That's right, Lu Wu intends to resurrect Voldemort once more, or more than once.

As long as there is one Horcrux left, Voldemort is immortal, and every Horcrux with a fragment of his soul can be used as a medium for resurrection.

Re-set the fire pot, throw the remaining shin bone in, and drip in Harry Potter's blood.

But this time he didn't intend to extract the soul first, but directly threw Ravenclaw's diadem into it whole.

Lu Wu really doesn't want to listen to the chatter of Voldemort's soul anymore. Anyway, there are still many Horcruxes, and if they fail, they will be replaced.

When the last piece of material was left, the mage turned his attention to Pettigrew, who had been lying on the ground to hold the ostrich.

Instead of talking nonsense with him, he instantly cut off his remaining palm with magic and threw it into the cauldron.

Looking at his two bare arms, Peter Pettigrew tilted his head and fell into a coma. He didn't know whether it was pain or anger.

The highlight of the entire resurrection ceremony is a randomness.

Lu Wu felt that the Tom Riddle he killed just now counted as a life, and there was no need to kill the eight-eyed spider to save his life.

Just like Voldemort's contribution to his own resurrection.

After all, so many people have contributed things, such as blood, flesh, bones, etc., and it is a bit unreasonable for him to sit back and enjoy the benefits.

After getting everything ready, Lu Wu recited the ancient spell for the second time.

The ceremony went smoothly, and there was no sign of failure, indicating that the designer was not very strict at the time.

The burning crucible, the weird embryo floating in the air, everything is the same as last time.

Even after Voldemort's resurrection, his actions were the same, touching his bald head with an intoxicated expression on his face.

It's a pity that not only the hair is missing this time, but even the nose is only left with two slender nostrils.

The body is tall and thin, like a skeleton, exuding a pearly luster from top to bottom, and the pale skin seems to be covered with scales.

Wearing the same black robe as his young self just now, he landed slowly.

Looking around, I saw only the mage and Pettigrew in a pool of blood.

So Voldemort faced the two of them, walked over slowly, raised his withered fingers like spider legs, and said coldly, "It's you..."

In fact, he just wanted to ask if the mage and Pettigrew resurrected him.

Unexpectedly, Lu Wu directly opened the zigzagging path and used a portal to send Voldemort thousands of miles away to a deserted wasteland.

Patting the non-existent dust on his hands, the mage took out the black-painted cauldron again and again from the scroll.

Sit back on the stone and prepare for the third resurrection ceremony.

Fortunately, when he cameo to touch Captain Jin, he took a few extra bones. Although the tibia was gone, fortunately, there were still three ribs that could be used.

Then all the bones, blood, and meat were thrown into the crucible and started to boil.

This time it was Pettigrew's foot, and Lu Wu didn't ask for his opinion. Anyway, he was willing to make sacrifices for his master just now, and he must still be willing now.

It's a pity that the traitor's condition is not very good now, his consciousness is intermittent, his lips are bloodless, and his breath is like a thread.

If it weren't for the mage to keep him, it would still be useful, even if he didn't hurt to death, he would bleed to death.

But that's all, being able to hold him breathless is Lu Wu's rare kindness.

Regardless of the lingering Pettigrew, the mage continued to throw another Horcrux, the ring of Marvolo Gaunt, into the cauldron.

Then, chant the mantra for the third time.

As the old soup in the crucible gradually boiled, after tens of seconds, Voldemort was successfully resurrected.

As if the scene was reappearing, the Dark Lord held his forehead intoxicated, and then Lu Wu used the portal to send him to a lake far away from Hogwarts and it.

After doing this, the mage sat on the stone with an empty vial, thinking about something.

The materials needed for the resurrection ceremony seem to be insufficient.

There are still two ribs, Pettigrew is still so dedicated, Horcruxes also have Slytherin lockets, but Harry Potter has run out of blood.

After all, he just let the little wizard fall and scratched his skin, and the blood he collected could complete three rituals, which was already unexpected.

Do you want to borrow some?

Just do what you said, Lu Wu got up and prepared to go back to Hogwarts to find Harry.

Unexpectedly, before he got out of the Forbidden Forest, he felt the breath of the little wizard.

And there's more than one, if I'm not mistaken, it's Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.

Even with Lu Wu's influence, the timeline of this world is still rolling forward according to inertia.

Although he didn't get the Horcrux "Riddle's Diary", Harry still became the heir's suspect because of the abnormal behavior of the spiders in the castle.

Transferred to Hagrid's pet, Aragog, the acromantula.

Harry was not the only one who had this idea, so the innocent Hagrid was reported, and the Minister of Magic personally brought someone to his door and took him away.

Before the attack is investigated, it is estimated that it will be difficult to come back.

Fortunately, for the sake of the mage and Dumbledore, Fudge did not send Hagrid to Azkaban as in the original plot without Lucius as a hindrance.

Harry, who heard the news, felt aggrieved for this kind and honest half-giant.

It is obvious that the acromantula Aragog was the one who did the harm, why did the Ministry of Magic take Hagrid away.

For this reason, the aggrieved little wizard is going to find the giant spider in the Forbidden Forest, trying to persuade it to admit its mistakes and save Hagrid.

Unexpectedly, there was a problem with the plan from the very beginning.

Hermione, who had just recovered from her half-human, half-cat state, was attacked in the library and was being treated at the school hospital.

Obviously, this little witch is hopeless.

And Harry's other friend, Ron, has also been talking about it these days.

Searching all over the world for his lost pet, Scabbers, who claims he has been kidnapped by weirdos.

Turned Hogwarts up and down over and over again, and didn't come back until late at night every day, and Harry felt bad for him when he was in a daze.

However, after returning without success several times, Ron seemed to accept this fact. Apart from being a little depressed, he finally returned to normal.

Of course, as long as you don't mention Banban in front of him.

At this point, Harry really had no choice but to go alone, but Ron was very loyal and wanted to go with him no matter what.

And this little red-haired pure-blood wizard is actually most afraid of spiders.

On the night of Hagrid's arrest, Harry and Ron sneaked out of Hogwarts Castle and followed a dense group of small spiders to the Forbidden Forest.

Not long after walking into the woods, I felt a sudden sharp pain from the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.

In pain, he threw away the lantern in his hand, hugged his head and kept shouting.

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