Starting from the heavens to perform the entire League of Legends

Chapter 121 Voldemort Resurrected and Tom Riddle Dead

"Okay, okay, I understand." Lu Wu waved his hand impatiently, signaling Pettigrew to stop.

His piercing voice gave me a headache.

Peter hurriedly shut up, not making any more noise.

Then, the mage shook the black notebook and asked casually, "How do you use this thing?"

Pettigrew was stunned, "You don't know anything, but you dare to come to resurrect the Dark Lord?"Where are you from?

But he didn't have the guts to ask the question, so he could only explain the process of casting the spell carefully.

After listening, Lu Wu put in two drops of Harry's blood as he said, and at the same time, pretended to be casual and asked: "Wormtail, Death Eater?"

"Are you willing to make a little sacrifice for your dear master?"

The betrayer instantly understood what the mage meant, and in a panic, he almost curled up into a ball.

But immediately, he seemed to understand something, gritted his teeth and said, "I am willing!"

Compared to losing one's life, missing a piece of meat is nothing!

As soon as Peter finished speaking, one of his hands broke off at the wrist, and he appeared in the boiling cauldron.

When the hot blood sprayed out more than a foot high, he didn't even realize what happened just now.

However, in the next second, heart-piercing screams broke the silence of the night.


Ignoring Pettigrew who was rolling all over the floor, the mage sitting on a rock stroked his beard and said thoughtfully: "Oh, I forgot, I still need a life!"

The ancient resurrection ceremony followed the principle of equivalent exchange, one life for one life, and if one wanted to resurrect Voldemort, one person had to die.

Peter, whose face was already covered with blood and mud, wanted to cry but had no tears at this moment, and kept cursing in his heart: "Fake! Fake! Fake!!!"

"You haven't prepared the materials needed for the ceremony, so what are you in a hurry for?"

But when the mage turned his gaze to him, Pettigrew immediately went cold all over, and passed out simply.

Lu Wu knew that he was pretending, so he comforted him: "Don't worry, you are still useful, and I won't kill you."

"Stay here well, the old mage will come back as soon as he goes."

After speaking, he got up and left.

Feeling the footsteps going further and further away, Pettigrew quietly opened his eyes a little bit, and then immediately jumped up from the ground.

Between life and death, Wormtail, who fully stimulated his potential, ran hundreds of meters away in just a few breaths.

Unexpectedly, just when he thought it was safe and was about to slow down, a clearing appeared not far ahead.

There was a fire in the middle of the clearing, and a familiar-looking cauldron stood on top of it...

When Lu Wu came back, Pettigrew was exhausted and slumped on the ground. No matter how he escaped just now, he would eventually return to this open space, this boiling cauldron.

"Didn't I tell you to stay here obediently?" Lu Wu threw a few eight-eyed spiders the size of a millstone on the ground and complained, "You are really disobedient."

At this time, Pettigrew didn't have the strength to say another word, he was lying on the ground like a dead dog, panting heavily with his tongue out.

And those eight-eyed spiders that were still alive and kicking found themselves free, and like Peter, they kicked up their eight slender legs and fled in a hurry.

But the result is the same, no matter how far you run, you will eventually return to the mage.

Pettigrew gloating, looked at these unlucky eight-eyed spiders, and immediately felt that he was not so tired, and couldn't help but pull an ugly smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, before he was happy for too long, the sudden death of the spider made his expression freeze instantly, returning to the half-dead look before.

On the other side, Lu Wu pressed his hand on "Riddle's Diary" and pulled it hard, and a broken soul inside was forcibly pulled out.

It is not entirely correct to say that it is incomplete, at least the appearance is complete.

This soul has a handsome face, a tall figure, and a head of thick black hair. Anyone who sees it will praise its beauty.

He was Voldemort 50 years ago and Tom Riddle when he was a student.

Tom, who was forcibly awakened, was at a loss, but when he saw the cauldron next to him, he seemed to understand something.

He floated in the air, looking down at the mage: "Are you my future subordinate?"

"You want to bring me back to life? Well done, save me from having to coax a little girl who doesn't understand anything."

There is no difference between Voldemort 50 years ago and 50 years later, with the same arrogance in his heart.

Unfortunately, the arrogance of the young Voldemort seemed a little ignorant.

He asked in an orderly tone, "How far has the ceremony progressed?"

Lu Wu didn't answer, but reached out and pulled Tom's soul out of the air, twisted it, rolled it into a ball, and threw it into the pot.

Immediately afterwards, he began to repeat the ancient incantation just now.

And Pettigrew, who was still lying on the ground and didn't dare to move, looked stupid, his heart, which was not big at first, almost jumped out of his chest now.

You dare to do this to the Dark Lord, aren't you afraid that he will kill you after he resurrects?

After the ancient mantra was recited, the night sky, which was still clear just now, was instantly covered with dark clouds.

The black-painted crucible suddenly ignited a raging fire.

In the flames of red gold, a strange mass of flesh and blood appeared indistinctly.

The flesh and blood are like an embryo, the surface is covered with a translucent film full of mucus, through which the powdery white body inside can be seen.

Then, the embryo became bigger and bigger, and the film on the surface gradually fell off, until it turned into a human.

A few seconds later, the body that was just like a mummy was filled up, and strips of black mist gathered around it, turning into a large robe.

Tom Riddle, who was still in the state of soul just now, has been resurrected.

The appearance is still so handsome, the skin is as smooth as a newborn baby, although there is no hair, but there is a nose.

Tom, who had been reborn, stroked his smooth head, breathed in the air he hadn't seen for a long time, and his face was full of intoxication.

But soon, that face became gloomy and terrifying.

He quickly turned around and walked towards the mage behind him: "You saved me, and I recognize your loyalty."

"You should have gained my trust, but you shouldn't have treated me like that just now!"

"Avada Kedavra!!!"

With Tom's roar, a frightening green light rushed towards the mage.

Although he didn't have a wand in his hand at this time, it didn't mean that he couldn't cast the Killing Curse, or that he couldn't kill people.

"The ignorant people are the most free." The mage sneered, raised his hand and wiped it lightly, and the terrifying killing curse was erased from the world, as if it had never appeared before.

Under the inconceivable gaze of his opponent, he clenched his open hand again.

Tom immediately felt as if he was being pressed by something, and his whole body shrank involuntarily. The newly grown bones collided with each other, making a crackling sound.

The unbearable pain distorted his handsome face.

Under the wailing, Voldemort, who had been revived for no more than 10 minutes, turned into a meaningless mass of flesh and blood again.

Pettigrew felt that he must be dreaming. He might not be able to see such a horrifying scene in this life plus the next life, plus the next life.

The Dark Lord, who made the entire wizarding world fearful, was crushed to death just like that?

But the mage seemed to have done a trivial thing, unhurriedly took out a crucible that was exactly the same as before from the scroll.

At the same time, there is another Horcrux-Ravenclaw's diadem.

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