Falling in love with you, starting from the heavens to perform the League of Legends

Somewhere, Gojo Satoru had a feeling.

If he continued to stay in the depths of the black mist, he would become the same creature as Principal Moth.

As a result, he fled away from the range of the black mist. This feeling of embarrassment was something he had never experienced as the strongest magician.

But not everyone can be as lucky as Gojo Satoru.

The mist exuding a faint green light is expanding extremely fast, engulfing the area near the Tokyo High School soon, and then rushing towards the city not far away.

And the area eroded by the curse of ruin has already become a piece of wasteland.

Gojo Satoru saw with his own eyes a person engulfed in mist, his body melted instantly, his soul was absorbed, and he became a part of countless resentful spirits.

Seeing this terrifying scene, he thought of the group of students who were still in the forest.

The anxious conjurer immediately turned around and plunged into the black mist.

Wujo Wu, who owns it, is actually not worried about the corrosion of the body, but the impact of the fog on the spirit.

Therefore, he opened the way with a super-repelling spell, just to temporarily dispel the fog in front of him, and kill the wraith inside by the way.

Although in a short while, there will be new mist to fill the gap, and new wraiths will be generated.

But at least it can make him less affected.

Emperor Tian paid off, after more than ten minutes of searching, Gojo Satoru finally found a barrier that was upside down on the scorched earth.

The raging black mist washed over the surface of the enchantment like ocean waves, and the enchantment that shimmered was the wooden boat on the sea.

Although it is shaky, it can bring hope to people anyway.

When Gojo Satoru saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel a little ironic in his heart. The original intention of designing the barrier was to protect people outside from the curse inside.

Now it has become the last straw for the conjurers.

The switch between the two sides came so quickly, which was unexpected.

The barrier was built for the black mist, except for the black mist, it had no protection against any other creatures, so Gojo Satoru easily passed through the light yellow film on the outside.

As a result, the scene inside stunned him.

In a space of hundreds of square meters, apart from the students from the two colleges, there were actually a few small animals and curses.

Obviously it was the desire to survive that made them find this place.

Gojo Satoru, who had fought with Huayu and Tuogen before, knew that even the curse would be corrupted by the black mist.

Therefore, on a certain level, the conjurer and the curse became a grasshopper on the same rope.

Immediately afterwards, he saw An Ge Ji who was busy running around to help the wounded.

Because the female teacher was so focused, she didn't even notice anyone coming in.

However, another person discovered his arrival, the assistant supervisor of the Tokyo High School.

Auxiliary supervisors are conjurers who have no combat effectiveness. They are usually mainly responsible for helping students complete the removal task and providing instructions on the task phalanx.

For example, the enchantment they are in now was arranged by this thin supervisor.

"Teacher Wutiao!" Yin Dizhi shouted excitedly when he saw the magician, as if he had a backbone.

Gojo Satoru found the student at this time, and he felt much more relaxed, so he could barely pull out a smile, which was his response.

After Yin Dizhi yelled, everyone present also noticed Gojo Satoru.

Especially An Geji, she rushed over immediately, looked him up and down, and asked worriedly: "Are you okay?"

"Why are you alone, Principal Ye Moth and Principal Leyan Temple?"

Although she usually hates this flamboyant white-haired man, at critical moments, this man is still very trustworthy.

Upon hearing the question she asked, Gojo Satoru, who had recovered just now, immediately sank to the bottom, and said heavily, "I'm fine."

"The current situation is very complicated, and I can't explain a sentence or two."

"And you, how are you doing?"

An Geji with a sad expression shook her head: "It's not very good, many students are...all...."

Before she finished speaking, she couldn't help but shed tears.

Gojo Satoru already roughly understood what she meant, and his clenched fists were faintly whitish.

But soon, the female teacher regained her composure, wiped away the tears from her face, motioned for the conjurer to come with her, and explained the casualties while sobbing.

On the side of the Kyoto school, Kamo Kenji and Nishinomiya Momo were confirmed dead.

Kenji Kamo was swallowed by the super-class magic spirit Togen, leaving no bones left.

Xigong Tao was buried in the ground by Hua Yu and suffocated to death.

Sanlunxia was a little luckier than her. After being buried in the ground, she crawled out by herself, but she has fallen into a coma due to lack of oxygen, and she doesn't know if she can wake up.

Because the ultimate mechanical pill is made of machinery, it only lost its body and its head is still intact.

An Geji said, and brought Gojo Satoru to Jijiwan: "He told me just now that at the beginning of the competition, some of their students met Zenyuan Zhenyi."

"Huh?" This made the conjurer a little strange, so he asked, "Isn't Chanyuan Zhenyi missing? What's going on, please tell me carefully."

Afterwards, the mechanical pill with only one head left told the story of meeting Zhenyi.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong." Gojo Satoru, who was deep in thought, kept mumbling.

"What's even more strange is yet to come." An Geji took him again and came to Nagasaki Wild Rose, who had just woken up.

"She said that she and Fu Heihui saw the dead Dongtang Kui."

The female teacher's words helped Wutiaowu solve the doubts in his heart. He said that the breath earlier today was very familiar, but he just couldn't remember who it was.

When I was using it, I couldn't see the face clearly because the distance was too far.

"So, Dongtang Aoi is not dead at all?"

Seeing Gojo Satoru who was a little surprised, An Geji nodded slightly, and then said, "I'm a little suspicious of Principal Leyan Temple."

"The source of everything started when Dongtang Aoi was sent into his room that night."

At this time, the thoughtful Gojo Satoru also briefly described his experience just now.

Combine the information that the two of them know now, and analyze a general context.

During the entire sister school exchange meeting, everything that happened was related to that ruined king.

But when the two were discussing how to deal with Lu Wu, something changed inside the barrier.

A thin line of black mist drilled out of the ground in a circle, and became thicker in the blink of an eye.

After a while, ripples appeared on the surface of the black mist, and many silhouettes could be vaguely seen emerging, which were vicious undead, howling and rushing towards the creatures in the barrier.

Yin Dizhi didn't expect his barrier to be breached so quickly, so he couldn't help but panic.

"What to do, what to do next!"

Ange Ji also looked at the strongest conjurer with pleading eyes at this time.

Wujo Wu's expression on Heiwu's face became more and more serious: "I have a place to go, but we have to leave here first."

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