When the people of the motherland saw his hateful smiling face, they couldn't restrain their anger.


Lu Wu put his shoulders on his shoulders and said with a smile: "Oh, maybe I forgot just now."

"I'm going to tell you again now, I'm going to join the Super Seven."

"Impossible!" The motherland wanted to push Lu Wu away, but without Lu Wu's support, he couldn't even stand up.

At this point, he had realized that what was injected into his body was not a toxin at all.

It was something else he had never seen before.

Because he has a body that is invulnerable to all poisons, he is not afraid of any kind of poison in the world.

Even synthetic toxins are the same.

Thinking of this, the people from the motherland couldn't help cursing secretly, this damn guy is full of nonsense, and there is no truth in his mouth!

So he didn't want this guy to join the Seven, it was a huge threat to him.

So, he made up a reason and pretended to be sincere and said: "It's not that I don't want you to join."

"You also know that although I am the leader of the group of seven, it is the senior management of Walter that really makes the decisions."

"And, the way you look, it's really hard to be a superhero."

"Sorry, I can't help you."

After hearing these words, Lu Wu, who was still hooking shoulders with the people of the motherland just now, like a brother, suddenly pushed him away, and said coldly, "Oh, that's it."

"Then you are useless, just wait here to die."

"Madman, what a lunatic!" The fallen motherlander cursed in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

He was really afraid of death, especially the aggrieved way of dying by being poisoned.

"No, things are not so absolute."

"I'm also the brand name of Walter Company. Go and discuss with those high-level executives. They will probably give me a face."

Lu Wu, who had already gone far, stopped, then turned around and said, "You look like a dog."

The motherlander immediately lowered his head after hearing this, because he didn't want Lu Wu to see his resentful eyes.

After a while, he raised his head again, but his face was already full of smiles: "Yes, yes, you are right."

Lu Wu did not continue to humiliate him, but said: "Then I will wait for your good news."

After speaking, he planned to leave here.

As a result, just after taking a few steps, he was stopped by the people from the motherland: "Well... I promised you to join the group of seven, can you give me the antidote first."

"The antidote?" Lu Wu turned back and said with a smile, "When did I say that this thing has an antidote?"

Seeing that the face of the people from the motherland turned as black as the bottom of a pot, he continued: "Don't worry, in half an hour at most, the toxin will be automatically reduced, and you will not die."

"Right, one more thing."

"The body of the invisible man is in a small restaurant not far away, remember to take it back for business."

After explaining this, Lu Wu disappeared without a trace.

The people from the motherland sat on the ground, staring at the place where he disappeared.

To be honest, they are also able to be invisible, and Lu Wu feels far more terrifying to him than invisible people.

Most of the time, the latter is using their abilities to spy on other people's privacy, while the former is different, it is used to kill people.

As soon as he approached, the strong smell of blood on his body rushed to his face.

It's not that you can really smell it, it's just a feeling, the feeling of walking out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

People in the motherland can be sure that this ugly guy must have killed many people.

While thinking about what happened to Lu Wu, he waited for his body to recover.

Gradually, the powerful force returned to the body of the leader of the Seven, and even the wound on the lower back was slowly healing.

However, the motherlander did not rush back to Water Company, but patiently waited for the body to fully recover.

He didn't want others to see him as weak, not at all.

After waiting for about two hours, the talents from the motherland stood up and flew back to the company at a very fast speed.

As for the invisible man's body, he had completely forgotten about it during the waiting process.

Even if he remembered, it was impossible for him to bring the body back, because the dead were of no value.

The native who returned to Water Company immediately came to Vice President Madeleine's office.

At this time, Madeleine was frowning, and three members of the seven-member group had accidents in a row, causing a crisis of trust in the company.

Several members of Congress who had promised to support metahumans in the military also temporarily backed off, saying they would reconsider.

The successive setbacks made Madeleine have a splitting headache, but she still couldn't think of any good solution.

It wasn't until the people from the motherland came in that she relaxed her frown a little.

"You are back, have you found the invisible man?"

The man from the motherland lowered his head slightly, pretending to be heavy and said: "I found it, but unfortunately it was one step too late, and I am already dead."

"Oh." Madeleine held her forehead and rubbed it vigorously: "Who is the murderer, have you found out?"

Seeing that her boss was in such pain, the man from the motherland slowly walked behind her and graciously helped her with a head massage.

And Madeleine also enjoyed his service very much, she relaxed and leaned back on the chair with her eyes closed.

Because of childhood reasons, people in the motherland have serious psychological problems and Oedipus.

Therefore, he is very fascinated by the elderly Madeleine.

Madeleine is well aware of this, but she neither intends to take the initiative nor refuse, just like fishing innocent boys, fishing for people from the motherland.

As a result, the relationship between the two became very strange, with couples, mother and child, superiors and subordinates, and so on.

Despite the complications, what is certain is that they are close.

With this relationship, the people from the motherland directly said: "The murderer has not been found, but I have found a superhuman who is suitable to join the group of seven."

When Madeleine heard it thoughtfully, she said, "That's not like your style."

"If I remember correctly, this is the first time you have recommended someone to join."

"Your friend?"

The motherlander paused: "That's right, a friend I just met."

"The strength is very strong, second only to me and Maeve, even Starlight probably can't beat him."

"Oh?" Madeleine opened her eyes: "Then I have to see who it is."

"So you agree?" the motherlander asked hastily.

Unexpectedly, the vice president denied it: "Let's have a look first, and if it's suitable, then you can join the group of seven."

"Okay." The motherlander agreed to her arrangement.

The reason why he still helps Lu Wu is because he is afraid that Lu Wu will have something behind him.

Moreover, he also wanted to try to reach some kind of cooperation or alliance with Lu Wu.

When you meet someone who can kill you, you can either get rid of it, or turn him into one of your own.

The people of the motherland don't have the confidence to kill Lu Wu for the time being, so they simply tie the two together with benefits.

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