Starting from the heavens to perform the entire League of Legends

Chapter 111 Duel Invitation Letter Please Subscribe! ! !

Falling in love with you, starting from the heavens to perform the League of Legends

Time soon came to the second day.

After teaching a Defense Against the Dark Arts class to the seniors, Lu Wu began to wait for the Ministry of Magic to pick him up.

At this time, Gilderoy Lockhart, whom he had not seen for a long time, actually came to him.

Bringing the liar writer back to the office, Lu Wu made a pot of tea and poured him a cup at the same time.

This made Lockhart feel flattered and thanked him repeatedly.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me." The mage swallowed a sip of tea and asked casually.

I saw that Lockhart put down his teacup, and solemnly took out an invitation letter from his pocket.

"That's right, Professor Ruiz, in view of the school's situation during this time, in order to prevent the students from being attacked again."

"Principal Dumbledore allowed me to start this little dueling club."

"As for me, I would like to invite you to participate."

"You don't need to play in person, as long as you can guide the students a little, I will be very honored."

The mage took the invitation and flipped through it back and forth, and asked with great interest, "Why did you think of looking for me?"

Harold suddenly raised his voice and exaggeratedly said, "I can't do it without you, Professor Ruiz!"

"Who doesn't know at Hogwarts now, yesterday you alone defeated twelve wizards in a duel in a row."

"One of them, Lucius Malfoy, is still lying on the bed."

"If the Dueling Club doesn't have you, what's the point of holding it!"

After hearing this, Lu Wu was full of question marks, did he hit so many people yesterday?Isn't Lucius the only one?

Could it be that... someone wants to discredit him as a good guy?

So he asked, "Who told you?"

The acting personality of the liar writer started to show up, and he described it seriously: "Who else needs to tell me this?"

"Words are all over Hogwarts now!"

"Yesterday, many people saw those school directors fleeing with Lucius in a panic, completely different from their usual aloofness."

"Also, it is said..."

He wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by Lu Wu.

"Duel or something, did anyone see it?"

"No." Lockhart paused, and then argued again: "But it is said that many people heard screams and begging for mercy."

Hearing what he said, Lu Wu probably understood that this was just a rumor spread by people, but he didn't expect it to be so outrageous.

In such a tight place like the principal's office, how could someone outside hear the voice.

After figuring it out, the mage took a sip of hot tea and said slowly: "Okay, I see, I will go and see your duel club."

Seeing that he agreed, Lockhart was very happy: "Great! Looking forward to your visit!"

Then he was ready to leave very wisely.

The result was quickly stopped by Lu Wu: "By the way, when is the opening time? Where is the location?"

Lockhart, who turned around, wanted to say that it was written in the invitation letter, but when he saw the serious face of the mage, he immediately changed his words:

"Tonight at eight o'clock, the location is in the auditorium."

Lu Wu nodded clearly, and said lightly, "Understood, you can go."

"Alas." Lockhart felt relieved, and hurriedly nodded and left the office, as if he would be eaten by a terrible monster if he stayed longer.

After the liar writer left, the mage turned his used cup into powder with a wave of his hand.

Rest assured and wait for the people from the Ministry of Magic to come to your door.

At most ten minutes later, Professor McGonagall's voice sounded outside the door, accompanied by a knock on the door.

"Professor Ruiz, I'm McGonagall."

"There are people from the Ministry of Magic out there looking for you."

"Come in." Lu Wu sipped hot tea while flipping through the book, and did not forget to open the door.

The older cat girl is still dressed in the elegant dress of a noble lady, but the slightly flustered expression makes the overall look uncoordinated.

"Professor, people from the Ministry of Magic are not here to make trouble, are they?"

Yesterday at the school board meeting, because she had a class,

I wasn't there, so I don't know anything.

I thought the mage really singled out twelve school managers, and now the Ministry of Magic wants to arrest him and bring him back for questioning.

Although McGonagall still has some prejudices against him, but at least he is a colleague, so he is still a little worried about him.

"No." The mage closed the book, stood up and continued, "The Minister of Magic invited me to visit the Ministry of Magic."

"Minister of Magic... Cornelius Fudge!" McGonagall asked suspiciously, "Is it true?"

"Probably true." Lu Wu walked out the door and said indifferently.

The older cat girl was really anxious at this time: "Professor! You wait for a while, I will go to Dumbledore."

Lu Wu kept walking and said without looking back, "He knows I'm going to the Ministry of Magic."

Seeing the figure of the mage walking away, McGonagall thought twice, and decided to go to the white wizard to make sure.

At this time, the mage who had already walked out of the castle saw a black carriage in the open space outside.

Beside the wheels of the carriage, which were taller than people, stood a Ministry of Magic wizard wearing a bowler hat and dressed in black.

A large group of young wizards who had no class were discussing something curiously around the two carriages.

Soon, the mage understood why they were there.

Driving this carriage were four tall, skinny, black-bodied thestrals with the body of a dragon-headed horse and broad wings. uureading

This is a magical creature that can only be seen by people who have seen death.

Few of the little wizards could see this magical creature, but they were just curious, so they gathered there.

As for why Lu Wu can see it, there is no need to explain too much.

Whether it's him or the rune mage he plays, it can't be said that they are murderous, but they can also be called bloody debts.

Crossing the lush lawn in front of the castle, the mage came to the carriage.

The plants around Hogwarts seem to be doing especially well since he used the overgrowth rune.

Seeing him coming, the little wizards hurried out of the way, and all paid attention to him: "Hello, professor."

In those eyes, there is fear, excitement, excitement, but more worship.

"Hi, students." The mage responded politely one by one.

After all the greetings, I talked to the wizard of the Ministry of Magic.

"Did Secretary Fudge send you here?"

"Yes, Mr. Ruiz." The wizard took off his top hat and bowed slightly: "Minister Fudge asked me to pick you up."

"Then let's go." The mage didn't intend to talk too much, and boarded the carriage very simply.

Seeing this, the wizard hurriedly put on his top hat and got into the driver's seat in front of the carriage.

After grabbing the reins, he shouted, "Drive!"

Suddenly a strong wind blew up on the empty lawn, it was the Thestral flapping its huge wings.

The huge momentum scared the little wizards present back again and again.

After a run-up for a certain distance, the carriage rose into the air and flew towards the Ministry of Magic.

After flying for about a few minutes, Lu Wu saw that the time was ripe, and without the knowledge of the driving wizard, he opened a portal and left the carriage.

At the same time, leave an illusion of him in the carriage.

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