Starting from the heavens to perform the entire League of Legends

Chapter 112 A Sincere Home Visit Please Subscribe! ! !

Falling in love with you, starting from the heavens to perform the League of Legends

As the richest pure-blood family, the Malfoy family has an extremely dignified and luxurious mansion in Wiltshire, England:

Malfoy Manor.

For nearly 1000 years, generations of the Malfoy family have lived in this manor.

After so many years of operation, it is enough to turn an ordinary house into the emperor's palace.

Outside the majestic castle, there are well-designed gardens surrounding it.

The pure white peacocks are strolling by the ornate fountain, and the exquisite wrought iron gate is surrounded by wonderful smoke.

The surrounding large tracts of land are full of greenery.

And everything within sight belongs to the glory of pure blood—Malfoy.

It's a pity that the tranquility of the millennium is about to be broken in today's sunny and cloudless day.

In the spacious courtyard, a huge circular portal was opened.

The intrusion of the uninvited guest disturbed the elves serving the Malfoy family, and at the same time disturbed the owner here.

The hostess of the manor, Narcissa Malfoy, was tending to her bedridden husband when she heard movement outside.

So he ordered a house-elf to check it out.

"What's going on outside, Narcissa?" Lucius was lying on the bed, speaking weakly, with a sickly pale face.

But it was not because of injury, but because of mental illness caused by fright.

The hostess shook her head: "I don't know, probably a wild animal broke into the yard, and I have already sent the elf to look."

"Oh." Lucius nodded lightly, like an old man dying.

At this time, a strong uneasiness suddenly rose in his heart, and he couldn't help worrying about his son, so he asked, "How is Draco these days?"

Narcissa saw that her husband was worried, so she sat by his bedside and comforted her, "He's fine, dear."

"The doctor said that he is still young, it is time to grow his body, and he needs to rest for a few days."

"After the bones grow back, they can be discharged from the hospital."

Lucius nodded again to show that he understood, but then said: "I want to go and see him, go and help me prepare clothes."

Said, struggling to get out of bed.

As a result, as soon as he got up, the hostess pushed him back on the bed: "Your current body is not as good as Draco's. Going to him at this time, isn't it intentional to make him worry?"

The proud pureblood suddenly realized that his current body was not as strong as a woman's.

Laughing self-deprecatingly, then turned his head to the window and stopped talking.

The husband and wife were silent for a long time, and finally Narcissa couldn't help it: "Lucius, tell me, what did you do when you went to Hogwarts yesterday!"

"Why did you become like this after you came back?"

Lucius still didn't speak, just looked out of the window in a daze.

Seeing his decadent appearance, Narcissa couldn't help being a little angry, she stood up and walked straight out of the bedroom.

At this moment, the elf who was sent out just now ran back and said out of breath:

"Master, ma'am, there is a purple-skinned weirdo outside."

"He said that Master Draco's teacher, named Ruiz, is coming to visit you two."

"Teacher?" After hearing this, the hostess subconsciously turned her gaze to her husband.

She hasn't had time to visit her son at Hogwarts this year, so she hasn't heard of any purple-skinned teachers.

Unexpectedly, Lucius, who was lying on the bed at this time, was shaking like chaff, trembling and unable to utter a complete sentence:

"No...don't see! I...I don't see anyone now!"

"Let him go!"

As a result, when the elf was about to run out to chase people away, he suddenly changed his mind.

"You take him to the living room and wait, just say we'll be there in a while."

Then he said to the hostess: "Come and help me change my clothes, I can't move now."

Narcissa realized that something was wrong, ignored her husband's request, and instead said to the elf who hadn't left yet: "Go to the Ministry of Magic and tell the manor that there was an attack."

"Let them send someone to rescue quickly!"

The little elf, who was confused about the situation, didn't know who to listen to for a while, so he had to stand where he was, staring blankly at the couple who had different opinions.

"Don't go soon!"

An angry roar from the hostess made it make a final decision, snapped its fingers immediately, and tried to use apparition to go to the Ministry of Magic.

Unexpectedly, after snapping his fingers, there was no effect.

The little elf who didn't believe in evil hit several times in a row, but found that he was still where he was.

Narcissa was very angry when she saw this, and shouted at it: "What are you doing? Why don't you go!"

But Lucius felt like falling into an ice cellar at this time, he knew that it was a good thing that person did.

At this moment, a purple body appeared in the air, accompanied by a playful voice: "You don't need to invite me, I can just come in by myself."

With two feet on the expensive carpet, the mage looked curiously at this luxurious bedroom.

Gorgeous furniture, gilded mirrors, and exquisite murals all reveal the wealth of the owner.

But he only took a few glances before turning his attention to the house elf next to him.

"Little guy, where are you going?"

The pure blood on the bed had already closed his eyes in despair, and the hostess took out her wand and pointed it at the intruder.

Only the elf was still snapping his fingers persistently.

The mage smiled, raised his hand, and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the little elf turned into fly ash from head to toe, and disappeared without a trace.

The frightened Narcissa began to scream, and the piercing sound made the mage frowned.

Then there was another snap of fingers, and the hostess fell to the ground.

Lucius opened his eyes and asked in disbelief, "What did you do!!!"

"Things between men should not involve women, are you right?" The mage walked to the bed, took a deep breath, and said intoxicated, "Ah, the smell of runes."

"It seems that I did not come to the wrong place."

The pure-blood wizard looked at the intruder who was getting closer, with a large amount of sweat secreting from his forehead.

"What rune? I don't understand what you're talking about!"

"Of course you don't understand." With a slight wave of the mage's hand, Lucius rolled off the bed and fell to the ground.

"Go and show me the place where you usually hide things."

Faced with the intruder's indifferent questioning, Lucius finally stiffened up at this moment, because he knew how many shady things there were in the place the mage mentioned.

If exposed, not only him, but the entire Malfoy family will die without a burial.

"You kill it, I won't say it!"

"En." Lu Wu raised his eyebrows and said lightly, "That's as you wish."

As soon as the words fell, Lucius Malfoy, the contemporary patriarch of the pure-blood family that has been passed down for thousands of years, lost his breath.

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