While the homelander was talking to Madeleine, Billy on the other side drove Huey and Frenchman Frankie to a juvenile correctional institution.

Here is a former colleague of Billy's named Latex.

Although this big black man with five big and three thick looks doesn't look like milk, his mother gave him such a name.

Billy felt that using milk's ability to discipline these bad boys was really overkill.

So, I wanted to pull him into the group and deal with the Super Seven together.

But Mr. Milk refused his invitation straight away, because every time he worked with Billy, it meant that trouble would often come to his door.

Billy had anticipated this, and at the same time thought of a corresponding solution.

He coaxes Milk into saying that the three of them worked together to kill the Invisible Man and had strong enough evidence to bring down the Super Seven.

Sure enough, milk was hooked as soon as it heard it, and couldn't help but want to inquire about the specific situation.

Hearing this, he was considered to be on a thief ship and had to join Billy's team.

And as a former colleague, Milky knew more about Billy's situation than Frankie and Huey.

For example, he knows that the reason why Billy is so hostile to these superheroes is because his wife died at the hands of the motherland.

A famous butcher is actually in the same situation as an unknown salesman, both wanting to avenge their lover.

Therefore, he took the initiative to find Huey and said that he would provide help.

Although there are suspicions of using Huey, it is mainly because of sympathy.

With the addition of milk, Billy's team has been preliminarily formed, and they are about to start preparing for action.

Lu Wu was too ruthless at the time, causing the invisible man to hang up without leaving any useful information.

Therefore, the four of them were at a loss as to what to do next.

In the end, Billy made the decision and led the three of them to a nightclub hidden deep in an alley.

The nightclub looked dilapidated and inconspicuous from the outside, like a warehouse or factory that had been abandoned for many years.

Entering the inside, it is unique and magnificent, and it is not too much compared with the legendary wine pool and meat forest.

Milk and Frankie were amazed, but Huey didn't take it seriously because Billy brought him here once.

A few days ago, in order to gain Huey's trust, Billy dragged him onto the pirate ship and brought him here.

That night, the two sneaked into the security room and watched a surveillance video.

It's the locomotive, a member of the seven-member group, talking to his friends about Huey's girlfriend.

In the video, the locomotive bumped into his girlfriend, not only did not show the slightest guilt, but kept laughing.

It's as common as a car driving on the highway and killing a bug.

After watching the video, Billy took out a stack of police records to prove that there was no police case of robbing the bank on the day Huey's girlfriend was killed.

It's not like the locomotive explained to the public that it was anxious to catch the robbers and accidentally hit someone.

It was because of the above facts that the angry Huey made the risky thing of going to the headquarters of the Group of Seven to place the tracker.

Today, the salesperson, whose anger has never subsided, once again met his enemy in this nightclub.

At this time, the locomotive is drinking and chatting with another famous superhero "Rubber Man Izkiel".

The four of them are also very familiar with Izkiel. He is a broker of Water's company and a priest.

Specialized in preaching all over the country, preaching that superhumans who are born with superpowers are God's chosen children, and encourage more people with superpowers to join the Walter Group.

The reason why locomotives frequently appear in this nightclub is also very simple. It can satisfy the dirty habits of superheroes without paparazzi taking pictures.

For example, Izkiel, as a priest, is now embracing left and right, very happy, and the control of his partner's gender is not so strict.

Almost all the male members of the Super Seven have also been here, with the exception of the natives.

As for why there is only one locomotive today, it is actually easy to guess.

There are a total of five men in the group of seven. People from the motherland have never been to this kind of place, like a saint without desire, or his desire is not here.

Another member, "Black", is taciturn, indifferent, and doesn't like to come here.

The remaining three, the invisible man died, and the deep sea was seriously injured and hospitalized. Only the locomotive has this spare time to come here to play.

What's more, there are actually many contradictions within the group of seven. Even if nothing happens to the others, the locomotive is willing to come alone.

This fell into the hands of Billy and the others. Taking this opportunity, they prepared to investigate the locomotive.

For example, why did he lie in public after killing someone?Is it to hide something.

Where did he go afterwards?Why did you look so flustered at that time.

With these questions in mind, Billy and the other three sat in the booth next to the locomotive.

Huey thought that, having seen his locomotive a few days ago, he would definitely recognize him now.

Unexpectedly, the locomotive just glanced at it casually, and then continued to communicate with Izkiel next to him, obviously forgetting about him as a small person.

At the same time, this casual attitude also means that he forgot that he killed someone a few days ago.

In other words, he forgot who was killed.

Thinking of this, Huey's eyes turned red in an instant, and he wished he could rush up and fight the enemy desperately.

Fortunately, milk and Frankie stopped, and the tragedy was successfully avoided.

The salesperson who was forcibly pressed on the sofa now has an incomparable desire for money, and only hopes to have 30, no! $60 was in front of him.

In this way, he can immediately hire Shaco to kill the locomotive, and it is still twice.

Compared to the noise of the other three, Billy seemed much calmer. He didn't take part in the mess behind him, but sat at the nearest place to the locomotive, eavesdropping on his conversation with Izkiel.

Perhaps because the friendship between the two was not deep enough, the locomotive didn't tell Izkiel about himself, but instead talked about the other members of the group of seven.

"The deep sea is miserable now. It's basically no different from a mentally handicapped person. Someone has to take care of even dressing and eating."

"I heard it was because of suffocation for too long, which caused damage to the brain."

"I guess it won't be long before I get kicked out of the Super Seven."

The locomotive made no secret of its schadenfreude when it said this.

Izkiel, who was listening to him, didn't feel wrong at all, who made the deep sea no different from a joke in their eyes.

Not only that, he also asked curiously:

"I heard that the deep sea was attacked while patrolling. I really don't know what happened."

"Talk to me carefully."

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