Chief Chinese Medicine

Chapter 435 Examination Homework

Jiang Fei talked with Wu Qiming for a long time before leaving his home.

The old lady Qu Guifang in the living room asked him to stay for lunch, but Jiang Fei naturally didn't do it.

Grandpa now has his own new family, even if he is his own grandson, it is not good for him to stay in this family.

So she declined Qu Guifang's kindness and left on a bicycle.

I remember the way, how I got here when I came, and when I go back, I will naturally go back the same way.

Half an hour later, Jiang Fei rode his bicycle back to the guest house in front of the station.

He stood at the door of the guest house, looking up at the blue sky above his head, the big sun hanging high, and the body temperature of [-] degrees, which made him always understand that the experience just now was not a dream.

Especially the bulging pockets in his two waist pockets, but money and food stamps.

Grandpa Jiang Lianhai settled down in Beichun City, changed his name, and married Chen Xihe's cousin, Qu Guifang, as his wife. He was also Chen Xihe's personal health care doctor.

It took another ten years to gain a good reputation in Beichun Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and even became the honorary vice president of the hospital.

So according to the current understanding, grandpa is already a famous doctor, at least in the provincial capital, and also in the province.

Jiang Fei still remembered that when he left Wu Qiming's study just now, he told himself that he would also attend Tang Shizhong's acceptance ceremony tonight because he was also invited to attend.

Those who were able to attend the apprenticeship ceremony of Mr. Tang were naturally big figures in the Chinese medicine field.

Grandpa's medical skills are really not low. After all, if the medical skills are too low, it is impossible to become Chen Xihe's personal health doctor, and it is impossible to make a great name in Beichun Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

In this way, his medical skills are not so obtrusive.

In the worst case, I will push it on my grandfather, saying that I have learned a lot from my grandfather since I was a child, which is actually true.

The original owner had studied Chinese medicine with Jiang Lianhai since he was a child, and he had laid a good foundation.

It's a pity that the original owner's mentality was not good. After getting sick, he began to give up on himself, and even beat Song Caiwei after marriage.

"Teacher? What are you doing here? Looking at the sun? Want to sneeze?"

Jiang Fei raised his head and stared at the big sun, and even squinted his eyes, which made Tu Songjun feel a little confused.

As soon as he came out of the guest house, he saw Jiang Fei like this, so he asked this question.

And the only reason why Jiang Fei can't stop staring at the sun is that he wants to sneeze, but he can't, so he just looks at the sun.

Watching solar energy sneezes is an experience that has been tried and passed down from generation to generation, regardless of scientific principles.

"I'm looking at Chang'e, okay? Why do you have so many questions?"

Jiang Fei withdrew his gaze, glanced at Tu Songjun who was standing behind him, opened his mouth angrily, and then walked into the guest house.

After walking two steps, he turned around and looked at Tu Songjun again, showing a smile: "You came in too, it's been a long time since you checked your homework."

"Come on, good apprentice."

Jiang Fei waved his hand towards Tu Songjun with a smile on his face, but it made Tu Songjun shudder. It was already around [-] degrees outside, but for him, it was very cold.

He didn't forget that before Jiang Fei checked his homework and studied the knowledge in the "Huangdi Neijing", just because he had made a few mistakes, he directly took a thick pointer and slapped him hard on the palms a few times.

The pain and sourness of that moment is simply inhumane.

Now Jiang Fei suddenly smiled at him, asking him about his homework, which naturally made him tremble.

He wanted to find an excuse with Jiang Fei, but Jiang Fei turned around and entered the guest house.

In desperation, Tu Songjun could only follow in with a bitter expression, but regretted making fun of Jiang Fei just now.

Is it over now?The unlucky one is still himself.

Who let others be the teacher and you are the apprentice...

After Jiang Fei entered the room, he sat on the head of the bed and stared at Tu Songjun as he entered.

After Tu Songjun came in, he pointed to the "Huangdi Neijing" on the bedside

Tu Songjun quickly picked up the book and handed it to Jiang Fei, and then he stood about two meters away from Jiang Fei more naturally, with his hands behind his back, quite like a primary school student being punished to stand by his teacher.

