Starting from the heavens to perform the entire League of Legends

Chapter 183 1 Everything is for the people of the motherland!

It's a pity that the locomotive charged angrily and couldn't even pass the test of the motherland.

He had just picked up his speed and was about to turn Lu Wu into a meat paste like Huey's girlfriend, but he bumped into the body of the motherlander who was like steel.

Hearing a loud bang like hitting a bronze statue, the locomotive flew backwards, and the whole person smashed into the wall behind.

The security guards patrolling outside the room heard the movement and rushed in to see what happened, but they were scolded by the people from the motherland.

"Who let you in, get out!"

The thick door was closed again, and the motherlander stood there with his waist pierced, not knowing what he was thinking, and for a while there was only the painful groan of the locomotive in the room.

In the end, Queen Maeve couldn't stand it anymore, and dug out the locomotive from the ruins and laid it flat on the ground.

The kind-hearted Xingguang wanted to help, but he was afraid to take action because of the despotic power of the people of the motherland.

As for the rest of Lu Wu and Xuan Se, they all acted as if they had nothing to do with them.

After a while, the silent atmosphere was finally broken. There was a knock on the door, accompanied by a female voice: "Group of seven, it's me, Madeleine."

The native of the country, who was still angry, gave Xingguang, who was closest to the door, a look. Xingguang immediately understood and hurried to open the door.

Madeleine, the senior vice president of Water Corporation, walked into the room with Ashley, the director of people and relations.

Looking at a messy room, and the unknown locomotive lying on the ground.

She asked sharply and unceremoniously: "Who will tell me what is going on!"

"An ordinary regular meeting was turned into this by you."

"What the hell are you trying to do, rebel?"

Don't look at the room except her and Ashley, who are all omnipotent and famous superheroes, but she doesn't intend to give face to these people at all.

Without Vought & Co., the Seven are a shit.

The news in Madeleine's hands alone is enough to ruin the reputation of these superheroes standing in the spotlight.

A superhero who loses the support of fans and fame is a mouse crossing the street.

No matter how strong you are, you can't afford to turn up too much trouble.

Because of this, she dared to talk to the group of seven like this, and looking at the posture, it was obviously not the first time.

Although the members of the group of seven were not afraid of this old woman, they didn't want to conflict with her, so they let her continue to get angry.

Seeing this, Xingguang wanted to explain, but seeing that the other members didn't speak, she quickly lowered her head and pretended she didn't hear anything.

After waiting for a while, Madeleine finally vented her anger, and said to the people of the motherland, "Come and tell me what happened here."

People from the motherland are still madly infatuated with Madeleine, instead of feeling angry at her questioning just now, they find her angry appearance very attractive.

Afterwards, he was very obedient and told the whole story in detail.

Including the matter of the locomotive taking Compound No. [-] without permission.

Unexpectedly, Madeleine's reaction was beyond the expectations of the motherland.

She first rejected the proposal to fire the locomotive, and then ordered Ashley to find a way to heal the locomotive's injury before the speed competition.

After Ashley asked someone to carry the locomotive away, in order to take care of the emotions of the motherland, Madeleine explained:

"The current situation of the group of seven is very bad, and this kind of scandal cannot be broken again."

"Even if you want to drive him away, it has to be after the game."

"We're going to get him out of the Super Seven in a more respectable way, you understand?"

The last sentence seems to be speaking to the people of the motherland, but it is actually a warning to others.

Don't make any mistakes during this period, otherwise the locomotive will not be the only one who wants to leave with dignity.

Only now did the motherlander nod in understanding, expressing her willingness to follow her arrangements.

The leader agreed, and the rest of the people naturally couldn't have any opinions. Only Xingguang was still at a loss. She didn't understand what happened from the beginning.

She only knows one thing, the reason why the locomotive is so fast is because of taking medicine.

Just when everyone thought that the matter had come to an end, Madeleine suddenly pointed the finger at Lu Wu who was at the side.

"I shouldn't have allowed you to join in the first place."

"You are not fit to be part of the Seven, either in appearance or in conduct."

Lu Wu was very confident: "Ms. Madeleine, please use your brain before you speak."

"You hired me to help you get rid of that plane, and the reward is to join the Seven."

"Do you want to regret it now?"

"Are you so sure that everyone on the plane is dead?"

As a result, before Madeleine could react, the people from the motherland couldn't stand it anymore: "Sacco, I don't allow you to talk to her like this!"

"Immediately, immediately, apologize to her!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Wu ignored him, but kept looking at Madeleine.

The high-ranking vice president of Water Company really regrets it now. She, who was extremely strong just now, has softened: "I just want to tell you, don't do this again in the future."

"Otherwise, I can't keep you."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly turned around and left the room, as if he didn't want to stay here for a second.

In fact, the reason why Madeleine subdued is very simple. She was caught, just like she coerced superheroes and those members of Congress.

The cause of the incident happened a few days ago. When discussing a certain business, Madeleine and a politician failed to agree on the price.

The other party wanted a lower price and threatened to tell her about Compound No. [-] if she disagreed.

Compound No. [-], as an addictive drug, actually came from Water Company, which few people know.

If it is exposed, it will be a huge blow to the reputation of the entire Water Company and its superheroes.

As Walter's vice president, if this matter is exposed, Madeleine has an unshirkable responsibility.

It's a small thing to lose your position, and you may go to jail directly.

As an executive, she is very clear about the temperament of those above her.

So, she was pinched tightly.

At first, Madeleine didn't make a statement, and wanted to delay for a while before making plans. After all, politicians have not had substantive evidence so far.

But when the politician left angrily, Lu Wu took the initiative to come to the door, claiming that he could get rid of the politician without anyone noticing.

Madeleine was unwilling, because she felt that this kind of thing was not enough to cause murder.

But then Lu Wu told her that the people of the motherland had already caught up with the politician's private plane, and if he hesitated so much, it would be too late.

Although she is usually suspected of taking advantage of the motherland, in fact Madeleine still has a certain emotional foundation for him, and she doesn't want him to get his hands dirty because of such a trivial matter.

If it is accidentally discovered during the process, it will be a nightmare for Water Company.

Therefore, I had no choice but to agree to Lu Wu's conditions and kill the politicians before the people of the motherland do anything.

Now it seems that it is indeed a bit redundant, but at that time, there was no way to do it.

At the very least, the innocence of the people of the motherland has been guaranteed.

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