Around Hogwarts Castle at this time, a large number of Death Eaters, dark magical animals, and giants gathered.

If it weren't for the protective spell cast by all the professors working together to protect the entire castle, I'm afraid this place would have been in ruins long ago.

Even so, the blue translucent cover upside down over the castle is already crumbling.

At the place where all the Death Eaters gathered, there were two bald wizards in black robes and gray skin surrounded by them.

The big snake Nagini was swimming at the feet of the two of them.

In fact, the four Voldemorts have already secretly reached a cooperation.

For this reason, No. [-] Voldemort did not hesitate to sacrifice his own life, and Bella, his most loyal Death Eater, was used as a bait to lure the mage into being fooled.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, other Voldemorts can break into Hogwarts and get the Deathly Hallows from Dumbledore.

It can only be said that he deserves to be the Dark Lord who can survive for decades with a single lonely soul.

Lu Wu underestimated him before!

On the other side, two Voldemorts appeared at the same time, which completely disrupted Dumbledore's plan. Snape, who was supposed to be sent out to act as a traitor, can only follow the White Wizard.

Fortunately, members of the Order of the Phoenix came to support in time, otherwise the situation would deteriorate further.

Now, Dumbledore, Mad-Eye Moody, Lupine the Werewolf, Sirius, the Weasleys, and the school professors are gathering together to discuss the next plan.

But the results obtained are not very optimistic.

The only good thing for Dumbledore is that he agreed to the mage's travel plan today.

Harry, Hermione, Malfoy, and a large number of outstanding students were among them, keeping a spark for the precarious Hogwarts.

With the strength of the mage, he will definitely protect them.

At this moment, several loud roars outside the castle attracted everyone's attention. It turned out that Voldemort saw that he could not attack for a long time, so he decided to do it himself.

After just a few spells, the protective shield that nearly a thousand people had previously been broken was destroyed.

Seeing this, the Death Eaters and the dark creatures couldn't help cheering, and then rushed madly towards Hogwarts Castle, which is now like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

At this critical moment, a bright purple crack appeared in the darkened sky where the dark wizards gathered.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the mage appeared.

This immediately attracted the attention of everyone present. The first reaction of the two Voldemorts who were about to enter Hogwarts was to run.

There is a relationship of memory sharing, the performance of the mage in the vault, and the tragic death of No. [-], which is enough to make Voldemort, known as the Dark Lord, tremble with fear.

The state of mind of everyone in Hogwarts was completely different from that of Voldemort. Dumbledore felt that things had turned around. If he and the mage joined forces, they might not be able to fight against Voldemort.

So he ordered Professor McGonagall to lead the others to cooperate with the defense system of the castle and try to block the attacks of the Death Eaters. He wanted to find the mage.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a few steps, he saw the mage in mid-air move.

Now Lu Wu is very angry. As soon as he saw two Voldemorts here, he understood everything in an instant.

With a slight movement of his mind, the rune named [Arcane Comet] was held in his hand.

Then raise your fist high and pull down hard.

Accompanied by the roar of the mage with all his strength, a little starlight suddenly lit up in the dark sky.

Time passed quickly, and the starlight became bigger and brighter, which made both sides of the battle stop and stare at the spectacle.

At some point, the wind picked up around the castle, and the ground began to vibrate inexplicably.

More than ten seconds later, the breeze has turned into a strong wind, and the people who are blowing can't open their eyes, and the vibration under their feet is getting stronger.

The stars in the sky showed their true colors at this moment.

This is a comet with a long tail flame, and its appearance is the same as that of a mage, showing a dangerous blue-purple color.

It fell extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, it reached the sky above Hogwarts Castle.

The overwhelming sense of oppression made countless Death Eaters unable to even stand up. They could only watch this huge stone, occupying their entire field of vision.

The eyes of the two Voldemorts were about to burst, the horror in their hearts was beyond words, and a sense of powerlessness arose.

With an attack with such a huge range, even if you try your best, you will only have a dead end.

Everyone in Hogwarts was even more desperate. They thought they would welcome a savior, but they didn't expect it to be a disaster.

Now not only the wizarding world, but the entire human world may not be able to survive in the face of this level of disaster.

Dumbledore wanted to talk to the mage, but couldn't move at all.

The gravitational force around the castle is completely disordered, just trying to control myself not to be sucked by the comet, I have already tried my best.

Besides, it was too late, and the comet fell to the ground unconsciously.

Everyone's eyes were completely occupied by white light, and the horrible sound caused severe hearing loss, and only a piercing hum could be heard.

Immediately afterwards, it went dark, and I didn't know anything.

The mighty power of heaven and earth at the level of stars is simply not something that mortals can resist. They ushered in death before they even felt pain.

When all the dust settled, Lu Wu sent the comet back into the universe.

The originally scenic Hogwarts Mountains had completely disappeared, leaving behind a large crater with a diameter of several kilometers.

All plants were uprooted and fell out of the withered and yellow land below.

The Death Eaters who were so powerful just now can't even find a corpse, and there is no trace of the two Voldemorts ever existing.

If Lu Wu hadn't deliberately reduced most of the damage caused by the comet impact, the devastation would not be limited to this place, and most of the earth would be destroyed in this disaster.

Even so, it's clearly no longer habitable.

Next, Dumbledore probably needs to consider moving Hogwarts.

Yes, the school was saved by Lu Wu, after all, his initial mission has not been completed yet.

As long as the people inside the Hogwarts castle are still alive, as for the people who escaped to death, he deserves it.

As soon as Lu Wu fell into the castle at the bottom of the pit, the disheartened Dumbledore came over and asked loudly, "Look at what you have done!"

"You let me down so much, Ryze!"

"I saved you." The mage raised his hand and used all his strength to push the white wizard away, and walked straight to Sirius Black.

"Hand over your things."

Moody, Lupine and the members of the Order of the Phoenix stood behind Black and looked at him fiercely.

Unexpectedly, Black pushed through the crowd, put something on the ground in front of the mage, and then retreated carefully.

Lu Wu took the rune named "Predator" back into the scroll without saying anything.

The rest is a long silence.

In this dignified atmosphere, Draco, who received the news from the mage, returned to Hogwarts with Harry and other young wizards.

Seeing that Dumbledore and the others were in such a mess, and Hogwarts had become this kind of virtue again, they couldn't help asking, "This...what's going on here?"

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