In fact, at the beginning, Gojo Satoru didn't suspect anything. After all, there were too many conjurers who died under the curse spirit, and there were not a few of them who managed to save their lives and successfully escaped from the curse spirit.

But Kotaro's abnormal movements made him feel something was wrong.

So Gojo Satoru walked slowly behind him, and said intriguingly, "Mr. Kazama, you can't be resurrected after death, so don't be too sad."

Kotaro noticed the change in his tone, and quickly turned around to explain: "Sorry, Mr. Wujo, I was really excited just now."

"He and I have been partners for many years, and we are like brothers and sisters. I didn't expect this time..."

As he spoke, tears flowed down the corners of his eyes again: "If it wasn't for him, I'd probably be the one who died."

Then, there was crying and howling that lasted for more than ten minutes.

Gojo Satoru, who was bluffed by Kotaro's outpouring of true feelings, lessened his suspicion of him.

Probably the relationship between the two really is too good, that's why they were so excited just now.

Seeing that this move was effective, Kazama Kotaro hurriedly took advantage of the victory and pursued it, deliberately leaking the huge treated wound on the dead conjurer.

"If he hadn't blocked the sword for me, I would have lost an arm."

"I swear, I must personally kill that ruined king and avenge him!"

With a murderous look, he wished he could swallow Lu Wu alive.

But in the eyes of Wujo Wu, Kotaro is obviously the kind of cowardly villain who only dares to talk big, but runs faster than anyone else when encountering things.

Therefore, I couldn't help feeling a little contemptuous towards him.

The thought of the strongest conjurer, on the contrary, cleared the last suspicion of Kotaro.

Moreover, although Gojo Satoru only took a look at the wound, he could basically tell that Kotaro's partner was indeed killed by a sharp weapon.

The shot is fierce, and the blow is fatal.

After confirming that he is trustworthy, Gojo Satoru asked about the details of the cafe curse incident.

Except for the cause of his partner's death, Kotaro didn't need to lie in other respects, as there were too many mistakes, it was better to tell the truth directly.

He explained in detail how he received the news, how he was ambushed by the curse spirit in the cafe, and how he narrowly escaped death.

Even the news of several super-level magic spirits was told to this strongest magician.

After Gojo Satoru finished listening, his expression became more solemn, several unregistered super-level spell spirits, and this ruined king who suddenly appeared.

Of course, this group of people can't simply drink coffee and chat when they get together.

Coupled with the two-faced Nuo who just appeared, it seems that there is a feeling of an evil force that was originally hidden in the dark, slowly surfacing.

I just don't know how this crisis in the magic world will be presented.

This feeling of being calculated and completely passive made Gojo Satoru very uncomfortable. Sora has a lot of strength, but he doesn't know where to start.

Even though he was a little irritable in his heart, he still said to Kotaro very politely:

"Kazama-san, go back and heal your wounds first, I want to stay here a little longer."

"I will find someone to handle the follow-up matters."

"Oh...Okay." Kotaro was stunned for a moment before he realized: "Then I will trouble Mr. Wujo."

After finishing speaking, he bowed and left in a hurry, as if he didn't want to stay here for a second.

In the dilapidated cafe, Gojo Satoru was the only one left.

He sat on the edge of the dilapidated sofa, with his hands resting on his chin, looking at the vast black mist in front of him, wondering what he was thinking.

On the other side, Lu Wu has already set his target on the Kyoto Prefectural Higher School of Conjuration.

That is the one mentioned before, the sister school of the High School of Magic.

As a king, Lu Wu needs a palace that suits his identity. Compared with the high school of magic, the Kyoto prefecture with a more primitive architectural style is more in line with his aesthetics.

Besides, after a while, the two colleges and universities held a sister exchange meeting...

Let Hua Yu and other curse spirits wait outside first, and Lu Wu turned into a cloud of black mist and rose to the sky above the Fuli High School.

The whole picture of this school was displayed in front of his eyes.

The whole school is more like a temple with a beautiful environment, or a park. Among the lush vegetation, there are many Japanese-style houses.

Lu Wu also quickly found the target in one of the houses.

Leyansi Jiashen, the principal of Jingdong Mantra High School, is a 76-year-old man.

The leader of the conservative faction in the magic world wants to eliminate the existence of the "container of Su Nuo" Knotweed Yuren.

At this time, this old man in a traditional kimono with incredible eyebrows was sitting cross-legged on the tatami, drinking freshly made hot tea.

Enjoy the afternoon at leisure, unaware of the dangers to come.

After confirming the target, Lu Wu walked through the door in the form of black mist and appeared in front of Jiashen of Leyan Temple.

Gathering his body again, he slowly said, "Leyan Temple? I don't know if you are ready to meet me."

The sudden visitor startled the old man.

However, at any rate, he is also a person who has seen strong winds and waves, and his expression immediately returned to normal.

Looking at the pale and tall man in front of him, he stood up and asked cautiously: "You must be the ruined king that Kotaro mentioned?"

Because Kazama Kotaro graduated from the Kyoto Prefectural High School, the order of passing the news is here first, and then the Conjuration High School.

So Lu Wu was not surprised that Leyan Temple Jiashen guessed his identity.

"It's me." The king raised his chin: "Now you can kneel down."

Leyan Temple didn't pick up his words, but instead asked with interest: "You don't seem to be a curse."

"It doesn't matter what I am." Lu Wu called out the ruined king sword: "The important thing is what I do here."

"Jiashen of Leyan Temple, are you willing to dedicate your life to the great ruined king?"

"Hehe." The old man smiled, and his two eyebrows became longer because of his mood swings.

"I thought you were here to persuade the old man to surrender, and asked me to go back and be a prime minister or something."

"Of course, old people are useless wherever they are."

Lu Wu leaned on the king sword with both hands and looked down at Leyan Temple, which was less than 1.7 meters away: "Of course you are useful."

"Unfortunately... after death."

After listening to his words, Leyan Temple Jiashen sneered: "After you kill the old man, it's not too late to say such things!"

Then he took off the pure white kimono on his upper body, revealing the trendy short sleeves engraved with various prints inside.

At some point in his hand, an electric guitar that looked very expensive appeared.

"You are obviously the leader of the old school, but you are really interesting to wear such fancy clothes, Jiashen!" After finishing speaking, Lu Wu rushed over with a big sword in hand.

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