The surface of the huge football field is peaceful and attracts everyone's attention, but there is an undercurrent surging behind it.

In this environment, Starlight is still moping about his clothes.

At first, in order to restore her damaged image when she debuted, the marketing department specially formulated an exclusive hero story for her, and also designed a new jersey.

Abandoning the conservative style of the past, directly moving towards the sexy and mature style.

The star decoration was removed from the neckline, and replaced by a deep V, which almost reached the belly button.

The arms and two clean thighs are exposed, which is completely indistinguishable from a swimsuit.

This way of expression made Xingguang very disgusted, but due to the contract with Water Company, she had to accept this new battle uniform.

Coupled with the existence of the gray and white demon, it disturbed her even more.

Yesterday, she laughed for half an hour before she stopped, and now she still has a dull pain in her lower abdomen.

Back at the headquarters, fortunately, I ran into Lu Wu who was wandering around, and finally ran away under his meaningful gaze.

While Xingguang was depressed, Locomotive and Shockwave, another fast-powered user, came out of the lounge respectively, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

However, compared with the opponents next to it, today's locomotive is extremely excited.

His face was flushed, his pupils shrunk, and his whole body was shaking non-stop.

People in the motherland can tell at a glance that this is the result of an overdose of compound No. [-], and they are basically sure that once the drug's effect is over, at least the whole body will be paralyzed.

Whether he can keep this life in the end, only God knows now.

At the same time, the people of the motherland were also wondering how Walter's senior management persuaded the locomotive to participate in this competition.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, so he simply gave up and announced the start of the game loudly.

At the same time, Frankie, who had been lurking for a long time, received Billy's signal, immediately got out of the ventilation duct, entered the players' lounge, and began to look for the red satchel of the locomotive.

Coincidentally, Xingguang, who was wearing a sexy jersey, walked towards the lounge with an angry face because he couldn't stand the colorful teasing from a certain fan.

Seeing that the matter was about to be revealed, Huey, dressed as a reporter, gritted his teeth and stopped her directly.

"Hi Annie!"

Starlight, who opened the door a crack, turned back subconsciously after hearing the sound.

Since becoming a superhero and joining the Seven, she has rarely been called by her real name except her mother.

I thought it was a friend or classmate I met before, but it turned out to be nothing.

However, Xingguang did know the tall and thin man in front of him. The two had met once on a bench outside the headquarters of the Group of Seven a few days ago.

At that time, she was depressed because of the obscene things that the deep sea had done to her, but at the other end of the bench, Huey, who also looked heavy, spoke to comfort her.

This made Xingguang very impressed with this dull-looking big boy.

So she was also very surprised to see her again, so she happily replied: "Hi, Huey, why are you here!"

Huey pointed to the camera on his chest, and then said with emotion: "You are Starlight? I didn't recognize it at the time!"

Because he had a good impression of this boy, Xingguang was quite willing to chat with him, so he joked, "Fortunately, you didn't recognize him."

Afterwards, the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and Xingguang planned to return to the lounge.

The salesperson who was told that she still needed to delay for Frankie had no choice but to bite the bullet and invite her out for something to eat.

The existence of the contract with Lu Wu caused Huey to actually not want to have too much contact with Xingguang.

But now, he really has nothing to do, he can't just watch Frankie get arrested.

Unexpectedly, Xingguang only hesitated for a moment before readily agreeing to his invitation.

I have been worrying too much recently, maybe eating something and drinking some wheat juice can help me relax a bit.

So, the two came to a nearby restaurant and chatted casually.

One is to drink away your worries, and the other is to delay time, and there is no theme, just pass the time like this.

On the other side, under the cover of Huey, Frankie managed to find the red satchel of the locomotive, but found nothing after searching for a long time.

Although Billy was disappointed when he found out, he could only reluctantly accept it, and told Frankie to withdraw quickly to avoid complications.

At this time, Huey also received the news, and was worried about how to get out, but Xingguang offered to leave first, saying that the company had something to ask her for.

When Xingguang left, Huey stared at her back in a daze.

Through the brief conversation just now, he discovered that Xingguang is a very good and kind girl.

They are completely different from those superheroes who are glamorous on the surface but secretly full of male thieves and female prostitutes.

However, just as he was feeling emotional, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"is it beautiful?"

Huey, who was engrossed, subconsciously replied, "Pretty."

After speaking, he immediately reacted, and hurriedly turned around, but he didn't see anyone.

"Huey, this way." The voice came again, still behind him.

The flustered salesman turned around again, and he already recognized who the voice belonged to.

Sure enough, when he turned his head this time, that gray and white strange smiling face appeared in front of him.

The distance between the two was too close, almost nose to nose, and Huey could even see his own reflection in those crazy purple eyes.

"Long time no see, Mr. Huey." Lu Wu licked his lips greedily: "There is still an agreement between us, I don't know if you still remember it."

The terrified salesperson took a few steps back, almost bumping into the table behind her.

After straightening the crumbling vase above, he said fearfully, "You... hello, Mr. Sacco, long... long time no see."

After swallowing several mouthfuls of saliva, he continued, "That...ahem...Of course I remember the promise."

Lu Wu said meaningfully: "Oh, that's good."

"Then when are you going to give me the reward I deserve?"

Huey, who was already sweating profusely, forced a smile and said, "Isn't it time yet..."

"Naughty." The gray devil sat where Xingguang was just now, and said cheerfully: "Take out what I gave you and see, there are still a few days left."

Huey already had an ominous premonition in his heart, and quickly took out the joke card he was carrying.

Taking a closer look, the card represents the scale of time, but for some reason there is only one space left.

"What... what's going on here." Huey was already a little incoherent: "It's only been two or three days, why is this happening!"

Due to fear, he selectively forgot about the poker cards, so he never took them out, but he didn't expect to become like this.

Seeing his reaction like this, the cunning devil laughed even happier, and murmured in a low voice: "Didn't your mother tell you never to make a deal with the devil?"

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