out loud.

But it didn't affect the people of the motherland to turn their attention to them.

The group of people was frightened and fled in all directions, and there was no one outside the door in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Lu Wu stretched out his hand and forced the face of the motherlander back, staring at him closely with those slender purple eyes.

"Do you want to go back to the place where you were born?"

The deep and seductive voice, coupled with those glowing eyes, made the people of the motherland immediately forget the purpose of their coming.

Without hesitation, he said, "Okay!"

"Then come with me."

As he said that, Lu Wu hugged the shoulders of the motherlander, and the two walked out of the room with their shoulders crossed and their backs crossed like brothers.

In the end, the demon turned around suddenly, and said to Xingguang who was still panting for exhaustion: "Don't run around these few days, stay at home honestly."

"Wait for me to find you, understand?"

Xingguang knew that the home he was talking about was his small apartment, and he wanted to refuse in his heart, but after he opened his mouth, he became obedient: "Yes, I see."

Afterwards, Lu Wu ignored her and left the Group of Seven headquarters with the dazed natives.

Half an hour later, Madeleine, who finally put the child to sleep, arrived late, and led by Ashley, she came to the room just now.

But now the room is already empty, leaving only a mess on the ground.

It is certain that Lu Wu and the people of the motherland cannot be contacted, but even Xingguang's phone has been turned off.

This immediately turned Madeleine's face livid with anger.

There are only four remaining members of the Super Seven, and now she can't find any of them.

The vice president who really had no choice but felt that she could no longer manage this matter, and planned to report it directly to the real person in charge of Water Company.


On the other side, Lu Wu took advantage of the night and brought the people of the motherland to a small town protected by a high wall.

This place is heavily guarded and well-defended. It is obviously an ordinary town, but it looks more like a prison.

In the sky, dazzling searchlights flashed across from time to time.

On the ground, every few minutes, a team of guards with live ammunition and vicious dogs patrolled around.

However, the rigor here is only compared to ordinary people.

For people with the strength of Lu Wu and the people of the motherland, it is useless.

The two easily passed through layers of blockades and entered the central area of ​​the town.

It was late at night, and the whole town was quiet. There was no light on the houses on both sides of the street. I don't know if there was no one inside, or they were all asleep.

Even in the dark environment, the people of the motherland recognized at a glance that this is the place where they lived when they were young.

Every building, every plant and tree hides his childhood memories, but these memories are not good.

He is a test-tube baby and has never seen his parents since he was born.

I was brought up by a professor who worked in Water Company since I was a child, and it can't be said that I was brought up, after all, the professor didn't give much affection.

More often, he is training the superpowers of the motherland so that he can become a qualified superhero when he grows up.

And it is a superhero who only serves Walter Company.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the Motherlander is a humanoid weapon. For this reason, he received multiple genetic modifications when he was a child, including but not limited to Compound No. [-].

For these memories, he was already a little fuzzy, or he deliberately didn't let himself remember them.

Because of this tragic childhood, the character of the people from the motherland is very distorted. They are completely immature giant babies with serious Oedipus plots.

He himself knows this very well, and Madeleine and the president behind her are also very clear.

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