The locomotive died as expected, and the cause of death was acute myocardial infarction caused by heart organ changes.

As for the cause of the infarction, it is not known whether it was caused by the loss of body control or what Lu Wu said.

In short, his death is in everyone's interest.

More than [-] spectators were finally rescued, Shockwave became the number one in the world, Huey got revenge, and Lu Wu once again fulfilled the contract perfectly, and made a harmless little joke.

Everyone can find a point in their own favor.

Only the public relations department of Water Company may be busy for a while recently.

The audience who survived the catastrophe cheered and gathered towards Lu Wu, but they didn't know the name of the savior.

He could only yell wantonly to relieve the panic in his heart.

The reporters and media who had been hiding in hiding just now suddenly jumped out.

Holding a long gun and short cannon, stepped on the fleshy body of the same kind, and rushed to the front.

"Sir, what's your name!"

"Sir, are you also a superhero belonging to the Water Company?"

"Sir, why did you say that the locomotive was a cheater, is there any evidence?"

"Sir, what do you think of the death of the locomotive?"

"Sir, are you willing to take responsibility for the death of the locomotive?"



Three layers of reporters surrounded Lu Wu in the middle, and dozens of microphones came out almost at the same time, eager to stuff them into his mouth.

All kinds of questions and flashing lights one after another made Lu Wu, who is not good-tempered, couldn't help frowning.

Just when he was considering whether to kill this group of noisy guys, the natives who flew over from a distance floated to the ground and stood between him and the reporters.

"Whoa... Gentlemen, please be gentlemen and don't frighten our savior."

Compared with Lu Wu, the motherland who has been in the spotlight all year round is obviously more experienced in dealing with reporters.

Under his command, the reporters, who were still like wolfs and tigers a second ago, retreated one after another, giving way to a large area, allowing the stale air to finally circulate.

"Let me introduce you grandly!" The motherlander took a few steps back, hugged the Gray Demon's shoulders affectionately, and announced loudly:

"The newest member of our Super Seven, Pale Rider-Shaco!"

This name is what the people of the motherland think of now, because with Lu Wu's current terrifying image, there is really no more positive adjective.

Originally, I wanted to combine his act of saving people, calling him an angel.

Contrary to the understanding of the world, in the Bible stories, generally only the appearance of the devil is unparalleled, because it needs to lure others to fall.

The real angels want to intimidate the world and demons, but they grow more casually.

But after thinking about it, the public may not be able to accept this name, after all, Lu Wu really has the face of a devil.

Moreover, there are too many superheroes called angels and they are not outstanding enough, so combined with Lu Wu's own characteristics, they were replaced with a more neutral pale knight.

The final result was similar to what the people of the motherland thought, and everyone present accepted it after being taken aback for a moment.

And in the following time, they shouted this name at the same time.

Pale Knight! ! !

Pale Knight! ! !

Pale Knight! ! !

Looking at the fanatical crowd around, dissatisfaction flashed across the faces of the people from the motherland, but soon returned to normal.

Then he pressed his hands empty, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

As the most famous and powerful superhero, his appeal is beyond doubt, and the audience of 10,000+ soon fell silent again.

Seeing this, the people from the motherland couldn't help showing a smug look on their brows, and looked at Lu Wu next to him with provocative eyes.

Unfortunately, Lu Wu was so absent-minded now that he didn't notice his movements at all.

The demon was looking at the crowd, and Huey and Billy, who were cowering, seemed to be reminding the salesperson not to forget their agreement.

The four members of the black-robed picket team naturally knew that Lu Wu was watching them, so they turned around and squeezed out of the crowd, walking towards the outside of the stadium.

The excitement has been watched, and there is no time to stay here.

In order not to be sent to prison by the FBI, they must find Compound No. [-] as soon as possible.

It wasn't until the figures of the four disappeared that Lu Wu looked away.

At this time, the people of the motherland are accusing the locomotive of crimes to the reporters, and trying to find a reasonable explanation for his loss of control.

It is best to clear up the responsibilities of the seven-member group, so that everyone feels that the seven-member group is still a good group.

As for the scapegoat, it can only be borne by Water Company.

However, it is obvious that the reporters are not very interested in the boastful talk of the people of the motherland, and they want to interview the upstart Pale Knight.

But the people of the motherland have no intention of letting Lu Wu talk, and seem to think that he has already made enough limelight today.

Lu Wu was also happy to see the result, he was afraid that he couldn't help but want to joke with the people present as soon as he opened his mouth.

The last person he joked about was still lying on the ground.

Speaking of which, no one has dared to move the locomotive's corpse so far, and even the staff responsible for arranging the corpses and calculating the casualties are unwilling to help collect the corpses.

And the only relative who was supposed to collect the locomotive's body, his elder brother who was a compatriot, was also trampled to death by the audience during the chaotic period just now.

His final result should be to be collected by a well-meaning welfare institution, and then buried hastily in a public cemetery.

The locomotive, who was still in high spirits a few days ago, must have never expected that he would end up like this.

The world is unpredictable!

Thinking of this, Lu Wu chuckled, leaving a cloud of undetectable smoke on the spot, and disappeared in front of everyone.

For his leaving without saying goodbye, the crowd became excited in an instant, and then calmed down again under the constant comfort of the people of the motherland.

It was not until late at night that the number of casualties in this incident was counted. Nearly 3000 people died, and tens of thousands were injured.

Many of them have turned into a pool of minced meat, and their identities can only be confirmed through the information recorded when buying tickets.

Regardless of the more than [-] spectators, a few thousand deaths may seem small, but in the age of peace, this number was considered a major case.

And the impact caused was very bad. Its direct manifestation was that the stock price of Water Company plummeted, and countless people lost their money.

At the same time, there was a huge wave of anti-superheroes among the people.

More insightful people have suggested that superheroes must be supervised, and every superhuman should take the initiative to report to the government department.

The bill submitted by Water Corporation to Congress has also been postponed indefinitely.

This large enterprise spanning many countries and regions unexpectedly revealed a decline.

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