Falling in love with you, starting from the heavens to perform the League of Legends

Xingguang usually lives in the headquarters of the group of seven, but there are too many people there after all, and there is no private space, so she rented a small apartment by herself.

No one knows about it except her and her mother.

So when I saw someone inside, my first reaction was surprise, but when I saw clearly that it was Lu Wu, it immediately turned into fear.

But when he thought of the helpless Huey behind him, he immediately daringly yelled:

"Who let you in, get out of here!"

Today's heroine, like an old hen with fried hair, guards the salesperson behind her.

In the end, before Lu Wu could say anything, Kimiko who was standing next to her gritted her teeth at Xingguang.

There was also a low growl like a beast in his throat.

Only then did Huey realize that the unkempt, ragged little wolf girl from earlier was actually pretty good-looking.

At first glance, there is a stunning oriental beauty.

But it's a pity that now is not the time to think about this, he pulled Xingguang behind him, and said to the devil: "I don't plan to pay you for hiring me, you kill me!"

"It's just that after you kill me, you will definitely not get the 30."

The salesperson's cleverness caused Lu Wu to sneer: "Who said that, haven't you already brought me the reward?"

At this time, Xingguang was at a loss as to why Huey knew this demon.

At this moment, Huey lowered his voice and said, "Annie, get out of here quickly and leave me alone!"

"Leave?" Lu Wu stood up with a smile, snapped his fingers, and the door of the apartment was locked instantly.

"Nobody wants to leave here today."

Then, he walked towards the two of them slowly, and the deep voice of Yinjiu echoed in the room:

"Mr. Huey, thank you for bringing Starlight here."

"Now the account you hired me to kill the transparent man is written off, but don't forget the 30 that killed the locomotive."

"I will give you another ten days to raise money. I hope you will cherish this hard-won opportunity."

Huey fell into an ice cellar in an instant, and all this could not be hidden after all.

After hearing these words, Xingguang was like a thunderbolt hitting his head, and immediately shook off Huey's hand, looking at him in disbelief, with tears in his eyes.

"He...was everything he said just now true?"

The salesperson no longer dared to look at the girl's face, but kept repeating: "I don't...I don't!"

In the end, seeing that he couldn't escape, he had no choice but to plead bitterly: "I am willing to take my own life as the price of employment."

"Annie is innocent, please let her go."

Lu Wu pursed his lips and shook his head: "No, we made an appointment, not to mention you have proved with your actions that you are willing to fulfill the agreement."

"If you don't believe me, just look at that card."

Startled, Huey hurriedly took out some hot playing cards from his inner pocket, and turned them over for a look.

I saw that there was an extra line of words on it at some point.

"Bring her to the apartment."

"This..." The salesperson's legs went limp, and he almost collapsed on the ground, speaking incoherently: "This, this, this..."

He stuttered for a long time, but he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

He realized in his heart that it was obvious that the devil was playing tricks again, so he quickly turned his head and said to the girl, "Listen to me, it's not what you think."

Starlight, who also saw the words on the playing cards, was already on the verge of collapse, unable to listen to his explanation at all, and staggered back.

The two who were still close just now are getting farther and farther away now.

Huey knew that no matter what he said now, it was useless. He had already fallen into the trap set by the devil in advance.

Even if he had read the poker cards in advance, it could not change the final fact.

Who can guarantee that the above line will not change.

Today, as long as the salesperson goes out on a date with Xingguang, he will definitely send her to the devil in the end.

"What on earth do you want!" Huey, who knew he couldn't resist, tried to find a way to break the situation from other places.

In any case, he must not let anything happen to Starlight.

Lu Wu was looking up and down at Xingguang in casual clothes, and didn't even bother to look at the salesperson.

"What do I want?"

"Please don't talk to me in that wronged tone."

"Don't forget, if it wasn't for me, you would have died long ago."

"Besides, we negotiated the conditions at the beginning, and now I'm just getting back what I deserve."

Huey was at a loss for words for a moment: "But...but at that time."

"But what is it?" Lu Wu turned his head angrily, and said impatiently, "When you promised me, why didn't you think about the current situation."

"Now you are willing to give up that rotten life, I don't want it anymore!"

After all, he gave the wolf girl a look.

After receiving the signal, Kimiko walked up to the salesman in a few steps and punched him hard in the stomach.

Huey, an ordinary person, couldn't bear a punch from a superhuman.

Immediately, he fell to the ground clutching his stomach, his facial features were twisted into a ball, his stomach was in a mess, and yellow water kept spitting out of his mouth.

I think I won't be able to stand up for a while.

Starlight still has feelings for Huey, and when he saw him being knocked down, he immediately wanted to rush over.

But Lu Wu directly stopped him with his hand: "Annie, our matter hasn't been resolved yet."

"Go away!" The girl struggled desperately, but the devil grabbed her white wrist tightly and wouldn't let her leave.

In desperation, she finally remembered that she was still a superhero with superpowers, so she hurriedly activated her abilities.

The electric current in the entire apartment was sucked into the body in an instant, and the whole person emitted light visible to the naked eye.

As a result, before Xingguang could expel the energy accumulated in his body, Lu Wu's figure disappeared, and then appeared behind her.

Without saying a word, he raised his hand and slammed on the back of her head.

Xingguang felt that his eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything.

Afterwards, Lu Wu picked up her body that was about to fall, and strode into the dark bedroom.

The bedroom door was slammed shut, and the sound was like a heavy hammer hitting Huey's heart. He could almost imagine what would happen to Starlight.

"Do not!!!"

He roared heart-piercingly, struggling to get up and rushing to the bedroom.

But Kimiko, who was guarding the door, kicked the poor salesman to the ground.

Huey, unwilling to give up, got up one after another, but every time he was beaten by Kimiko, and he couldn't even get close to the door.

"Please, let me in." Huey, covered in blood, knelt in front of the wolf girl and begged in a low voice, but got no response.

Gradually, Huey, who was completely in despair, turned ashen and slumped on the ground, with his head buried between his knees and whimpering.

At some point, exhausted, he fell asleep, only to wake him up when the sun shone on his face the next day.

When he found that the wolf girl was still sleeping on the sofa, he rushed to the bedroom desperately, still calling the girl's name.


At this moment, the door was opened, and Xingguang came out with a change of clothes, looking at the salesperson indifferently.

He yelled at him mercilessly: "Get out!"

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