Chief Chinese Medicine

Chapter 436 The teaching attitude of pennies and bucks

"Emperor said: "The numbness is a disease, why is it not painful?" Qi Bo said: "Blurredness lies in the bones and it is heavy; it lies in the veins and the blood coagulates and does not flow; it lies in the tendons and does not stretch; it lies in the flesh and it is inhumane; it lies in the skin and it becomes cold." Therefore, the five are painless, and for all numbness and the like, when it is cold, it will cause insects, and when it is hot, it will be vertical.”

"The Emperor said: Good!"

Tu Songjun recited it for 10 minutes. He was very thirsty, his lips were dry, and he didn't dare to make any mistakes, lest he be punished by Jiang Fei.

Now after he finished reciting, there was a smug look on his face, and he wanted Jiang Fei to praise him.

After all, after reciting for 10 minutes, I have memorized thousands of words.

Isn't that enough to be praised?

However, Jiang Fei hooked his hand and signaled to Tu Songjun: "Put out your palm!"

"Teacher, I'm right!" Tu Songjun became impatient, he had recited this passage countless times, how could he be wrong?

Jiang Fei handed the "Huangdi Neijing" to Tu Songjun with a blank face, and said at the same time: "The article is almost at the end, you memorized it wrong."

"Actually, it is because the skin is cold, so if you have these five things, it will not hurt, not because you recited it, so the five things will not hurt."

"So be punished!"

Jiang Fei unceremoniously pulled out Tu Songjun's left hand. Since he didn't have a pointer or ruler, he hit Tu Songjun's palm with his own hand.

Tu Songjun only felt his palms go numb, and immediately grinned.

He opened the No.12 volume of Bi Lun, and sure enough, he made a mistake...

But he still refused to accept it.

"It's no big deal if the word is wrong, and it doesn't affect the content."

Tu Songjun tried to argue, but he didn't dare to look Jiang Fei directly.

Because Jiang Fei's face was ugly at the moment, it made his scalp tingle.

"If you learn everything, it's okay to make a wrong word, and it's no big deal if you make a wrong word. If this mentality continues, when you finish learning the vast sea of ​​books, how many mistakes will you make?"

"And it may not be important to be wrong today, but if this kind of thinking and mentality continues, you will miss a word in the future, but the meaning of the original text will change, then the patient will be harmed, not yourself!"

"It's all about pennies and pennies, and that's how I teach."

"If you don't understand, don't agree, then don't worship me as a teacher, buy a ticket and go back to your Songjiang area at noon!"

Jiang Fei flicked his sleeves, snorted coldly, and refused to look at Tu Songjun.

Tu Songjun was terrified, and knelt down with a pale face.

"Teacher, I was wrong. I will never have such lazy thoughts again. Don't drive me away. I must learn Chinese medicine well."

Tu Songjun was really terrified, if he was driven back before he was apprenticed to his teacher, he would regret it.

Of course, Jiang Fei didn't want to really drive him back, but just used this method to let him remember that it's an academic attitude, and you can't just ignore a word that doesn't affect the content.

"Get up, I will forgive you this time, and there will be no next time."

Jiang Fei waved his hand, signaling Tu Songjun to get up.

Seeing that Jiang Fei had forgiven himself, Tu Songjun showed a smile on his face, and immediately stood up and patted his knees.

He was going to apprentice Jiang Fei in less than five hours, and he really didn't want to go back to the Songjiang area before apprenticeship.

In that case, he will really regret it for the rest of his life.

"You have recited Psalm 43 of Bi Lun. If you have any understanding, please tell me."

Jiang Fei continued to ask him, asking for specific understanding.

Of course, rote memorization is not the goal, the goal is to recite the content, coupled with a correct understanding, so that you can truly master the paralysis chapter of the "Huangdi Neijing".

It can be said that the content of the original text is like a bridge. Through this bridge, two places can be communicated. The .asxs. of the bridge is ordinary people, and the end point is Chinese medicine.

This is what it means to study Chinese medicine.

"Teacher, that's how I understand it."

"The numbness in the "Huangdi Neijing" is a big concept, not a simple understanding of paralysis. It is just one of them."

"As mentioned at the beginning of the original text, arthralgia is related to the three evils of wind, cold and dampness."

"According to the cause, it can be divided into three types. Wind predominates cause paralysis of movement, predominance of cold causes pain paralysis, and predominance of dampness causes paralysis, that is, paralysis."

"In the first part of the original text, if it is classified according to the five seasons and the affected parts, it is tendon paralysis in spring, pulse paralysis in summer, muscle paralysis in long summer, skin paralysis in autumn, and bone paralysis in winter."

