Falling in love with you, starting from the heavens to perform the League of Legends

The happy time is always short, and the time will soon come to the evening.

But Huey, who was full of worries, still couldn't make up his mind.

Xingguang, who wanted to invite him to dinner, saw his absent-minded appearance, gradually put out his thoughts, and bid farewell at the right time.

It was only then that Huey realized that he had snubbed the beauty just now, and hurriedly remedied: "Well...I know there is a good restaurant nearby, are you interested in trying it together?"

"Now?" Xingguang, who was about to leave, couldn't help but smile happily after hearing what he said: "Why not."

Afterwards, the two left the bowling alley together and went to the restaurant just mentioned.

On the way, I passed an electronic advertising screen, on which a video of the Super Seven was playing, and there were many scenes of stars.

And what this video promotes is the charity event called "Samarita's Embrace" that the breast brother found out before.

The familiar name made Huey stop and watch.

Xingguang next to him thought that he was very interested in this, so he claimed that he would also attend this event, and if Huey was interested, he could take him with him.

However, Huey had a bad impression of this charity event because of the wolf girl's incident before. He resisted the invitation and frowned involuntarily.

Looking at the weird expression of the salesperson, Xingguang thought that he didn't like his participation in such a commercial event, so he explained that he was not doing it for fame, let alone for the high appearance fee.

At that time, she will donate all the appearance fees to those who really need it.

These words undoubtedly impressed Huey, and at the same time, her affection for the girl also rose sharply.

Therefore, he finally made a decision in his heart. As an ordinary person, he will die. Only people like Xingguang can benefit the general public like him if he survives.

After having the last supper with the beautiful girl beside him, he is ready to face the terrifying demon alone.

The salesperson, who has made up his mind, has a sense of freedom that he has never had before.

This feeling fascinates Xingguang, who is a woman.

Therefore, the relationship between a man and a woman quickly heated up, and Xingguang even took the initiative to chat with Huey about his first love.

In this warm atmosphere, the two soon came to the restaurant.

After taking his seat, Huey tried his best to win the girl's favor, and several times the teasing starlight trembled and flung back and forth.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to hang up the call from Billy.

In fact, his idea was very simple. He was willing to form a small gang with Billy and the others in order to avenge his dead girlfriend.

Now that the locomotive is dead, and his girlfriend's revenge has been avenged, there is no need to contact them again.

Besides, he himself is about to die, so why bother with so many troubles, it's better to live happily and freely.

What Water Company, Compound No. [-], and everything has nothing to do with him.

It's a pity that Huey's state of mind was broken before it lasted too long.

Not long after the hot main course was served, there was a rush of heat from his chest.

He was so scared that he quickly looked up and glanced at the time on the wall clock on the wall.

It was nine o'clock in the evening, three hours before midnight.

In other words, his life is likely to have only three hours left.

After taking a big bite of the dish and carefully savoring the fragrance between his lips and teeth, Huey suddenly felt that he had failed in this life.

In his late thirties, he has accomplished nothing and is just a salesperson in a small video store.

Because of his natural timidity, let alone a promotion, he couldn't even ask the boss for a reasonable request such as a salary increase.

Look at Miss Xingguang on the opposite side. As the name suggests, Xingguang and the person seem to be glowing all over her body.

He was a member of the Super Seven at a young age, glamorous, revered and loved by countless fans.

Huey looked at that beautiful and delicate face enviously, and couldn't help thinking, she has already been so successful, why can't she die for me?

With such a kind heart, she must agree.

What's more, she might not necessarily die, maybe that demon just wanted to get to know her.

The joke card in the inner pocket of the clothes was still emitting heat, and the salesperson's heart was occupied by an emotion called jealousy.

"Huey? Huey?"

Seeing the boy staring at him in a daze for a long time, Xingguang complained a little shyly, "Why are you always staring at me?"

The salesperson, who seemed to be awakened suddenly in a dream, replied in a panic: "No, I just feel that you look better than before."

And as he came back to his senses, the strange purple color in his eyes also quietly faded away.

The playing cards are still emitting heat continuously, looking for the next flaw that can lure the soul to fall.

Unknowingly, Huey was still feeling guilty for his nasty thoughts just now, and he was too embarrassed to talk to the girl again.

Xingguang on the opposite side also turned red because of his inadvertent praise just now.

The two just ate silently with their heads down, one was ashamed, the other was too shy to raise his head.

A few minutes later, Huey, who was full from eating, took the initiative: "Well... I'm full, how about you?"

Xingguang, who was also a little swollen, immediately replied: "I'm full too!"

Then, the two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"Then let's go." Huey took the initiative to pay the bill, and stretched out his hand to invite the girl to get up in a gentlemanly manner.

Xingguang also took his hand very face-saving, and the two walked out of the restaurant holding hands like this.

Still thinking about the zero o'clock salesperson in his heart, he subconsciously took out his phone and glanced at the time.

Nine fifty-five at night.

"It's getting late, why don't we... just stop here?" Seeing that it was getting late, Huey thought of separating from the girl as soon as possible to prevent any accidents.

Xingguang is a bit reluctant, because her strong body actually hides a little bird-like personality. Although the two have not yet established a relationship, she is already a little dependent on Huey.

"Not far ahead is my rented apartment, do you want to go up and have a cup of coffee?"

After saying this, the girl regretted it. She always felt that something was wrong, but she really just wanted to spend more time with Huey.

Fortunately, Huey didn't think much about it. He glanced at the time again, looked at the girl's expectant eyes, and finally gritted his teeth and agreed.

At most half an hour, after half an hour he will definitely leave.

The salesperson thought so, and was pulled back to her apartment by the joyful starlight.

The girl took out the key to open the door and walked into the room. She never let go of the salesperson's hand.

But when she turned on the light, she suddenly froze in place.

Huey, who followed behind to enter the door, bumped into Xingguang unexpectedly.

"Why did you stop?"

Immediately afterwards, Huey, who was clutching his chest, saw a gray and white figure on the sofa in the living room of the apartment.

"You guys are really slow, making me wait so hard."

Lu Wu folded his hands like sharp claws, raised his legs, and sat comfortably on the single sofa facing the door.

Beside the sofa is the wolf girl Himiko who has been freshened and refreshed.

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