
The voice of the moth Zhengdao was as thin as a mosquito's moan, and Gotiao Wu put his ear to his mouth to barely hear it clearly.

"Inside...inside is..."

As the strongest conjurer got closer, the eyes of the headmaster, who was extremely weak just now, suddenly turned a piercing emerald green.

At the same time, he opened his mouth full of fangs and bit his neck.

Thanks to the tradition passed down by the Gojo family, Gojo Wu can create an absolutely inviolable space around the body with infinite power.

The effect is that all objects approaching him will become slower and slower.

Without Gojo Satoru's permission, he will never be able to touch him himself.

This is the ability to manipulate space and bring cosmic energy into reality; it is the stopping power of infinite poles that converges on oneself.

And as a person who has practiced this spell to the extreme, it has become the instinct of Wujo Wu, which can operate on its own just like a passive skill.

Therefore, under the protection of this barrier, the corrupted noctuid moth Zhengdao couldn't bite him at all.

I could only keep opening and closing my mouth, swallowing balls of air.

Taking this opportunity, Gojo Satoru quickly distanced himself from him, and then looked at the former teacher in disbelief.

The curse of ruin turned this generous elder into a corrupt creature who only knows destruction.

The only bit of sanity left is the endless desire for fresh flesh and blood.

"Teacher?" Gojo Satoru tried to use the title he used back then to prove whether Noctua Moth still had a conscience.

But from his increasingly gloomy expression, it is not difficult to find that the situation is not optimistic.

Just as the conjurer was thinking about whether to help the principal escape, a pale figure walked out of the thick black mist.

"Look at his current appearance, do you feel any pain, Gojo Satoru?"

Lu Wu stepped on Ye Mo Zhengdao's shoulder with one foot, and said arrogantly: "If you are willing to surrender to me, maybe I can consider giving him relief."

And the dignified principal of the High School of Conjuration is now kneeling in front of him, begging for mercy like a puppy.

However, Gojo Satoru didn't seem to like this proposal very much, without saying a word, he rushed over immediately.

"Sure enough, you are not the kind of person who is easily blackmailed." Lu Wu kicked away the night moth that kept licking his shoes, and called out the Ruined King Sword.

"Kill your neck, magician!"

As soon as the words fell, the two bumped into each other.

Gojo Satoru opened his palm and punched him in the abdomen at a very tricky angle.

But when he was about to hit, he was blocked by Wang Jian's green blade.

In line with the concept of coming but not reciprocating, Lu Wu quickly fought back and slashed Wang Jian towards the body of the conjurer with his backhand.

But because of the existence of the infinite spell, the blade finally stopped a few centimeters away from Wujo Wu, and couldn't make any further progress.

Afterwards, the two fought against each other for dozens of rounds, only to find that neither could do anything to the other.

Every attack of Gojo Satoru will be easily resolved by Lu Wu, and Lu Wu's attack will also be blocked by the unlimited spell like a barrier around his body.

As the proud son of heaven, the darling of this world, Gojo Wu's talent and ability are enough to make all magicians in the world feel ashamed.

Unlimited spells can nullify enemy damage.

The reverse spell can quickly heal yourself after being injured.

Field·Boundless space, can force the enemy to receive endless messages, so that the opponent's brain is confused and unable to move.

In addition, he also has a talent called six eyes, which is similar to the Buddhist's celestial eye and his heart.

It can see through the enemy's spells, find out where the enemy's magic power is, and can perform precise magic power manipulation.

With the help of this talent, when Gojo Satoru uses spells, the consumption of spell power is basically zero.

If you add up all Gojo Satoru's abilities in the game, he is probably equivalent to one.

Double immunity to physical/magic damage, blood recovery speed comparable to Mundo who has a lunatic and uses a big move, and has a wide range of AOE damage skills and hard control mages.

At the same time, his attack power is equivalent to that of a warrior in Liushen outfit.

And the above are not just Wujo Wu's talent, but the rules contained in this world.

In other words, as long as the world still exists, Gojo Satoru is invincible.

And the ruined king's own strength, although compared with the rune mages in the previous world, was not much better, but after all, he couldn't compete with the whole world.

But fortunately, Gojo Satoru has a fatal weakness, overconfidence.

Maybe it's been smooth sailing since he was born, and he has almost never lost a battle, so he is prone to underestimating the enemy.

It can be seen from his character and his peaceful conduct in the world.

What's more, the strength of the Ruined King does not lie in himself, but in that he is the source of the black mist.

By gradually eroding the world through the curse of ruin, Lu Wu will be able to transform the world, thus breaking Wujo Wu's invincible golden body.

This moment is not too far away...

The sky has gradually darkened, and the soul-eating night that makes even Rune Continent fearful is about to come.

The pale king no longer tried to attack, but smiled and slowly sank into the black mist behind him.At the same time, excitedly roared:

"The black mist rolled out of me like a tide."

"Although there are occasional declines, but now, we will be surging forward!"

Under his control, the dense fog that covered the sky galloped forward.

The setting sun sank into thick clouds, shadows covered the entire sky, and countless resentful spirits, as if from the darkest nightmare, surged in the black mist.

The master of death showed his minions, bragging about his arrival to the world.

Wraith scrolls carried black mist through the forest one by one, Gojo Wu watched helplessly as the forest decayed instantly, and the leaves and trunks were reduced to shreds like rotten pieces of meat.

The root was thrown from the ground, and it only took a heartbeat to freeze into a block of ice, and then smashed into another tree.

Soon, the black mist found the magician, and the ghosts in the mist hungrily surrounded him.

He suddenly fell into an ice cellar, and a thin layer of frost formed on his clothes.

And the greedy eyes of the resentful spirit gave Gojo Satoru the illusion of being burned.

These are creatures that are far more terrifying than curses, and they swarm in groups.

The conjurer shook his head, trying to stay awake, his beautiful blue eyes fixed on the pale figure in the mist.

But in Lu Wu's eyes, Gojo Satoru exposed another fatal weakness of himself.

He was unable to resist mental damage.

Even compared to ordinary conjurers, his arrogant personality made him more likely to be corrupted by the black mist.

Obviously, Wujo Satoru himself was aware of this problem.

He tried his best to avoid the ubiquitous black mist, and kept backing away, but the pale king didn't make any movement, as if he was deliberately letting him go.

After a while, the conjurer disappeared from sight, followed by the black mist.

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