"In the latter part of the original text, if the above categories are classified according to the penetration of pathogenic factors or the penetration of evil qi, they can also be classified into liver obstruction, heart obstruction, spleen obstruction, lung obstruction, kidney obstruction, intestinal obstruction, and cell obstruction."

"That's how I understand it."

Tu Songjun explained the understanding of the Bi Lun chapter by item by item.

Jiang Fei nodded, the apprentice understood correctly, this is the true meaning of the Bi Lun Pian.

But Tu Songjun's understanding is only in writing, that is to say, it is no different from ordinary college students, and they all understand it in this way.

The key is how you deal with these types of arthralgia, what medicine to use, and how to deal with them. This is the key of the key.

This is the difference between written understanding and actual clinical application.

"Gout is one of the three types of wind numbness and wind-cold dampness."

"If the gout is severe and causes redness and swelling, you must not interpret it as heat syndrome, because Qi Bo said it is cold dampness."

"So in the face of red, swollen gout, don't use cold medicine, it will make the gout more and more serious."

"Heat medicine must be used, so we use aconitum medicine, which is the focus of our Shanghan school."

Jiang Fei opened his mouth and told Tu Songjun the deeper things. This is knowledge that no money can buy.

"Don't shrink back when you hear Aconitum aconitum, this is not the attitude of a mature doctor."

"That's right, aconitum aconitum is indeed poisonous, but it depends on your clinical dialectics and clinical compatibility. If the symptoms are correct, it will not be poisonous."

"Look at the many patients I have seen before, the used aconite is at least a few kilograms, right? Have you seen any signs of poisoning?"

Tu Songjun shook his head: "No, you have cured them all."

He saw with his own eyes that the pregnant woman who was bleeding heavily drank the soup boiled with aconite and immediately came back to life. It was like watching a miracle.

This is the miracle of Chinese medicine, and this is the power of Chinese medicine.

Jiang Fei's ability to do this is based on his personal courage, but courage corresponds to real materials.

Only Chinese medicine practitioners with real skills dare to use it like this.

"In addition, if the joint pain is severe, it means that dampness prevails. At this time, it is necessary to remove dampness and relieve pain."

"If the joint pain is very severe, but it is severe and slow, it means that the cold is prevailing, so the medicine for the cold needs to be prescribed more heavily."

"See the cause, analyze the syndrome, and analyze the specific problem in detail. In this way, it is not so difficult to face the disease."


Jiang Fei told Tu Songjun his deep understanding little by little, letting him understand and digest.

Before he knew it, Jiang Fei had already talked for three or four hours.

Tu Songjun has changed from surprise to shock at the beginning, and is now numb.

He could not have imagined that there were so many truths and so many hidden knowledge in the original Bi Lun, including clinical prescription, analysis, pulse condition, etc., which can be described as extremely mixed.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon, and the pendulum clock was ringing non-stop.

At this time, Jiang Fei also felt very thirsty. Anyone who talked for hours without stopping would get thirsty.

Tu Songjun no longer stood in front of Jiang Fei, but sat on the other side of the bed, holding his red leather notebook, and wrote down Jiang Fei's words word by word.

If it is said that the content of these few hours can be understood and digested just by listening, it is simply nonsense.

So he needs to write it down, and then work hard to understand and remember.

When Jiang Fei asks him to practice when he encounters a patient with arthralgia in the future, this will be a real teaching, knowledge + understanding + strengthening + clinical practice.

Tu Songjun's head hurts a little at the moment, he finally understands Tang Monk's chanting and Monkey King's feeling.

He listened to the content of Bizheng for several hours, and it really gave him a headache.

"Drink some water, teacher."

He quickly stood up, picked up the thermos and poured Jiang Fei a glass of water.

Although it is warm, the water inside is warm, not hot.

Jiang Fei picked up the enamel tea mug and drank a few big gulps until the feeling of thirst gradually disappeared.

The old-fashioned way of mentoring apprentices is very tiring. It can be said that the basic necessities of the apprentices must be taken into consideration, as well as teaching and giving the apprentices opportunities to practice.

It is precisely because of this method that we can bring out the real Chinese medicine, the anti-fighting Chinese medicine.

If Jiang Fei was not from a family of Chinese medicine in his previous life, and he hadn't been taught "like this" by his grandfather, it would be impossible for him to have such a high level now.

"You have almost remembered, let's go here first."

Jiang Fei waved his hand at Tu Songjun, and that's all for this article on Fengbi.

Tu Songjun really wanted to shout that that's great, but he was afraid of angering Jiang Fei, so he immediately shut up.

At this moment, footsteps came from the corridor, and the footsteps were getting closer.

dong dong...

There was a knock on the door, and a young man's voice came from the outer door.

"Is Jiang Fei here?"

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