In fact, Tu Songjun is 27 years old this year, a full five years older than Jiang Fei.

But Jiang Fei is his teacher, and will soon become a real master in Chinese medicine.

After the ceremony of Jiang Fei's apprenticeship with Tang Shizhong was over, it was the ceremony for Tu Songjun to worship Jiang Fei as his teacher.

It can be said that both the master and the apprentice have to pay homage to the master on this day and accept the testimony of many guests.

"Volume Twelve, Bi Lun Chapter No.40 Three, recite it!"

After Jiang Fei looked around the table of contents of "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic", he chose the content of the chapter on Bi Lun.

Because the last time Tu Songjun was asked, it was just before the chapter on Bi Lun.

This time, it is natural to continue the test to see how well Tu Songjun recited and whether it is solid.

He followed the oldest way of mentoring apprentices, beat and scolded if he didn't know it, and didn't praise him if he knew it, but let Tu Songjun feel his pulse.

In fact, after more than two months of education, Tu Songjun has figured out Jiang Fei's temperament.

He jokes casually in normal times, and he can get along with Jiang Fei as a buddy.

But once it comes to Chinese medicine, there must be no playfulness, otherwise it will definitely be bad luck.

He didn't know it before, so he angered Jiang Fei, causing Jiang Fei to slap him ten palms, and fined him to copy three hundred times, the hot topic in Juan Nine.

This is Jiang Fei's way of leading apprentices. Once it is exposed in later generations, there will definitely be countless keyboard warriors who will be angry and meddling in their own business.

But in the past, all the good Chinese medicine practitioners were brought out in this way. How could they become talents without going through hardships?

Just those years in college?A set of theoretical knowledge to learn?Not at all combined with practice.

What's more, there are many problems in the teaching materials of later generations, which are completely mixed in Western medicine and mixed with sand in Chinese medicine.

What Jiang Fei is teaching is the original traditional Chinese medicine, and this teaching method is also the way his grandfather taught him in his previous life.

It is only natural for a master to beat an apprentice, even if you kill him, you are useless.

Of course, this is definitely wrong, this is the old traditional thinking, and if you kill someone, you will pay with your life.

But if you don't know how to beat you, you can't blame the master for being cruel. It's because you didn't do your best, so you should beat me.

Even in Journey to the West, Sun Wukong was beaten in the palm of his hand when he apprenticed to Bodhi Patriarch, let alone ordinary mortals.

Tu Songjun brewed in his mind for about 2 minutes, summarized the content, and then recited it to Jiang Fei.

Jiang Fei was not in a hurry, he closed the "Huangdi Neijing" and put it aside, waiting for Tu Songjun to recite it.

Tu Songjun was not surprised to see Jiang Fei put the book aside.

The first time he memorized something wrong, Jiang Fei pointed out the mistake without even reading the book. He still didn't believe it, but he opened the book and read, hey, it was accurate.

From that time on, he never dared to underestimate this young master, he really remembered it firmly in his mind.

The so-called expert is a teacher, and a model for others, Jiang Fei has done it.

"Yellow Emperor asked: What is the safety of numbness? Qibo said to him: Wind, cold and dampness are mixed together, and together they form numbness."

"Where the air prevails is the paralysis of movement, if the cold air prevails it is the numbness of pain, and if the dampness prevails it is the numbness."


"Where numbness affects the five viscera, lung numbness, dyspnea and vomiting, heart numbness, pulse blockage, annoyance makes the heart swell..."

Tu Songjun was still reciting, and he had already recited for more than ten minutes.

He memorized it out word by word.

At this moment, his eyes were much brighter than usual.

And the only sound left in the room was his recitation.

The sun shone on him, and his clothes shone brightly.

He has a confident face, and he is not nervous at all when reciting.

Jiang Fei was silent.

He just closed his eyes and listened to what Tu Songjun said on his back.

From the beginning to the present, there has not been a single mistake or omission.

This made the corners of his mouth slightly curved.

Who said that this old way of education can't be successful?I slapped Tu Songjun's palm several times, and punished me for writing the contents of the scriptures.

It now appears that the effect is immediate.

Of course, rote memorization is not enough, after Tu Songjun finished memorizing, he had to talk about his personal understanding.

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