World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 366 Counterattack

Sanheizi, Feng Wanlin and Crazy Chong actually set off more than an hour earlier than us.

Following Bian Wu's instructions, they arrived at the small river below the Eastern Han Dynasty tomb to hide in advance.

We went up the mountain, and the three waves of tomb robbers went up the mountain just now. In fact, they all saw it.

It means that they are another peripheral guarantee for our dumpling-making plan.

They are not only responsible for supporting us outside, but also prevent fish from slipping through the net when we are fighting with the old manager and others.

The previous plan was to let them send me a message immediately after they saw the old manager's people entering the encirclement, so that I could prepare in advance.

San Heizi has always been very cautious in doing things, but now he didn't send a message, but chose to call directly.

Obviously something unusual happened!

I couldn't control that much anymore, so I picked it up immediately.

San Heizi's tone was very anxious: "Boss, we are surrounded by counterattacks!"

"Just now I saw more than a dozen people, all of them were armed. We used the night vision binoculars to look at them. The madman said that he knew one of them. He was a martial arts expert from another stronghold of the old manager. He confirmed that these people belonged to the old manager. .”

"I thought they would pass by our ambush point and go to the cemetery to grab the piano, but they stationed at the col entrance more than a hundred meters away from us and surrounded the exit."

"Before we surveyed the terrain with Brother Wu, the tomb of the Eastern Han Dynasty is actually under three steep walls. If we want to go out, it is impossible to climb the steep wall and go out. We can only go back the same way, and the way back must go through that awkward mouth! Now what? manage?!"

My brain is buzzing.

I have been thinking about setting fire to myself before, attracting tomb robbers and old managers, letting them enter the tomb to snatch the fake piano, and take advantage of the chaos. We will wrap them outside the tomb as the first layer of dumpling wrappers, and San Heizi and others will be the second layer. Wrap the dumpling skin again.

Since we hadn't been here before, the plan was rushed.

I have never considered the special situation that the tomb of the Eastern Han Dynasty is surrounded by mountains on three sides.

The old manager had been here once, and he knew the terrain very well, and made full use of the characteristics of the terrain. Not only did he not enter the tomb, but he did the opposite. He simply pinched the outermost bayonet and completely surrounded us.

just now.

He became a dumpling wrapper.

We poured it into dumpling stuffing!

The first layer of stuffing is a few waves of tomb robbers in the cemetery, the second layer of stuffing is us, and the third layer of stuffing is Sanheizi and others.

The old manager's team was guarding the outermost col.

No matter who takes the qin out, they have to go through the col, and they can take it in one fell swoop, and everyone can't fly.

I went back and forth with the old manager this time.

Very much like playing Go.

I put a lot of pockets around him, thinking that it would be safe, but in the end, he made a clever move to counter the encirclement, making all my previous arrangements useless.

This is the old manager!

An old fox with thousands of gullies in his chest!

"Boss, what are you talking about now?!"

San Heizi said anxiously.

I took a deep breath: "Stay where you are, don't be discovered by them, we'll come and join you right away!"

San Heizi replied, "Okay!"

Hang up.

Seeing that the thick smoke at the entrance of the robbery cave had dissipated, I turned my head and said to Bian Wu, Fatty Xiao, and Xiao Zhu, "We must go down to the tomb quickly, with two goals. First, take out the old violin intact. Second. Second, let the Yellow Mountain Mouse and the three waves of tomb robbers faint in the cemetery, and don't let them disrupt my next plan!"

After speaking.

I took the lead and ran down.

The corridor is very wide.

The cave wall is made of big bluestone.

But not long.

Twenty meters away.

Before the people entered, they heard the sound of shouting and fighting inside.


Our vision is wide open.

The main tomb chamber is circular, sinking about three or four meters lower than the corridor, and there are steep steps around it.

This is a unique form of sunken tombs in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Words are not easy to describe.

Anyway, it is similar to the fact that we are standing on the stands of a football field, and the field below is the main tomb.

The flashlight shone into the main tomb.

Faqiu Tianguan and Luhuo gang are fighting each other, it's a pity.

But there were many people who sold out, and they were more vicious, so they had the upper hand.

And the two mountain-moving Taoists were lying on the ground, bleeding all over their bodies, and they couldn't move.

The few of us didn't walk up the steps, we jumped down like gods.

When they saw us, they were dumbfounded at first, but they didn't dare to calm down and continued to fight.

Turning his head upside down and cursing, "Grandma's, here comes another batch!"

"Third and fourth, those two guys are lying on the ground and can't move, you still beat him! Hurry up and say hello to the new friend!"

When the two heard this, they immediately withdrew, each picked up a crossbow, and aimed at us.

Xiaozhu is extremely beautiful, and the two kicked the crossbow away.

Fatty Xiao yelled loudly, if a tiger came down the mountain, he would punch one by one, knocking the gang of strippers to the ground.

The guy even took a bite to the ground: "The mob!"

After speaking.

Fatty Xiao began to wrestle their wrists and ankles, dislocating them all, and there were bursts of wailing.

It's not that the goods are sold out.

It's that they are in a tug-of-war, and they are suddenly attacked by us, and anyone will fall.

Bian Wu went to find the Yellow Mountain Mouse.

The few Faqiu Tianguan who had been emptied of everything, looked very happy, and said: "Masters, thank you for saving me..."

My fingers turned into knives, and I swung them around their necks one by one. Before they could scream, they all fell to the ground.

Bian Wu searched around for the Yellow Mountain Rat but couldn't find it, so he hurried back and said anxiously, "The man is gone!"

I was also in a hurry, and I searched around, but it was indeed missing.

I shouted: "Huangshan rat, do you want an antidote?!"

The voice just fell.

I only heard the sound of "clank clank..." from the ear room next to it.

This is the sound of the piano!

We ran quickly to the sound of the piano.

When I arrived at an ear room, I saw a pile of stones collapsed, as if someone was there.

Fatty Xiao went over and pulled the stone away.

Seeing Huangshanshu holding the piano, trembling all over, looking at us in horror.

There was also a stench of excrement in the air.

This guy is so scared that he is incontinent.

I brought the violin over.

Fatty Xiao slapped the Yellow Mountain Mouse unconscious.

We are getting ready to leave the tomb.

But Xiaozhu seemed to have thought of something, and ran back to Huangshanshu, searched his pocket, and finally found the 6000 yuan we gave Huangshanshu before.

Xiaozhu said: "This is our money, we can't give him a penny!"

Several people left the tomb quickly.

We shuttled through the woods.

Soon they arrived at the place where Sanheizi and others were ambushing.

When they saw us coming, they kept silent and waited nervously for my arrangement.

I took the night vision binoculars and looked out.

More than 100 meters away.

More than a dozen people have surrounded the col tightly.

Judging from their fighting posture.

They are all masters at home training!

I said to them: "They are all people like Yu Feng. You can't fight head-on, but you can't let the old manager run away!"

"Now I will be the needle to pierce the dumpling skin, and you will counterattack!"

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