But this has nothing to do with Lu Wu. He joined the Super Seven just for fun, and he didn't really want to work for Walter Company.

Besides, he has other things to do now, such as going to see what his employer is doing...

Huey, the salesperson, is now naturally with Billy and the others, looking around for traces of Compound No. [-].

Although there is no locomotive line, it is not nothing, because they got another message from the devil's claw before.

On the day that Huey's girlfriend was killed, the purpose of the locomotive was to deliver Compound No. [-] somewhere near a Chinese restaurant.

But the exact location of this place, the locomotive didn't tell the devil girl, so the four of Billy and his party had to confirm it by themselves.

Finally, after squatting all night, the four finally found an Asian man with a gun who often came in and out of the restaurant.

It seems very suspicious as if it is transporting some kind of goods.

After the suspicious man crossed the streets and finally disappeared behind the iron gate at the corner of a supermarket, Frankie pried open the iron gate.

The remaining three quickly followed and walked in cautiously with him.

Behind the door is a narrow and damp aisle, and three people are eating noodles and chatting in a hut beside the aisle.

The four of them easily bypassed the three careless guards and continued along the aisle.

At this time, they vaguely heard the sound of music coming from the front. Following the sound, they soon came to a messy warehouse.

There are many dirty shelves with many messy goods on it.

Billy asked the other three to look for Compound No. [-] in the cargo, while he guarded the door to prevent anyone from entering.

As a result, while Huey and Brother Nurse were busy looking for things, Frankie noticed that there was a room locked by an iron fence in the corner of the warehouse.

The room is very small, only a few square meters, with only a dirty bed, a dusty table, and an old TV that is turned on.

The music they heard just now came from this TV.

What made Frankie even more concerned was that a little girl with disheveled hair and disheveled hair was hiding under the table with her arms around her knees, staring at the TV intently.

The girl was thin, probably from chronic malnutrition, and looked like she was in her teens.

Even Frankie, a warmonger, couldn't help feeling compassionate when he saw this scene. He guessed that there was a high probability that this girl had been trafficked.

So, without even thinking about it, he pulled the latch of the fence gate and prepared to rescue the poor child.

The breast brother who was closest to the Frenchman wanted to stop him, but it was still a step too late.

The piercing sound of opening the door disturbed the three guards outside. They quickly grabbed the guns at their feet and rushed in in a swarm.

Curiously, the first thing the guards, who were supposed to warn the intruders, yelled, "Hey, don't let her out!"

Billy realized something was wrong, and hurriedly told Frankie and Brother Nurse to stay away from the fence gate.

Facts have proved that his decision is extremely correct.

I saw that the little girl who heard the sound of the door opening slowly turned her head, most of her face was covered by messy hair, and only the two eyeballs, which were more white than black, could be seen clearly.

Cold, vicious, and emotionless, like a vicious and brutal hungry wolf.

When he saw these eyes, Frankie knew that he had caused a catastrophe, so he couldn't help but froze in place. In the end, it was Brother Nurse who forcibly dragged him away from the door.

On the other side, three guards had rushed into the warehouse with automatic rifles.

But they didn't attack a few intruders in the first place, but instead poured firepower on the little girl crazily.

Unexpectedly, the little girl flew out of the room with an incredible jumping force against the hail of bullets, and tore open the stomach of one of the guards in two or three blows.

Then jumped on another guard's head, closed his eye sockets, and split his head in half.

The remaining guard immediately lost the courage to resist and shot himself in the jaw.

He would rather commit suicide than face this thin looking little girl.

After finishing all the guards, she set her sights on the rest of the people in the warehouse.

Looking at the terrifying look in his eyes, Frankie realized what kind of monster he had unleashed.

At this time, Billy was quick to use his wits and raised his pistol to shoot at the wolf-like girl in order to delay time.

While quickly pulling a few people into the cell where the girl was held just now.And close the iron fence again, firmly against the door frame.

The wolf girls who dodged the bullets and saw the four big men shut themselves in the small room showed a mocking smile on their faces, and then quickly ran out of the warehouse.

When the girl's footsteps disappeared, the survivors breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that Compound No. [-] has not been found, and a superhuman of unknown origin has been released, this does not satisfy Billy.

Therefore, they started a carpet search, especially the girl's room was taken care of.

Finally, under her pillow, she found a ticket from Florida to New York.

Brother Ru also found a used syringe from a courier package, which contained a blue residue familiar to several people, probably compound No. [-].

Through the phone, I contacted a friend who delivered the courier, and Brother Ru also found out that the package came from "Samaritan Hug".

That is, the superhuman charity organized by the Water Group in various places every year. The host in charge of this meeting is the rubber man Izkiel who was having fun in the nightclub before.

More and more mysteries appeared, which made the four of them a little bit overwhelmed.

Now they have two choices. One is to attend a charity meeting for a few days, and they might find something at the meeting.

The second is to find the girl just now, she must know something.

But whether they should go to that girl or not, several people murmured in their hearts. She doesn't seem like a good communicative person.

While everyone was thinking, Huey's cell phone rang suddenly.

He took it out and saw that it was a text message from Xingguang asking the salesperson to go out together.

In the restaurant yesterday, the two had exchanged phone calls, but they didn't expect to use them so soon.

Obviously, since that long conversation, the beautiful heroine seems to have a special dependence on Huey, or a vague affection.

Billy on the side had probably guessed something from the salesperson's expression: "Is it the heroine from yesterday?"

"Yeah." Huey nodded a little cautiously, he was afraid that the grumpy butcher would object to him interacting with superhumans, especially Starlight is an idiom for the Super Seven.

Unexpectedly, Billy regards this as a great opportunity to find out information, and urges him to attend the appointment as soon as possible.

To be honest, Huey really didn't want to have contact with Xingguang again, but tonight was the deadline agreed with the devil, and he really didn't know what to do.

And Xingguang took the initiative to deliver it to the door at this time, which really shook the weak salesperson a little.

Just when he was in a dilemma, there was a panicked cry from outside the warehouse, which sounded like a girl's voice.

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