"You!" Huey was momentarily at a loss for words, trembling from anger.

At this time, Lu Wu got up and walked to the salesman, pressed his sharp fingers on his shoulders, and warned: "Remember, you still have a day."

"Before midnight tomorrow night, I hope you can complete our agreement on time."

After all, the gray figure gradually became transparent, and then slowly disappeared into the air.

Just when Huey thought he had left and relaxed his vigilance, the terrifying voice came again in his ears:

"Remember Huey, you still owe me 30!"

"Gift Crab!" Huey realized something in an instant, and ran to the court.

This demon is going to kill the locomotive!

Now the salesperson is in mixed moods, on the one hand, he is happy that he will get revenge, but on the other hand, he is worried about the debt of 30 US dollars.

That was a full 30, and he had never seen so much money in his life.

You know, at the time because of his girlfriend, the hush money paid by Water Company was only 4.5 US dollars.

However, as long as the locomotive can die, he is willing to pay any money. At worst, he can sell the house, go to work as a coolie, or even sell his organs.

Huey's thoughts were spinning, but it didn't stop him from running towards the court.

On the way, Billy's voice sounded in the earphone: "Boy, what happened just now, why was the communication cut off?"

"Where are you? We should go."

At this time, Huey had no time to answer his question, and shouted excitedly: "The locomotive, the locomotive is going to die!"

"What did you say?" Billy thought he didn't hear clearly: "Can you say it again?"

The trembling voice of the salesperson came from the earphones: "The locomotive is about to die, it's that demon... that demon did it!"

Confirming that he had heard correctly, Billy immediately jumped out of the started car, called Frankie and Brother Nurse and ran back.

"Who can tell me where we are going!" Frankie, who was confused, shouted while running.

Brother Ru also echoed: "That's right, aren't we all leaving? Could it be that Kid Huey is in danger?"

Billy didn't have time to explain too much, for fear of missing such a wonderful moment, he just said: "Come with me, you will understand!"

At the same time, amid the cheers of more than [-] spectators, the radiant locomotive and shock wave stepped onto the plastic track.

Because of the drug, the locomotive was extremely excited, and kept greeting his fans during the warm-up period.

There was a smile on his face from beginning to end.

On the other hand, Shockwave, another speed user, was much more normal. After earnestly warming up, he stood on the starting line.

In the end, the locomotive was reluctantly put in place under the urging of the staff.

As the two took their starting positions on their respective tracks, another burst of enthusiastic cheers erupted from the audience.

As the referee, the native of the motherland whispered something to the staff next to him, and then put on a professional smile to face the audience.

Seeing this, Queen Maeve next to him asked curiously, "Are there any other arrangements later?"

The people from the motherland didn't seem to intend to answer this question, and instead said: "Watch the game first, and then talk about it later."

Maeve gave him a thoughtful look before turning her attention back to the game.

The starting gun sounded at the right time, which immediately aroused the emotions of the audience. People waved flags and shouted frantically, cheering for the superheroes they supported.

The two speed users did not disappoint the fans who loved them, and disappeared from sight in an instant.

The rules of this competition are very simple, one lap of the track is 400 meters.

Whoever completes a lap first is the winner and can take away the crown of world number one.

As for the losers... nobody remembers the losers.

But speaking of it, the games of the fast runners are actually very poor to watch. When they run at the fastest speed, ordinary people can't see their exact positions with the naked eye.

I only felt a violent gust of wind blowing past my eyes, and the game was over.

This time was no exception. The scoreboard at the end showed the result of the game almost before the audience started to enjoy the game.

Challenger shock wave, 400 meters in 1.169 seconds.

And the challenger locomotive, the former world record holder, the fastest human running, took:

0.978 seconds.

When the number came up, the crowd erupted instantly, and even Shockwave fans couldn't help cheering for the winner.

A new world record, the locomotive will be recorded in the annals of human history with a super speed of milliseconds.

At the end of the game, Huey and Billy on the other side also rushed to the court, staring at the runway against the deafening shouts.

Suddenly, a commotion broke out in the auditorium, and the scope became larger and larger, and soon spread to a large area.

The cause was that a person dressed as a Shockwave fan actually brought a gun into the stadium.

When the locomotive won the championship, he began to shoot wildly at the carnival audience around him.

Huge cheers covered up the gunshots, and in just a few seconds, dozens of ignorant spectators fell in a pool of blood.

Moreover, there was more than one person who took revenge on the society like him. In the auditorium surrounding the stadium, there were a total of eight or nine villains, attacking everyone they saw with automatic firearms.

The audience in the front row is still cheering for breaking the record, but the audience in the back row is receiving death threats.

All of a sudden, cheers and cries for help mixed together, making the entire football stadium look extremely chaotic.

Seeing this situation, the motherland showed a smug smile on his face.

This 'little riot' was planned in advance, later he will be responsible for dealing with the villains on the left, and Lu Wu will be in charge of the right.

In the end, the two worked together to get rid of the one in the middle and made a perfect appearance.

He will send the rest of the group of seven to evacuate the crowd, leaving the stage to him and Lu Wu.

So far, the whole plan has been going smoothly, and no mistakes have occurred. Even Queen Maeve, who is usually very careful, thought it was an accident.

Fans of Shockwave couldn't accept Shockwave's loss to Locomotive, so they began to retaliate against the society.

This motive sounds very reasonable, and there is nothing wrong with it.

After thinking about it, the native said to the nervous queen beside him: "Maeve! Go work with Xingguang and Black to arrange for the audience to evacuate from the stadium, and leave the rest to me!"

Queen Maeve has no doubts about him, and the people of the motherland who have the ability to fly will indeed be much faster than them in terms of rescue speed.

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

After she took the people away quickly, the motherland could no longer hide the smile on her face, and flew into the air to prepare to act as planned.

But at this moment, he discovered a very strange thing.

From the end of the game to the present, the locomotive has not stopped.

He seemed... out of control.

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