Seven years later, Hogwarts is located on a large lake.

This lake is the big crater made by the comet before, and the current headmaster of the magic school is named Ruiz, and he also holds the post of Minister of Magic.

After the Battle of Hogwarts, the mage who personally killed Voldemort and his henchmen won the support of the entire wizarding world.

He was soon elected minister and began to integrate the various forces in the wizarding world.

The previous minister, Fudge, was expelled from office because of his inaction during Voldemort's resurrection.

A few months later, the disheartened Dumbledore resigned as the principal, returned to his hometown of Godric's Hollow, and used the Resurrection Stone to resurrect his dead sister Ariana Dumbledore.

The post of principal is temporarily held by Professor McGonagall.

In the second year of the Hogwarts War, Draco Malfoy, who had killed Voldemort's clone alone, and whose strength had already surpassed the average adult wizard, was made an exception and allowed to graduate early.

He later joined the Ministry of Magic and became an Auror.

In addition, the young wizards who graduated from Hogwarts this year have all been taught by wizards.

Most of them, eventually choose to join the Ministry of Magic.

In the third year, Professor McGonagall resigned from the post of principal on the grounds of physical discomfort, and at the same time recommended Professor Ruiz to the board of directors for the position.

The new principal has been affirmed by all the students and faculty members, and more and more wizard parents are willing to send their children to Hogwarts to study.

In the fourth year, the International Federation of Squibs was established, with Argus Filch, the Fiercefire wizard, as the chairman. It was soon welcomed by Squibs all over the world, and the number of members surged to [-] within a year.

In the same year, Voldemort No. [-], who was lurking in France, surrendered to the Ministry of Magic, was imprisoned in Azkaban, and died of the death curse three days later.

In the fifth year, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger graduated early and joined the Ministry of Magic.

In September of the same year, Draco Malfoy was promoted to the head of the Auror Office, and the Malfoy family became the well-deserved first family in the wizarding world and the glory among pure-blood wizards.

With the efforts of him and many Aurors, world runes such as transcendence, absolute focus, triumph, perseverance, and source of life were found, and the black wizard completely disappeared from public view.

At the end of that year, Knockturn Alley was sealed off by the Ministry of Magic. During the search, six world runes and a large number of black magic props were found.

Bokin Bok shop owner, sentenced to death for harboring illegal magic items.

In the sixth year, Gellert Grindelwald died of illness. Mage Ryze and Dumbledore attended his funeral, and when sorting out his relics, they found the cornerstone rune of the dominance system: Dark Harvest.

In the autumn of the same year, a dark wizard suddenly emerged, holding several runes, claiming to be the third generation of the Dark Lord, intending to form a rebel army to fight against the Ministry of Magic.

The wizard was found drowned in the Thames a day later, and all his men disappeared mysteriously.

In the seventh year, Draco Malfoy, who has repeatedly made military exploits, was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Magic under Minister Ryze's strong opposition shortly after he came of age.

The head of the Auror office that was vacated was handed over to Harry Potter.

Hermione Granger, Director of the Department of Regulatory Control of Magical Beasts, was transferred to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to serve as the Director. In June of the same year, she became engaged to her boyfriend Ron Weasley.

In the early spring of the eighth year, the last rune of the wizard system [Summon: Aery] was found. Immediately afterwards, the mage resigned as the Minister of Magic and the headmaster, and disappeared completely.


Following a flash of white light, Lu Wu returned to the mysterious space.

He thought he could end the main quest as soon as possible, but in the end, he stayed in the world of Harry Potter for eight years before he was able to return.

The system is too dark, there are many runes that are not in the UK at all, and many are even placed in the north and south poles that are inaccessible.

Among them, the last rune, Alley, impressed him the most.

This thing is actually a living thing!

A fox-like elf with big ears and long legs, the kind that can run around the world.

After finally collecting all the witchcraft runes, Lu Wu didn't want to stay for a moment.

After staying in the body of an old man who didn't know how old he was, he felt that his mentality had become much older.

And if this continues, he suspects that he will be assimilated by the old mage.

So after meeting the minimum requirements for the task, he immediately chose to run away with a bucket, even if the task score was low, Lu Wu also recognized it.

After opening the settlement panel, as expected.

【Deduction completion: 64%】

[Evaluation, you are suitable to be a teacher, not a mage, but for the sake of collecting runes, I will give you a passing grade. 】

[Reward received: Slight improvement in condition]

[Note: You have a new souvenir gift, please pay attention to check it! 】

[Reminder: There are still 23:59 before the start of the next mission]

After reading the messy system prompts, Lu Wu closed the panel, walked directly into the bedroom, and plunged into the soft big bed.

Leave the problems you encounter today to your tomorrow self to solve them!

He just wants to sleep right now.

After ten hours of sufficient sleep, as soon as Lu Wu opened his eyes, he rushed to the bathroom as fast as he could, and walked out 5 minutes later with a face full of comfort.

Then he took off his clothes and walked into the bathroom to wash off the remaining stale air.

In the end, he stood in front of the mirror with a bath towel on, squeezed his skinny face, and sighed: "Oh, it's so hard to cure a disease!"

Then, barefoot, he walked to the selection machine in the living room.

Although there is still some time before the next mission starts, he still decided to choose first.

If you get drawn into an unfamiliar world, you can still make up lessons.

After thinking about it, Lu Wu pulled down the lever on one side, and the colorful marquee full of fake atmosphere began to flash and whimper.

For good luck, this time he chose to start with the hero first.

After a few seconds, the rotation of heroes slowed down and finally stopped at a handsome white-haired man.

At the same time, a sexy voice came from the machine:

"I will never lose my love, and I will be ruined!"

Lu Wu suddenly felt that his heart slowed down by half a beat. He was so frightened that he quickly sat on the ground and gasped for breath.

It took a long time to slow down.

His fragile heart couldn't bear the sudden arrangement of such a serious and handsome guy.

But the problem also arises, the task of forcing the system, maybe it is to resurrect some princess Isolde, then he will be ruined.

He, Lu Wu, is determined not to be the Clown King!

After sitting on the ground for a while, I reluctantly got up from the ground and pulled down the lever on the other side.

Soon, a new world was chosen.

Lu Wu was attracted by a certain character on the anime poster at a glance: "Ka... Kakashi?"

He has white hair and a mask on his face. Unlike Kakashi, this person covers the upper half of his face, that is, his eyes.

"Who is this?" He turned his gaze to another character on the poster, and muttered to himself, "This pink hair doesn't look like Naruto either."

Fortunately, the system thoughtfully wrote the name of the world under the poster.

"Spell Return"

It's a pity that I wrote it for nothing, and Lu Wu didn't read it.

So he got up in a hurry, put the souvenir wand on the shelf, then turned on the TV, chose a large same-sex dating site, and made up for it.

There wasn't much time left before the mission started, so he had to hurry up.

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