Starting from the heavens to perform the entire League of Legends

Chapter 184 On How to Make Friends with People from Our Country

A welcome party that was supposed to be grand ended in such an anticlimactic manner.

The people from the motherland asked the other members to leave first, leaving Lu Wu alone, saying that they had something to talk to him about.

"Tomorrow is the day of the locomotive race, and Madeleine asked me to go to the scene."

I don't know why, but the people of the motherland now have an inexplicable sense of trust in Lu Wu, probably because he is the only person who can hurt themselves.

If there is anything, I like to talk to him.

This feeling can be summed up in one sentence, that is, the only heroes in the world are the emperor and the ear.

Only you can possibly beat me, so I respect you very much.

This is a very childish quality that results from a lack of affection in childhood.

Before, the object of trust of the people of the motherland was Queen Maeve, who was second only to him in strength, but now it has become the stronger Lu Wu.

And different from Maeve's kind personality, Lu Wu's way of doing things that doesn't take human life seriously really suits his taste.

And Lu Wu didn't intend to betray his trust, so he slumped on the chair and didn't move.

"Then you go, what does it have to do with me."

For the devil's cold words, the people of the motherland did not show disgust, but were quite happy, thinking that he really regarded himself as a friend.

This is also in line with the slightly masochistic personality traits of the motherland.

"At that time, the members of our group of seven will go together, and it will be your first appearance in front of the audience."

"What I want is to design a unique way of appearance for you."

"Only in this way can we leave a deep impact on the audience and quickly accumulate popularity."

"After all, you also know that with your image, it's really hard for people to like you."

The leader of the group of seven is explaining to Lu Wu unreservedly how to become a successful superhero as someone who has experienced it.

With his conceited personality, it was simply impossible in the usual way.

"Let's do this!" The motherlander, who had been thinking for a long time, suddenly had an idea: "Don't you know how to be invisible? You can hide in the dark first."

"And then over the course of the game, we can create a riot."

"Or an attack, or something else."

"In short, after the riot happened, you appeared and joined hands with me to resolve the crisis, and then I took advantage of the opportunity to invite you to join the group of seven."

"Look at this method!"

The more people from the motherland talked, the more excited they became, and they were completely immersed in it. They didn't need Lu Wu to speak, and they considered everything.

"However, there will definitely be casualties in the riots, and Madeleine should not agree."

"But we can do it behind her back."

"It's exactly the same as the real thing, so she can't see the flaws!"

Seeing his dedication, Lu Wu couldn't bear to refute him, instead he laughed and said, "This is a battle of honor for the locomotive, are you sure you want to do this?"

"The locomotive?" The motherlander sneered, "It's just waste that has been decided to be discarded."

"I know his injury best. If he wants to participate in the competition tomorrow, it will definitely be too late for ordinary treatment."

"He has to be injected with a lot of Compound Five."

"It's like adrenaline or morphine to keep him high."

"But once the effect of the medicine is over, he will be a useless person. Whether he can stand up is a problem."

"It's better to give this opportunity to you and me as a stepping stone."


After saying that, the people of the motherland raised their heads on their hips and let out wild laughter.

Faced with such a despicable method, Lu Wu couldn't help giving a thumbs up and praised: "The idea is very good, I like it very much."

However, the plan in his mind is slightly different from the leader of the group of seven.

While these two people with twisted personalities were discussing their plans, Billy and others on the other side were also implementing their own plans.

Through investigation, they learned that the locomotive's girlfriend is nicknamed the Claw Girl, a superhero who has only acted in a few movies, or can only be called a superhuman now.

However, she has a very good figure, and her looks are fair, and there are rumors in the market that her skills in bed are top-notch, so she can't stop being fascinated by the locomotive.

But the bad thing is, she's a superhero with superpowers.

Although the ability is very weak, only a bone spur can grow from each wrist, but the strength is infinite and the movements are flexible.

Regardless of the four big men in Billy, they may not be sure that they can subdue her.

So, the plan changed from going upstairs to chat with her at the beginning, to monitoring downstairs, but Billy and his three poor companions didn't have the money to get advanced monitoring equipment.

When the four of them were at a loss, Huey, a senior salesperson in a video store, had a whim that he could use the webcam in the apartment.

For example, the camera on the computer, the camera on the smart TV, to achieve the purpose of monitoring the devil girl.

Because this apartment is considered a relatively high-end type, basically every room will have similar appliances.

To make use of Huey's old business, to achieve this, it is necessary to obtain the Internet protocol of the claw girl's home.

Fortunately, Huey has rich experience in door-to-door service.

Pretending to be an online customer service, using the excuse of upgrading the router, to enter the room of the Demon Claw Girl, and steal the network address by taking the opportunity is simply as easy as pie.

The breast brother pretended to be Huey's colleague and assisted him in completing the task.

The whole plan was implemented smoothly, and the Demon Claw girl did not have any doubts, and was very satisfied with the free upgrade service.

In the end, I politely wanted to keep them for some snacks as a thank you.

This made the two of them a little uncomfortable, and hurriedly claimed that there were other users who needed to be upgraded, and left the apartment building in a hurry.

At this time, Billy had also rented a van for monitoring. Inside the van were various lines and screens of various sizes.

Frankie, who is proficient in various electronic equipment, is in charge of the operation.

They originally thought that it would take a little more time to monitor something useful, but it didn't take long for a "small situation" to occur on the side of the Devil's Claw.

Since Huey and brother breast left, she has been on the phone non-stop, as if she wanted to tell the locomotive the good news that the router at home has been upgraded.

As for why such a trivial matter has to be called to notify, it is also because of a sense of crisis just like her boyfriend.

The status of the two is very different now, one is an outdated heroine, and the other is a member of the top hero group Seven, and this relationship is still an underground relationship.

In addition, the locomotive has been declaring that he is single, which makes it impossible for the devil girl to have no sense of crisis.

In addition, there was another reason. Before leaving in the morning, the engine had promised her to come back after the meeting.

But now it was almost noon and there was no one around, so the Devil's Claw wanted to ask what was going on.

As a result, even a dozen calls were hung up directly, and there was not even a message explaining the reason.

This made the Demon Claw Girl, who was already suspicious recently, even more suspicious of whether her boyfriend was looking for someone else behind her back.

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