Starting from the heavens to perform the entire League of Legends

Chapter 141 A Dead Real Man is a Good Real Man

Lu Wu walked down the throne step by step and came to the two curse spirits.

Seeing this, Liu Hu immediately understood what he was going to do, and hurriedly stood in front of the real person, begging bitterly: "My lord, let me try again."

But the real person was full of excitement at this time, and put on a look of eagerness, as if he was looking forward to Lu Wu's ability to do it.

So, Lu Wu satisfied him.

He stretched out his hand and slapped Leuhu who was standing in front of him, and then Wang Jian appeared, slashing down obliquely with the momentum of breaking the wind.

The blade glowed with light, black mist billowed, and countless wailing spirits could be vaguely heard.

Seeing this, the real person's face changed drastically. Although his behavior was childish, his mentality was not really a child, on the contrary he was very smart.

Due to the fact that he is a soul body, he dismissed the conjurer's spells in the past.

But the Sword of the Ruined King is different. Its master is an extremely powerful revenant, so when it chops up the soul body, it can not be said to be chopping melons and vegetables, but it can also be called destroying the dead.

When Wang Jian appeared on top of the real person's head, he immediately felt his skin tingling, and his eyebrows twitched.

He made a decisive decision in his heart, turned around and fled.

He sometimes treats fighting as a game and enjoys the thrill brought by the process, but he can't be stupid enough to take this mortal sword.

As a long-lived curse spirit, he has just been born and hasn't lived enough yet.

Unfortunately, it was too late for the real person to make this decision.

If he had chosen to run away the first time he saw Lu Wu, there might still be a chance of survival.

But now, before he knew it, the black mist had already filled the bridge hole, blocking all his ways.

At this time, the real person who is like a trapped beast can only do his best to avoid the ruined king sword that is close at hand, and at the same time try to touch Lu Wu's body with both hands.

The priority of touching the body is even above avoidance.

It all stems from his spell, which can change the opponent's soul state, such as appearance, age or other creatures, just by touching it.

It can also destroy the opponent's soul and body in an instant.

This perverted talent made him invincible in almost every battle.

While Daoist was struggling to save himself, the other three curse spirits stood silently on the sidelines, even though they were close to him like a family, they didn't have the courage to come up to save others.

Moreover, they believe that their king is just preparing to defeat the real person and then corrupt them, just like subduing them before.

Little did he know that Lu Wu had already become murderous.

Between lightning and flint, the Ruined King's sword slashed down, along the shoulder blade of the real person, like cutting tofu, cutting it in two.

As the stump of the upper body fell to the ground, the super-level curse spirit who was full of confidence just now had an extremely painful expression.

The eyes are wide open, and the two eyeballs almost protrude from the eye sockets.

Mouth opened and closed, making a helpless whine.

Even so, he didn't give up, and with his remaining consciousness, he controlled the remaining arm of his upper body and tried to reach forward.

The hard work paid off, and the moment the real person landed on the ground, the straight fingers of the real person landed on Lu Wu's feet.

The curse spirit, who was still alive just now, was instantly ecstatic, and hastily activated the inaction transformation, intending to wipe out the enemy.

But to his horror, nothing happened after the spell took effect.

Unscathed, Lu Wu looked down at him and said coldly, "You bumped into me, didn't you?"

After finishing speaking, he grasped the Ruined King Sword with both hands behind his back, and stabbed at the real man's head with all his strength.

The murderous aura rippling all over the body shocked the minds of everyone present, making the three curse spirits who had been watching the show dizzy and pale.

Among them, Liuhu was the first to react, and rushed forward, protecting the crippled Daoist under her body, begging loudly: "Your Majesty, please spare Daeshen's life!"

"He is very powerful and still useful to us, please, don't kill him!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Wu was unmoved at all, Wang Jian's long and narrow blade didn't stop at all, it directly pierced through the loophole blocking it, and then pierced the real man's eyebrow.

The body condensed by the black mist immediately dissipated and turned back into a head.

Hua Yu and Tuo Gen on the side wanted to do something, but as soon as they had this idea, they were tied up by the sticky black mist and hung upside down in the air.

"What on earth gave you all the courage to question my decision!"

Lu Wu clenched the hilt of the sword, twisted it hard, and smashed the real man's head.

Endless black mist swarmed over, gnawing away at the remaining limbs of this super curse spirit.

Afterwards, Hua Yu and Tuo Gen were put down, and the two curse spirits knelt down on the ground and could not afford to kneel, even though they felt pain in their hearts, they did not dare to say another word.

The ruthless king snorted coldly, turned and walked out of the bridge hole.

The two curse spirits raised their heads and looked at each other. There was grief and humiliation in their eyes, but they could not hate.

Thunder, rain and dew are all due to the grace of the king. It is Lu Wu's kindness that they can survive now.

Hurriedly got up from the ground, hastily followed the king's footsteps, and did not forget to take Leuhu's head before leaving.


On the other side, after simply bandaging the wound, Kotaro Kazama brought Gojo Satoru to the previous coffee shop.

In fact, he didn't want to bring the strongest magician.

If a problem is discovered, the fate is obvious. Although Kotaro's family has some power in the real world, it is obviously useless in the magic world.

But when someone asked him to go to the principal of the High School of Magic, Gojo Satoru happened to be there.

As a result, before the principal could respond, the strongest conjurer couldn't sit still when he heard that the black mist had appeared again, and insisted on asking Kotaro to take him to the place where the incident happened.

Thus, the scene just now appeared.

Gojo Satoru and Kotaro still entered the coffee shop one after the other, but this time Kotaro is absolutely impossible to sneak attack.

He still wants to live a good life, to be a high official or something in the new dynasty established by Lu Wu.

At this time, Lu Wu and the three curse spirits had already left, leaving only a messy cafe and countless black mist.

Gojo Satoru casually killed a few resentful spirits who didn't know what to do, and began to look around to see if there were any clues left.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the conjurer lying on the ground was discovered.

Just about to go over to check, unexpectedly, Kotaro was faster than him, directly passed him, threw himself on the corpse and burst into tears.

He kept calling the name of the magician in his mouth, and his appearance of grief and indignation did not seem to be fake at all.

In fact, Kotaro is using exaggerated behavior to cover up his inner panic.

The moment he entered the cafe, he thought of a major mistake.

The abilities of each conjurer and spell spirit are unique, and the external manifestations of these abilities are different, and the wounds caused are also very different.

And when he killed the conjurer, the wound caused by using the wind demon hand, although not the most special, but those who are interested can definitely find the clues.

Among these caring people, Wutiaowu is included.

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